Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

The Poor Studetlts Library. Contr. Gata~r:r, B.JUof the Covcm.nt, Anth. Burges, All the Writers of Jufi ificHion before praif4 cd 9· 18. Wcid1 Hijlor. of Auflin. 6. About lniant Baptifin: Cont. Tomba, B/,zc'<_rvood, Fijher. Pro. CIJurciJ, Nlur(lull, TPbijlon, Blakf. 7· Of rhc:: Lords 0Jy, or Cluifiian Sabbath : Cont. Ironjide, HrJ•liJt, 1Jock]ingtou, Franc. TJThitt, B,icrwood, BrJad. Pro. Dr. Yottng, Eaton, Cawdri) 6.. Palmer, Dr.1wiffi, Hug/us, Sprint, Dr. O:ven, Mr. Gcorgt A[bot, Sh<phard. 8. Of Diocefane Prtlacy: Conr. Cartwrigbt, <;aldrrw~odJ Alt~re Damafctnum, Rob. Parker Je Po– Jit. Ecclef Bcza, Gerfnn, Bucer1 Diffirt. de Gubem. Ecclrf. Baines Dio,eflmes "J.'ryat, B/(mdel dt Epi[c.& PrcJbyt. SalmtljiuJ, Smtllymnwu. Pro. Pct11vizu, Sar.;zi:z, GtCir. DowHamt, Bi/fon, Hoolvr, 1-Pbitgijt, Or. 1-lammond. 9· Of the rd\ of the Eng\i{h Conformity, Lirurgy and Ceremonies, Pro. Dr. John B:,gn, J?hit– giji, Honk._er, Spri,JIJ NeccOuy rf Conformity in cajt cf Deprivation, Paybody of Knttling, Fulwood, StilemaJZ, Durcl, The Frimdly Dtbatr, The Ecc/efiajlicdl Poii~y. Contr. CartwriviJt, Park._er of the Crofs, Bran'jhaws Twelve Arguments, &c. Amefiui againfi 'ft!orton~ and his FH{h Suit againfi Burgts, NicoiJ, rhe Savoy Prop. Again!\ the new addi1ions, little is fa id yet, through the rellraint of the Law, except by Mr. Dan. Cawdry, .md a Latin Apology, and Mr. Cr~fton, and Dr. CoUim of the Covenant, and fomc things thrufi out fecrttly, which contain but little of the true llate of the cafe. J o. Ot Er~{lianifm. Pro. ErajiuJ, Co/eman, Hu[J'ey, L,d, Molin~uJ, ( in appearance ) Se!dcn de Sj•ntdriiJ. ~ Cont. Brza, Gal.[pifl AaronJ Rot/., & Nihil Rtfpond.,, Hammond of the Kcyes. l I· Of Scplration: Pro. J nlmfon, Canne, .Ainfworth: And for Scmi-fcpuation (from Liturgy and Sacrametits, bur not frottl SernJons, ) Robinfon. Cont. J ob. Pa<(rt, Bradjhaw, Giff.rd, Hildtrjham, BaY, Gata~t, Bernard, Rob. Abbot ( noi the Bi-· ilwp ) }Fill. AUws lle1ra{i. of Sep..ration. · , ,·2· Oi l,>dcpcndancy : Pro. Nortun (moderate ) Hoob,.er, Alltn and Shepbard, Burl8n, Apolo– grt. Narrative, Rcafons of the Difftnters in the Affembly, Dr. OwtiiJ Carechifrn, and ofSchifm. Cont. Jo. BaU, RutiJtrford, the Affcmblies Reply: the London Minitlers Jut Divinum Prvbyttrii Car<drey againfi Dr. Owen, &c. Btn. Camfttld againfi D.r. Owtnl Catechifm. 1 X X X J. Lof'\ciliators : l· Between difcordant Chrifiians in general; Jacobi Acontii Stratlige· mala S.Jta1r.e; Vjhrr fn Epb. 4· a· old Vincentius Lerinenfis, Ruftrti Mtldtnii PtmentfiJ; a SociJlian VcritaJ Pllcifica (and many {uch of theirs propofing ill terms J. ,. · 2· Between Pror fiants and PapiHs: 1LuanuJ, PitcbereCuJ, Era[lflut·, Jl'iceliur, Caffander, Bald– win, GrotiuJ, ~&~wport,. alias Franc. a Santia Clara 1 . M. A. de Dom. Spal•ttnfis de Rep. E.cclef Guil. Furbtl Epi[cop, Edmburgtnf· Dr. Hamm•nd, fpeetally on 1htJf. d' Revel. But Lt B/ani{t )Odt– cioully only by right fiating and narrowing Con(roverlies. Sec Ptt. Hryli11 of the Life of Archbi. 010p Laud, Bi!hop BramhaU. . 1· , 3· "Between all Protellanrs, efpccially Lutherans, Arminians, aod ~the ~cformtd, Duu~tr, C.:JlixluJ, HaUJ Peacemaker, 6" Pax ttn-ir, Biiliop Morton, Davrnemt ,and HaU, together~ their fa ... cific. ,1/myra/dr~J, JrmiuJ de pr£dettrminalirmf\ & lrenic. Hottomu de Toleranti::., Paui lrtnic. Scultttus in 1ir. All the Judicious Trcatifcs commcnded 9· t8. And pfPapiijs about the like Controverfies, SarNd),uJ, Su'aTiz: )ttriba, JanfelliHJ 1 Gibjeuf. Gui/. Camerariu_,, Scotzp-, aDo/a. ,, ·:t: Of C~t/ilrGb~;rnnicnt: Vfl'mRtdu{Jim, J ob. F?rbu Ircnic. ,Srilli11gfieetr lienie. HJUs Peace– M.-akCr, and Nfod fi Offer, Burt~Hg/JJ Cure of Heart·Dtvlfions, M?t· Newcomens. Recon"J.of Prub. & Jndtp. TheNN'P Engl~lld Synods Prqpof. and the JJifenct, Lloyd. t., N\~?S ~,, ~~\~ ., ~:... 1\U(I\ \ h'l, .\ •Lni>l1o z "' ,mt.~l\\,\' M I 1 III. I have