Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

:z. General IJ?Jdes for all Upright Conw1atiou. thm npitlC or Io.\ility. There were no 'Tru{i to be pur itl one another, fLIIther than fdf·ir.nere(l did ~)b\i~;e men: Pftl. 1 S· r, 2· Lord rrho jh:zU abide in thy Tabern:Jclt? 1Ybo Jh~U _d:PeO in tby lnly hiU? He w,;llzrtb uprightly, and worketh rigbuouf~u{I, and[pea~ttb the trutiJ in bU bearh Thert– fore the wicked and rhe enemies at Peace, and defiroyers of Societies, are fiill defcribed as E~ttmios to tlu upri~ht : Pill.·, I. 2, 3· For lo the wicked bend their bow, tl;ey ma~e rt.Jdy their arrow upcn the jltiug thJt they m.~y privily fhont at the uprigbt ill heart. If tbe fvuJtdationl hl dcjfroyul, n·h.1t c.m the ri!lbtroru dol Job 12 4· 'Tbe jujl aud upri;!.ht man i1 lJugiJcd to fcom. Pfa!. 37· ' 4· The wicl.:.!d b,JVt out tbe frvord) fl) Jlty fuch aJ be of upright convcrfation. And indeed ic is for the uprighcs [ that fociclit''i arc prcfcrv~d by God) as Sr1dm1 might have been for ten LotJ• At kaft they are mdcr the prorcct:on ol Omnipotc.ncy thcmfclves. lfd. 33· 1 15, J6. He wal~ttb ri~huoufly a 1 id fpe.1~ctb uprigbtl;• 1 Ju tbut dcfpifoth the of oppr(ffim, jhak,_ob hi1 h.JndJ from holdinJ!. ofbribe~, tbat jfopp~tb biJ e.;r {-,im hcarint, of blcod) that jhuttctb bi4 cycJ from jitiJtg evil; Hi jh.1U dwell M hizb :, hi1 place of defence (baU be the munition! of rcckJ: bread jh.:JU be givm bim 1 bM W.Jtfrt jlnU bt Jirre:, 1bin~ cyu p,.;U fie the Ki;,.e, iu hi1 beauty ; tbey (baU behold tbe L aitd th:zt is very far off:– Prov. J8. IO· 11u upright fo;il have g!Jod tbingr in pojJcffi.iJn: Prov. 14· I I. The hou{e of the wicked ftuY bt u-r•erthrown :, but tbe t.:b·nucle of tbe uprigbt jh.J./1 flourifo. · 3· Upritjhtnefc; :tlf~rdeth Peace o{ Cunfcience, and quietnefs and holy fecurity to the foul. This was P,miJ tcj ')t:ill.~, the trjfinmry of his con{cicnce, that in fimplicity dnd godly fiuccrity he ht~d bad hir con– verj'.J.lim i1t the wurld, and uotinjl<ftJiywifdom, 2 Cor. I. 12. And thiswasD,1vid;comfort 1 2S1m. 22. 22,23,24· Farlbatek.cpttbewa)•eJoftheLord, and bave nl)t rricJ:...ed!'j d(p.:rtedjrJm 'my God: For all bi.1 jwi;.emcmr were hf{~Jre mr, and .JJ for hi1 Sta!utcJ I did not d~part from tbem. I w.ll a!fo uprigbt btfore him, andh.JVt lzept my [tlf from mine iniquity. 1hcrefore bath tbe Lord rccompwfcd me a:ccrdiut. tu~y rigbttouf;,rfi,-.-.-witb the nn:rciJ:tl-tho~' wilt j1Jtn' t.hy J!lf_ merciful~ and witb the up– rzglu th~JI~ JJJJ/t fhov thy folf uprt; : Te:1, peace JJ too hule; excerdmg J~Y tJ the poruon, and moft be– felming condition of the upright. Pfal 32. I I· Be gl.:~d. in the Lord, and rejoyce ye righteout, and j1 1Ntt for jny, all ;1e that are in bt.Jrt, Prat. 33· I. Rejoyce i;t tbe ~ordl 0 ye righteouJl for prJife it comely fOr tbc up.ight, Pfa.l. 6+· IO· The righteous Oull be glad m the Lord, and truH in him, and all tne upright in heart lhJll glory. Pfal. 97· 11. Ligbt ii fowu fur the righteottt, andglad– mfs for the upriglu i;z beart. The Spirit rhat flnclil:ieth them, will comfort them. 4· As the Vprigfu fo their uptight life and dutio are fpccially delig~rful and accepcable to God. Pro"· 1 5· 8. The prayer of the upright is his delight, Pf•l· 15· 2. T nerdote God b!eiftth their duties to thc:m, and they arc comforted and !\lengthened by experience of tl.ccefs, Prov. 10. 