.Memoranda for Cil>il Gol!emours. 7 to cut \t•ood for ~he_ Ships. J-!Elor.u:ic• .P· (mihi) 456, •H7• Geneolh Jeftmarum e~ n:mio :~bfo'uci imperii am re, dclatur:ls i? fciini.l fua admittir, I!fq; cred_Jt, no11aud1loco qUI :1ccu!atur: quod i1\juA:iti:~: genus al> ethnicis ip~~ improb:uur. Imp ra.1do 11on bon's Rq?;tbus IC fac1t fimt!em, (jUt fermum magui fe_cemm; fed Ty~:umos m~vult imiuri, (, ~- Tarqumium fupetbum, '/ui :~ntc omnm co11arus dl Jcb1litare lellltus numcrum & authowatem, ut omnm (uo hbttu f2cere p<~fi'cr; fimiliter Generalis cum Affi lemibus fuis odit fy– nodos generales, ontniJ')i experimr, ne tAles inlliw:mtur conventus, quibus rerum gefl:uum redden~ r:H on~m .nccef1(:. lllbcat. --Gt:• nera!i~o "Jefuic. in eligendi~ officiotilbus non (Urat quod fit cuju~lj; ulemum :~.ut dotes rminentior~, f~<l qu::~m b.nC fecuu1 aut cumPro– vinciali fuo C 0 N F0 R r\"1 ETU R : qu.c caufl cfi cur homines vi!e~ & abjetli 2n:mi orilcirs vrzpon:~.n:ur, qui 3 fuperiorihm duci fc fin;mt ut nervis 2\ienis n~obile !igr.um. M~~riM:t de Kr[ot. ]t[11it. c. tj, 15, I6, IS. i11 ArtaJJ. J.f it.p. 131 1 132.. mit. i11 Ap~l~;.Gir.tldi. Null:~. dl!:nronum focreut;u ir1 qua Juflitia non plus loci h.1bc:u, qua.n in focieute nvllra, &c.--- Ubi non modo fcientia & janor:r.ntia in X<JUO fuot, fed etiam fc1eAda impedimenta efl, quo minu~ quis confequ1mr pr:rmiJ hurmno ac diuino jure debita. Ma iM. A,IJor.84.c. 12., &t. 14, 89.Aph. 87, &c.The reH rs worrh_ the reading as a wamin~ from a J~fuitc to the Governours of Stlte and Church. Aj!J.So.c. I r. Sup~riores focicuti.s no!!rx_fum homint~ i~1dr~ni, qui officiis pra:finr~ cum <;Jencralis m_etult ac fublatos \'elit, quorum.cmi~e~:tes fum virtutes. Belli 'luwt m;t]·'' Cl fuf~et'ttorcs fu_nt. 1h1s ;md :~.bundar.ce morcfllth Man.l/1.1 :1. Jcfu"c of 96 years of <Jg~:, lcarn~d 1n H~ll7f"W1 cb.1td:t) Syri.tck) Gmk and La!ru, of Ius own Socxery. 9· 1 2. l\fcm~rand. 12· lf the diffentions of Lawyers or Srates.men mike faCtions in the Cam- Memor. 12. moo-wealth, let not the fault be laid on Religion, though Come Divines fall into either faction : when the difference is not in Divinity, but in Law Cafes, blame not Religion '"for that which it hath no hand in; And watch againfi S.ltan, who alway laboureth to make Civil factions or diifc· 1 rences tend, to the dillionour of Religion, and the detriment of the Church and Gofpel. 9· 1 3. Mem:mmd. 13• Tal~e thofe th~t are Covetous, ambitious or feltin\, and feek for prefer- M~mor. 13· ment, to be the unllttelt to be confulted with in the matters of Rtligion, and the unfit tell to b:: trufied with the charge of fouls: Aud let the humble, mortified, [elf-denying men, be taken as titter p,fiors for the Churches. 9· 14· ft.1emor~;zd. 14· .Si~e not wit"h any fad:ion of contenti.ous Pafiors, to t1~c oppreffion of the Memor. 14 • retl, when the "dtlference IS m tolerable thmgs ; But rather dnve them on to unny upon condefcend- La,.p,id. ing and forbearing tenns: For there will clfc be no end ; but the faGtion which you fide with, will N_umbe_rs it break into more fattions, and the Church will receive damage by the lofs of the oppreffed parry; wnh. A~:~·=·'!