(j{EADE!l(, Hink not by the title of this Part, that I am doing the fame work which I lately revokeq in my Political .A"phorifms : Though I concluded that Book to be quafi non fi:ripwm, I told you I recanted not the DoCtrine of it, which is for die Empi re of God, and the lntereil: of Government, Or~ der and honeil:y in the World: This is no place to give you the Realons of my revocation, belldes that it offended my Superi– ours, and exerciled the tongues of tome in places, where other matters would be more profitable : Pafs by all that concerneth our particular. St.:te and Times, at1d yo Lt may know by that what principles of Policy I judge Divine. And experience teacheth me, that it is befl: for men of . my ProfeHion to meddle with no more ; but leav~ it to the Cout;;sM, the .A"mij£11./s :md other Jefuits, to promote their caule by Voluminous po– liticks : The Popes falfe-named Church, is a KJ>~gdom, and his Miniil:ers may write of Politicks more congruoul1y, and (it _feems) with lefs of– fence than we. Saith theGeographia Nubienfis aptly l T!Jere is a certain I'(jng dwelling at Rome called the Pope J &c. when he goeth to defcribe him. Nothing well fuites with our funCtion but the pure DoCtrine of Salva– tion. Let States-men and Lawyers mind the reil:. Twothings I mull: apologize for in this Parr. : 1. That it's maimed by defeCt of thofe DireCtions to Princes, Nobles, Parliament-men, and other Magifl:rates, on whofe duty the happinels of Kingdoms, Churches, and the Wsnld dependeth. To which I a,nfwer, that chofe mull: teach them whom they will hear: while my Reafon and experience forbid me as an unacceptable perfon to fpeak to.thern without a fpecial invitation, I can bear the Cenfures of Strangers who knew not them or me : I am not fo proud as to expeCt that men fo much above me fhould fl:oop to read any DireCtions oF mine ; much lefs to think me fit to teach them. Every one inay reprove a poor fervanr or a beggar: (It's part of their priviledge ). But Great men mufl: not be fo much as admonifhe,:J, by any but themfelves, and fuch as they will hear. At leall: nothing is a. duty, which a man hath reafon to think, is like to do much more harm than good. An"d my own judgement is much againfl: pragmat;cal pre– fumptuous Preachers, who are over-forward to meddle with their Go– vernours or their aft~irs, and think that God fendeth them to reprove perfons and things that are fl:range to them and above them, and vent their diil:attes upon uncertain reports, or without a Call! A a a a a a a :z. z. And