29· The w~y of theLord ii ftrength totht uprigbt, but dcjfrul1ion jhaU bt to th~ WDrk..trJ o( iniqHity. Mic. 2· 7• Do not my rvord1 dl} gMd to him th.JilV.Jiketb tlprighlly l 5· No carnll policies, no worldly mighr, no help of friends, nor any other humane means, doth put a man in fo fJfe a fiate, as Vprightncfi of heart and life. To walk uprightly is to w•ll<.forely, becaufe fuch rritb God 1 and in hH w.Jy, and under hM frJV< 1 ur, and hM prumiji : And if God be not fufficient [equity for us, there is none. P[al. IfO· 13. Surely the rightt ur P1aU f.,ivt thank/ un• to tby 1urnt; tlu ttprip,btjh;;~U dwcU in thy prtfona. Prov. I 1. 3, 6. The integrity of tbt upright jhall guide them, but tbe prrvcr[encji of tranfgreffiri jhaU d<jlroy tbem. The rigbt<oufuji of the uprigbt jhaU drlivtJ· tbcml but tranfif.rrffur 1 jh.sU bt tt~k.!n iJt tbeir srvn natt.g,luimfi. 6. Laflly, The faili~tgl and rnakncff<J of theVpright are pardoned, and therefore they fhall cer– tainly be Lved, l<om. 7·24, 25. & 8. I· The upright may fay in all their weakndf~s as Solomon, 1 Chron. 29· 1 7· I k.Jww alfl, "I)' G~d, tbat thoutrycjf 1/Jt br(jrt, and hajl pli!a[M~ i1t uprighmefs: At for me, i11 the uprighmrf; of my bcart I have willingly offi:red all thcfe tbi11gt• God will d:J good to tbem tb.Jt are good, aJtd to tbem tb.Jt are Jtprigbt in tlui,• bt.:rtJ, Pfll. 12 S· 4· The Upr)ghc love him, Cam. 1. 4 and arc loved by hinJ. No good thing wllt he witbhold from them> Pfal. 84. 1 I· The way to riglu comforting che mind of man, is to jhew to him bii :tpl'igbtmji, Job -33· 23. And who jO Jv:tlkph upri~luly jb.zlt be ftJvcd. Prov. 28. 18. For tbe higiJ W,:Y of tbt uprigbt is to depart from evil, and be tbJZt l{_upetb hir w.ry, prcfirvcth hi1 foul, Prov. 16. 17. I conclude withPfal. 37· 37· Mar~<, the upright nl.ln 1 and btb()ld fbe j11jl, ful' the tHd of tbJt man i1 peace. Pi''· 7 l· 'f· ' 9· 4· I I. T he true Rules of an Upright life arc thcfe that follow. . & 63 . l· 1. He thlt will rvJII;, upri~IJtly muft be abfolutely devoted and fubjecrcd unto God : He rnut1 .J Cvr. 4 3 4 have a God, and chr. trut God) and but one God; not notioJttJUy only, bur in Jinceriry and re.:Jiity: He Phi!. 3· s, 9, mufl have a God whofe word !lull be an abfolute L•w to him : A God chat ilnll command himfclf, Pfal. 4~~', ~~- his time, ~is e~bre, and all that he harh, or t~at he c.m d~: A God whofe tJJiU mufi be !Jj; n·iU, a~d Luke 11 • 4 • may do wuh hun wlut he pleaft:; and who 1s more w htm than all the world; whofe Love w1!1 1,:.d· [acistie him as better tb.m lifl!., and whofc: 3.pprobation is his fufficient encouragement and reward. luk}14. 16, 2 • His flr•pe mllfl be kt upon He.1ven as the only felicity of his foul: He mu·n loOk for his Re– L 1 . 17 ' 83ld 4 • ward and t!H: End of all his l.lbours and patience in another world; and not with the Hypocrite, M~:~~- ~~~;o. dream ('f a fdiciry thar is made up tidl of worldly things, artd then of H~1ven when he can keep 1 Johu:.. r.5· the world no longer. H:: rlut cannur, thu doth not in heart, qnit all the wodd, fOr a heavenly l'hi!.3. 18,t1 . rre:lfUre, and venture his aUupon rhe Promife of better things hcrc,lftcr. and forfaking aIll take Chrill and cverlaftinghappinefs for hie; Ponion, cannot be upright in hearc or life. John r:.. 16. 3· HI! rnuH an lnfa!IJ bh: Teacher (which is only Chrill) and the encouragement of p1r· Joh. ,,,,,&c. domn~ grace when he faileth, that he Gnk not by defpair: And therefore he mull live by tdith on