6 Memoranda for Ci11il Go11emorm. a Heathen wa1Htth : and he wanteth it culpably: and therefore the crn:ffion is his fin: Evef1 as it is the fin of an infufficient M!nifi:er that he cloth not Preach ; For the Qudl:ion is of the: like na– ture~ and will have the like folu1ion: Whether an ignorant Minitlcr be bound eo Pre:.::ch, who is unable or Hcrtfical? 1t is Aptitude that he wameth~ and neither AHtharity nor OMigutiun if he be re::!.lly a Minifitr : But he is obliged in this Order, firfi to get AbilitieJ and tbw to Pn:ach : fo is i[ in 1 he prdC:nt cafe. . Mtm(Jr• 6. §· 6. Memvrt~.nd. 6. Encounge a~d firengthen a Learned!. Holy, fclf denying, fi:rious, Jabor.ious MiniHry : as knowing that the lame Lord hath commifhpnc:d them in tht: in!litution of their dticc, who infiituttd yours: and that it is fuch men that are fi.1ited ro the work for which their ( fficc was appoinrcJ : And rhat fou~s are precious=..and rhofe chat ar~ the Guide:s adl Phyficions ot fouls, can m:vc:r be roo wtll furnJ!'hed, nor too dtl!genr. And rhe Church harh no where profFer– ed on eanh, but in the profpniry of the abilities, holira.fs and diligtnce of their PaHors : God hath alway;.Sbuilt by fuch, and the Devil hath pulled do...,•n by pulling down fuch. P..Jrmor. 7· §. 7· Mem r.md. 7· Remember that the people rhar arc {trjo~tjly RcligioUf, tll:l.t Love a.nd Worjhip ]./. c.z't11lm. and Obey the.: Lord, with all their heart, are the bcft of your fub)cds, and the honour of your DJ– ~!~~ .i!.ud~e minions: fct rhutforc: that {criour Godlinef! be every where encoungcd, and that the. prophanc rh:n rhey and ignorant rabble be never encouraged in their enmity and oppofition to it :· And that true Fa.~ would Rot b.: n:uicifm, Hrpocrifie and Schifm be fo prudr:ntly difcountenanccd and fupprdt, rhat none may have f:tluH.d b·r encouragement ro ft:t thcmfelves againfi Godlinefs, under the fl:mdcr or pretention of fuch names. filthy pnfons: If ChriHianiry bt better than Aeathenifm, thofe Chrifiians then are they rhar mufi be¥- cour.rcnanced ~t~f;::;:d. whh go further in Holicefs and Charity and Jufiice than H:.:athcns do, rather than thofc chat go 0~ St;;nus that funhc:r (b... fi-l es Opinjom and Form.,JiJiu) than a. Cato a Plato l)r SocrJ.ttJ hue done. lt all Religion N.fi h· nt Ao1 were a deccir, ir were fir ro be blnilhcd, and Athe1fm profdfc:d, and men conftfs rhemlC!ves to be but & borx lamx brui~s: But if rhcrr be a G d, there mull be a Religion: And if we rnuH be R.:ligious, we mut.l ~;;::~~~~ •. ~~~, fure be fo in fi.ri 1 u[,uf!, and .not hypocrifi:and jc::ilt. It being no fuch fmall contemptible martc:r, nou:~dmi.;r : tO be turned . mto ddf.mbhng compltment. Jc!Ti·qu~: ut . . . nemo mbre,!i:t:ur,. nifi. qui (c innocenum nnvit : Pcr,prxton;m edixit,ut f'~mp .fl)~t2r~t prJnc1pe~ qu1 fe furem .effe notT'et, ,ne !liqu:ando dcredu) c::u.ta!i fupphdo ftJbJerttUr. Read Stbttflwt, Fox11~J tl~ Rml~ Regij1; m1Wit:l)l!t. Evtn Cl(tjus, 0/rJiijff'ts ;~ml 1 li:~it. were ]Ibcnl tn Ph:lo O)•hers ~nd ambirio:I~ of their ccnverfe. Vera civ11au:. fu:lictras dt, ut Dei fit amJm & amara D.:o : dlum fibi re~ gem, feiilmspopulum Olgnofc.u. Augufl. d~ Gbit. IJti,[, $, ' · 14. Memor. 8. 9· 8 Memorand. 