Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

The Poor Students Librmy. [I I. I have gone fo far in this fecond rarik, that [ mu~ add btit a few more for the ;~hird, lefl I go abpve a Poor tvlans Library. r. ADd when you can, to your Lexicbos, Mbrelfiu1, or Caivper, BeckmaJ~ de orig. verb. Ph~vorixtii and fltjjcbius, and Dr. C~jlle's Oriental Lexicon. 11. To Logicians, Downame, Dieteric:u; tubli1r, SmigletiuJ, with,Ariftotle; ClaubtrgiuJ. Ill. TQ Phyficks, Philopon:a, TelefiuJ, ie Grtmd, Carttjitu, Rtgi;u, Hrreboord, Sc~~ggim,GaffinduJ; Patriciui, K:Dighy, IYbiu. • , I V. Dw Corpore hum1no, Crouks Anatomy, or Vejjlitu, Lori-e,. de motu cordi1, flarvy and TiaO.lut de circulat. Sa11g.Jf'iL·u Work~, Needbam deform jO!tuJ, Steno de Mufcu!U, SylviU1, Honu, Baus and GiijJJJt .AnatrJm, Hep~t. & de R<~.chitide, Wharton de GlandulK. V. De Anima, Claud. Mtzmmcrtui, Nemrfius (in Bibl. Pat.) Plato, Pl!!tintu, Fromondxt, Cicero 1ufc, qu. H.More. V I. Of Metaphyficks, Scheibler~·SuarEz,Timpler, BJtrgerfilicittJ, Senguerdiu1, Jacch.eut, . Gorl.eut, Ritfcbel, Camp!lnrUa\ Mc~riffi•. V I I. Of Chron·ologic, PrtaJ,iuJ, Vjher1 Cbronu/. & de Anno Maced. I[a.<C~fon's Ch~onol. Simpfoni Chron. Bcroaldus, CaTion, Scaliger de Emend. 1'empor. on E1t{eb. &c. Dr. Drak.ff; See J3e~armin. Index in Script. EcclJf. "t1'l \ r VI 11. Hifiory : The Roman and Greek are known ; Of the Church; Evagriru, Grtgor. Tttroni– cut, PaulHJ 'DiaconHJ ~ Lujtprandur, FrodoarduJ, CtdrenuJ, CuropJlatu, Ingulphru, Otho Frifingenf. CraHtziur, 1ritbemiuJ, 'Ctzmerariut, Spondani Epit. Bar(9nii, Luc. Ofi4nderJ Epit. M~gd~burg. Foxer Mt~r... 1yrologit, Ehingm Rift. qf England, Ingulpbur, WiO. Malmrbmy, Mat. WeJI:min)l.,., Bal~pr, HoUingfhead, Lord Htrbertr Life of Hen. 7· The lives of Edw. 6. Qfl>iz. by Calnbden, K. ]all'er by Wilfon; K. Charier; CromwcY1 life; Prin's Hijfory of Bijhop1 1'rtaj0nr, and ?f Camc,.buriis ( Lllud's) Doom, Heylinr Life of Laud , The Troubles at Frankf,d, The Cabala Letters ; Of1r~la1~(J, Sr. John Tern– pit, Dr. Jontf of the Rebellion, the Earl of Oreryer Anjw. to a Petition ; Of iScotlq!ld and other Chunhes Petr.£ui'S Hillory. Alfo Mart. Crufii 1'urcogucia; Kircber of the c'~tie~>\; fkrnitir, Archon– tologia Got~ofr~d~ edit. 164.9• RoviUii. ~romptt~:trium lcomem, VtrheiJc~'s l't;filu '! tB.[f~· ~e'fo;:'f!.f'·fo/. Voffius de hijtorrcn; Bczk Iconn, HoJPmt:mr Hijior. Sacramtnt. et. de Orzg. Templomm 0 ilf.'DffiJ Hijl. :Pelag} Gutberletl/s Hijf. Par.eu1, Lkt!tJ, Pezeliru; But there is no end. 1 • ~~ ~\, 1 tL\r."t.. '"' , I x. M~!dicine: Herbals; Matthiolus, JohnfottJ-Gerrard, PtJrkJnfon,,I:angham, J:.!i;,~lJ~i ;,' Di[~~fJtories, Lontian-phyficionr, Schrodt:rul: Anawmifls before named, and KnobiochiU1 :;Bia~I\ione~i~ mp;.. cratu, Galen, Cclfur, Ferneliur,..Mrmtani Co11jiija ; Grato in Sclmzii ep. 6"" Confi/, n::/erur, Fofeif.u 1, S/t~nk.ji ob[trv .. HoUeriur, Sen~ertui,_Rondelet!Ns, H"rjlius, .~r:Jmbajfarjui~ ,Sch~tz.:i A.f}IJ{.if_Sol!!, Eptpbalt· Ferqmandui, Praxu, Morelhur,Schonbornu !lrfanu:zle, DoiJErtltkr,ConrMguu (:lt jermtnte fienuJ, Gor,doniur; efpecially Riverjru, Prtvotiur; &, fi vacat, Z.zc:aus L«jitan. H<~rtm:zn, ~ercetam Cr!llliuf, ValeH~ine, Helm:mt: For Surgery, Fabrilius,· Hildanur, Trigaulliur, Forejtru,\Pdu"s. , But the chiefTrcatifc:s of Medicine are thofe that ucat of pucicubr difcafcs or kinds·; As Carolu 1 Pifo de marb~ fer<ifis, Eugaltvus, ~fartittittr, SennertuJ, &c. tie Scorbuto, Dr. Sidenb:Jm, dt Febtibu 1, Dr. Gliffan de Rachitide: Wil.'iJ de fennentatione & Febribu1, C~ttieru1 de Rcumatifmo, Marcucciur, &c. de M~loncholia, Schmuzen &c. de Caiculo, Capellului de bztb:m. Guarencitrl de Tabe Angtica: Ies roo long tO name all. So Rudiu1de puljibur, Foreflur dcincert. uriu: judic. Santlorius & Opiciut de Mcd. ftati<fl; Veod:.~tul de Dittelic. Bacon de vita longa, Vemter, Brunfelfis. t ·I X To Politicks add, Tbolofanur, Altbufilu, llrni[~ur, Bodin de Rtp. White. To Ethicks, Buridane, Mort, J.Yemlclinc, Dar.isu, G.Jtak_.err AHtonine, Seneca, Plutar~.r Ntoralr. ' X I. Syflemes of Thc-ologie ; Synop(il Leidenfium, Lud. CrsciH-1, Ps!antir, BHcanur, Dtttlley Femur, Wendcline, Pet. Martyr I Loci Gom. Theft! Sedanenjt1, Ant. Fajmr, Meianftbon, GomdruJ, PczeliUs, Gate~ cbi[mtu Ramamtr, Corpur confrf!itJnum, Altiftgius, Sp1mhemii Difput. Sntcanur~ X I I. Choic;e Treatifcs ; . de Dc{cen[u ad inferor, Garhltt of the Rcfurrcdion of Chiift, Bul· linger de Orig. Err~nmJ1 MJrtiitiur d~fymbq/. & alig. 0/tvian 4e [tedere, SanderfoJi de ]«ram. P~mblu works,