A Chriftian DireClory. T 0 M. IV. Chriftian Politicks. CHAP. I. Geizeral 11\!!les for 1111 Uprigf>t Coll)mfation. y. '· LOMON faith, Prov. 10·9· He rh.r walkcrh uprightly walketh furely. And Perjeaion and Vprightm[J arc the characters of Jr~b, Chap. r. I~ 8. 6--2. 3· And in the Scripture to be Vprigbt or Rigluc~ 011!, and tO walk_ uprightly, and ro do rigbtcvufly are the titles of thofc: that are acceptable to God. And by Vprigbtneji is meant not only fincerity as oppofed to Hypoc1ific ; but aHo Rectitude of Heart and - Life, as oppofed to crool{_d~ttfi or jitt; and this as it is found in v.~rious Degrtn: of which we uCe to call the lowdl degree that is f4ving by the name of fincerity, and the highrft by the name of PerfeCtion. f· 2: ConcerningVprighrneji of life, I (hall I. B1iefly tell you fome of thofe blellings that iliould make us all in love with ir, and I I. Give you fome necdfary Rules of praCI:ice. ~· 3· I. Uprightnefs of heart and life is a certain fruit of the Spirit of Grace, and confequcntly a mark of our Union whh Chrifi, and a proof of our acceptablenefs wirh God, Pfal. 7 . ro. My defence iiofGod, rviJIJ favetb the upright i.n heart. Pfal.u. 7· For the righteouJ L?rd Juvetb righte~ o~fiuji, and bi1 countena1tct doth b.ehold the upright. lt is a title that Gnd hirnfelf affumcth, Pf:tl. 2 5· 8. Good ai1d upright is the Lord. Pfal. ;n.. I 5· 1o jh~w tbat the Lord i1 t~priJ!.ht, He i1 my roe~, and no unrighteoufiuJI it in him. And God ca\Jcch himiclf the Maker, the Director, the ProreCl:or, and the Lover of the upright. Eccl. 7' 29. God made m'Ill upright. Pfalo~.6. The Lord /;!to>Peth tht way of therighttoUf, PfaJ. 2)• 12· 1Phat man if he that fearetb the Lord.? him will he teach iJt the way that he jhaU choofe. Prov. 2: 7• He layetb up found wifdom for the right.tous ; ·he is a bucJ;fer to tbEm tbat walJt uprightly, • . 2· TheVpright are the PiU'Ts of humane fociety, that keep up Truth and Juflice in ti.e world; Without wbom it would be but a company of lyers, deceivers, robbers and enemies, that live in conllant