Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

The Poor Students Library. 20· Of Antiquities, Rvji111t! Rom. Antiquit. Godwiu, Se/den de diiJ SyrU, &c. Fcrr.trii LcxicJn. X V. Of Church Hiflory: 7ofeplnu., Eufebitu, Ruffimu 7'ripzrtite, above all SncratcJ a-nd Snzrmun, Oroji~H, Sulpititt~ Severlt!, 1'beodoret, ViDor 'l.Jticenftr, Brd<J, Jacobru a Vitri.JcJ, Nicepborlu Caflijf. P/a– tina & f.tliJJfoniM d~ vitU Pontif. Abbar VrfP.erg,mfu, Sleidrm, Micr.elim. Gentii Hift. Jud. A1ol.:~ni !l'l~rt)•rolog. CJarks MtJrtyrol. J:lottingrr, lllyrici Catalog:u Trj1ium Veritat~11 or Morneyt M)'{ferie of lni– qttity. Perin and MorlandJ H1fiory of Piedmont, and the f?aldenfr;, Hijlor. Ptr{ecut. Bohrm. ScHltcti Annalei, & cuPriculum 'Z!ittt {u.t : Knoxu and Spotfwood Hift. Scat. Rrgo:volftia Hijf. Ecc!. Sclavon. Vjlnrs Primordia Ecclef. Britt. Par~crs AntiquitateJ Ecclcf. Britt. Ivlclchior Adami Vit.e Tbeoloz.. Medi· ~orum, Jmis Co"{ult. & Pbilo[oph. Germa;r. FuUers Church Hiftory, Clark,.r Livu; mmy parricuilr Lives as Jewtlls by Dr. H•n,phrey, Mr. ]of. AUcns, &c. Boltons, &c. Alfo read the Epin!es of Me– lanl1bon, C:Jivi11, Brza, Saravia. X VI. Of Medicine, Scudy no more. than fuch as Horftiur de Sauit:ttc Stttdioforum tuend.1, r.:r Fol– linus or Grateroi~M, or an Herbal, exctpt you can go quite through with it; ld1 by a halt skill you ~ill your felf or others: But take I· Sufficient excrcife ad Sudorem, ( aliqtundo l.Jrf!.i.lrtm, in habitu fcrofo vel pituitofo ). 2· Temperance: 3· A pleafed contented mind. 4· \V.mmh and avoiding in– ward and outward card: 5· And experience for your befl Phyfick; and meddle with no more wirh– out ncceffity, and the advice of a ve.ry able e:iperic:nced man. X V11. OfPoliricks, and Civil Law, and Erhicks, read Br[11Jdu,j, TPilJiur, Da1u:u, Frago{o d.: Reg. Rrp. l\(lr. Lawfons Theological Works, .Angeliu1, .Or. Z1uch, Grotim de Jure Bclii, M~njingcrs lnflitut. WcfinbechiuJ, Calvim Lexicon, Eu,'f,chili$ Etbick._s and Ptmb/o. XVIII. For McthodsofDivinity, read PauM his Edit. of Vrji1tC, 1'relcatiur, Amcfii Nled~,o~~, Mufculi Loci Communes, Dr.TuUy, GttiTg• SolmiuJ, 1ze~edints Ttrbln, Calvins biflitutiom, or Co/v.. loniM abbreviation of him, Lawfons1'htopolitica, Jf'ollebius, Cluto's Id.e.J Tbeol. ,. X 't X Theological Difputations and Treatifes which I take to be extraordinary clear and found, cfc~ping the extreams which many err in, and opening the Reconciling truth: Str{lngiM, Le BJ,mku Thefes, Mr.1rumanl three ·Books, Grotius' de Satii[.JDionc : "BradfhJ~ of Juflificati6n, Gibbons Sermon of Juflification, Hotcbk..,U ofForgivenefi of Sin: All