Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

To the ~ader. 2. And I expeCt to be both blaiDed and rnif-underfl:ood, for what [ hear fay in the Confmation of Mr. !J\jclwd Hooker his Political Principles, and my Citation of B. IJ3iifon and fuch others: But they mull: obferve, 1. That it is not ail in Mr. Hookers firfl: and eighth Book which I gainlay; but the principle of the Peoples being the fomitain of Authority, or that Kings receive their Office it fdf from them; ·with theconl~quemshereof. How farthe people have in any Coumrysthe power of El'eCl:ing the Per– Ions, Familie>, or Forms of Govemmet\t, or how far nature giveth them propi'iety, and the cot1fequems of this, I meddle not with at all. 2. Nor ~o ! choofe Mr. Hooker out of any envy to his name and honour, bm I confefS l do it, to let men know truly whofe Principles thefe :he. And if 2-ny ( caufelelly) quefl:ion whether the eighth (imperfeCt) Book be in thole pa!fages his own, let them remember that the fumof all that I confute, is in his firlt Book, which is old, and highly honoured, by_ you knowwhom. And I wi\ldo himthehonour,andmyfdfthedit110~ nour to confefs, that I think the far greater number of Caluifl:s and Au– thors o.f Politicks, Papifl:s and Protefl:ams are on his fide, and fewefl: on mine! But truth is truth. On the fubjec:ts dmy lam larger, becaufe, if rhey will not hear, at leafl: I may boldly and freely infl:ruc:t them. If in the later part there be any ufeful Cafes of C.onfcience left out, it is becau[(; l could not remember them. Farewell. · A