8. Endeavour theVnity and Concord of all the Churches and Chrillilns that are under your Govc.rnrnem, and rhott upon the ttrms which all Chrifl:s Churches have fornttime been uniled "in : that is; In the Holy Sc~ipturu implicitly as the General Rule: In the a11cient Creed1 explicitly as the fum nf o1'r Cn.:dcoda ; and m tbt Lord! Praytr ar the fumma'fy of our Expctcnda, ar.d in the Dtc.:zJ,Jgue aJ the {umiuary of our Agenda ; [~tppofing that we live iJt peaceable Obcdimce to our Go&er– nour!, whqfe Larvr mujl rult su not rmly in things Civil, but in rhe Ordaing of tbvfe cjrcumftancts of Wor– jhip a1tdd,foipiine, wbicl~ God h1tk lt{l to their determination. Memor. 9· 9· 9· Mcmorand. 9· Let all things in Gods Worlhip be done to Edification, deceDtly and in Or- ' der, and the body honour God as well as the foul: Bur yer fee that the Ornaments or garmenrs of Rdig.ion, be neverufc:d againfl: the fubft"nce; but that Holine[l, Vnity, Ch:uiry and Peace, have at– way the precedency. M 9· to. Memorand. to. Let the fear of }inning againfi God, be ch"i01ed in all, and let there be emor. JC• a tendcrnefs for fuch as arc over icrupuluus and fearful in fomc: finJllcr things; and letc not rhings ::~t-·.Ep. be ord~rcd fo a~ ~hall mofi tend to the advantage of dcb~uched Confciences, rhac dare fay or do omne~ Rcg~:s any thmg for the1r cun~l ends. For they are-uudt to the1r Governours that aretruefi to their God: . qui,populo And whu1 it is the wuch1of God and Hdl that a ~an is afraid of, it is pity he ll.lould be too eagerly D.e 1 non pro- 'Puned on : The unconfcionablc fort will be true to rhcir Govcrnours, no longer than it ferves their ~,~;~t~~~~~nee imerefi ~ Therefore Conleicntioufnefs (hould be cpcouraged. t':.:~ ;~;;~~u fumvlt inflhut:a. culp:mtur. Q.ri ptohibue(unt & eTerttrunt, fupcr aliorummerita, budantur. f,'femor. I I· 9· JJ, Memorand. I I· If the Clergy or mon Religious people offend, let their punilhment be fuch Whe:n ftmi'le· as falleth only on rhc:mlclvc:s, and rcacheth not Chrilt, nor the Gofpel, nor the Church. Punilh ri~hus the nor Chrill for his ftrvants failings, nor the Gofp.el for. rhem thar fin agtinH it ; nor rhe1fouls ~r~~~~:~~~~ of the peoph;: for their .P•fi.ors fau1ts : But fee that the tntercfi of Chrifi and mens fouJs be fiill folved ro bafecured. ni!himprifon and mherwlfe perfccut~ the Orthodox Bilhops and Pallors. he fir11try~:th them by thre.ttnings ;and divers cruelties, a:xl after appointeth 1 publick Difpuu don; where h:s Bilhops:md Officer~ h:~vir.g no berrer pretence, cruellybe:at the people ar.d P1Ron, :~nd tben f;~llly rdl rhe K·n): that by rumult and cl:~rrwur they avoided difputirg: And at bfi he dllerh tvgerher lll the Pa(}ors th:tt were mer for che difpura– lion, a!·d to tn:nlre ·rhem, ptHteth an 0.-.rh upon t~em, [that afcer the Krngs de:uh they would tJke his Son for their Kino 1 ami that they • woulJ fw.d no letters beyond Sel] Ti'!i~ Oath cltviCed :he Onhodox :~morg rhemfelvc~. For one pw of the Bithops ~nJ l"aflors faid,: [ IfWe refufe a Lawful Oath, our peorle will f~y that we forfake them, and th~ dli1olution of tl.\e Churches will be imp1ted to 1k: r fhe mlicr part perceiving rhe fr.a,c, were: fain to pretend ChriUs command, [Swear nD: at a.lt. J The King haviflg feparated them, and rhe Offi~crs wok all cheir fuuncs, fcndcth them .-.11 to prifon: To tbLfe that took the Oath rhey J:ud, [ lkcauft tlp.t contrary ro the command of rhe Gufpel, you wou!dfwtar, you flttll fee your Cities and Churcbe5 no more, bu~ befent imo the Coumrcy ro 1ill rh~: grcund : but I~ rhat you prefume nor to fing Pij!ms, or Prly, or clrry a llook, or Bap1iz.e, or Ordam or abfoh:e.] Tu thoft that refufed the C:.rh, they (aid [ Bec.-.ufe you deiJ.red nut rh~· R~·ign of the KingsSon, a11d therefore refufcd the Oath, you 01.-.11 be b.-.nilb:ed to the ~fle of CDrjz'oz, ,.