D.1vwantr Works, C.Jmtro's Works, Tc{lardtu de Natura & Gratia: All Jofue Plac.tus works; Thefo Salrmtricnfcs, Amyr::ld 1"', Johan. Bergius, Conrad. Btrgittf, Ludovic. Crocii Syntag. Thcolog. SyJUJd, Dart, efpccially ~be Britijh and Srtme Divines i1J Suffrag. Janfenii AuguftinM, all Augujline, Profprr and F:dy,ottiu;,. Mu[cu/i1./Jci Communu, Dal!ttUf dc.Rcdt;t1p· Jf/ottou de Reconcil. Gattak,.cr, J..YoMbridJ,t of ],f/iffct.~tion, StiUjn~· fleet, VjhtN A.nfwer to the ]cfuites Challenge, and his Notes de Rtdcmpt. Vniuerf. JY. Fermtr, R.nb. Baroni:u dt Pcccato !tlort. & Ven. Dr. Prcfton, 'ff/h;ttlij, VuJ!ii. 'I/Jtfu, INDVtgeu Dtc.Jdts, Rob. Abbot. ) X x. Commcntitors ( be£ides thf forenamed A1JnotaJiQ)u) ~z.a, e, ..... Pifcatgr, Ju~tii & Trcmeliii .Annot. Dr. Hammond, Grotilt! in Evang. Ca/vin, efpecia!ly in Nuv. 1tJf. or Marl(}rates CoUtllio1t on Gpt._Pfal. lfai• •& N. Tejf. whic~l comaineth Cal.z.'iJI ~ith othe(S : Mr. Pools a~itickJ, .Ainfworth, J\1v«frus, IViUtt, Par~ut, Ml{[wlto, Lyra, B,ii:u, ].1nj{nius, ChtmlfitiM Harm. Mr. Cradoclz.! ~rm. 1t1al~~tate, Lori111flp, Dixfim, l.futchinfim, ~rujiM, Pic/JffcUi ~qp,ufcula. x X 1. Sp;h as open fome!jiud,1exts only,. and /{r,;01tcil! \tcl)ling contradicriRn.S: 1b", Spatt,hernii Dubii' )I.tang~lica: .Magrii. CfJnciliat. SiJarpii Symphoni::, Bertra~l, Bntgcn{tJ.., AJb<J: 1Ycl– .,her. Lydiu;; Gatf~ri ~h;mu ~ ali.~t: Rich::rdfpn~ Camcro,~ Myrot/Jcc. wah Lud. C:aJcUus; CrJ)HS, Broughton, Hclnflm, !iic. FuU£rs Mi[ccUan. Gregory, JJought).'ts 4J1(JldJ.a. Dieterici Antiq. Bibiic.e, Caninii Difqu. SttietrJH, Boiu, Mtdes,Works, 1-Peer;n{e, Booui, Scultcti Jixcrcitationu. . • \;. • r X x 11. Hdps to und<rfia~d the ~cr1ptu!es: Jirougl>lens Confrvt ofSc<iptHr~, 'l/f/m of the Sip· luagint, &c. IUirici CJavU Script~r~, The forcfaid Trtatifi:s or Cujloms; iill ~och(lttus (. Gert1,rapb. & de AnimalibtiJ) .Brierwaods Enqumu, Buxtorf de Synag. Jud. Cu~.tus , Stg,onzus & StEpb. Nlrno – chiuJ de Repub. Hebr. Sixt. Amama, Eufeb. Nirembergius de Aruiq. Script:tr".e, the Polyglott Bibles va~ rious Verfions, Rav:meUur. • X X Ill. For defence of the Chriflian faith againll Atheills and Infidels, Hier. Savon{l'ola, Van– Jer Meu/in, StiUi~tgjlttts Orig. Script. Gr9tiut de Verit- Rei. Chrijf~.Jylorney, Camcrq de Verba Dei, Mi– crelii f.t~!lppbron. Lofl· VivtJ, Mt~rji/. Fici1JUS cum -NotU Lud. Crocij ,; Dr. JaG~sons Truth r{ Script. CampaneUa's Atbeifimts1riumphatllf, Leffius, TYadiUfworth of the Immortality of the Soul, !'>ir Ch.J1t~· Woljiley agai•J! Athei[m, Aut Dtus aHt Nihil, b<fides abundance of thl fatcers, ' ]oh!' Goodnoin of Scriptures. ,, XXIV. Ca'es