· and by the Divifion much more. What larncn~abh: work the contemions of rhe Bifhops have made ~~d· ,.,~:k: ts. in the Churches in all Ages fince the primitive times, all Hiilory doth too openly declare ! And how fJudxis pri· much a holy prudent peaceable MagiHrate can do to keep peace among them, more thao will be v1:egia refer~ done if their own imp::tuofi.ty b: left unrellrained, · it is eatie to obferve ; Efpecially if he keep the ~~vtt : ~-hn .. Sword in his own hand. and ·uufi it not in the hands of Church-men, efpecidly of one faction to P~~':s cefi.e] the opprdfion of the reil:. 1 Nam illo tempore cru– ddius ArrianorumEpifcopi, Pmby!eri, Cle1ici,quamRex & Vandali l:rviebant. Id. p. 46S y. I 5· Memor•nd. I)· Believe not the accufations that are brought againfi the Faithful Minificrs Memor. I 5· of Chritt, till they are proved, and judge not them or any of his [ervants upon the report5 of Advcrfaries, till they have fpoken for thcmfelves : For the common corruption of drpravcd nature doth engage all the ungodly in fuch an enmity againll holinefs 1 that there is little Tmth or Righreoufnefs to be expected from wicked and malitious lips, for any holy caufe or perfon. And if fuch perfans find but entertainment and encouragement, their malice will abound, and their calumnies will Jufliti:r 1uu– be impudent; which is the fenfe of, Prov. 29· 12· If o Ru1cr heark$n to lyu, all hH fervants are nus pr mum. wick$d. The example ?f Saul and Doeg is but fuch, as would be ordinary, if Rulers would but ~~~i~u~~::~~u hearken to fuch calurnmaton. 11 j,i la-:cffi:u~ injuri~. cicrro. Prov. 17. 7• Pnv.18.16. Pfd. 119. q. Prov. zs. 2, U.r.· Epijl• .M. cictroniJ ad framm. 1· I6. Memorand. I6. when the cafcis doubtful about ufing puni!hmeots and fevcrities againfi the Memor. I6. fcrupulous in the matters of Religion, remember your General Directions, and fee what influence they ·mufi have into fuch particulars ; as that the very work and end of your office is, that under your Government the people may live quietly and peaceably in all Godlim!fi and Hone{fy, I Tim. 2. 2. Q_uis mihi and that RultrJ art nC~t a terroHr to good worJv but to evil, anJ for tbt praift of tbmJ tb.Jt do good; 1':"rnac ne- 1 and minifterJ of God to :t.r fer good:, and revenger! to executt wrath upon them that duevil, Rom. 13. ~:ed:~~~u:J 3, 4· and remember the danger of perfecution, as defcribed, Mattb. r8. 6, ro, 14. and 1 ~he[. 2. no!im, vel 1), 16. and 2 Chron. 36. 14, 15, 16, 17. and that he that doubttth of things indillt rent is d.Jmned quod vt!im. if he do them, becaufe he doth them not of faith, Ram. 14· 23· And remember whom and what ir is 1101\'~eJe?dt > that God himfelf forgiveth and forbcareth; And alwayes difference the Infirmities of ferious con- ~a;~:;~· t. s. (cionable Chrifiians, from the wickednefs of unconfdonable afl.d ungodly men. Yet not extenuldng the wick,edneji of any, becaufe of his hypocritical profeffton of Religion. . ~· I7• Memorand. 17. Remember that you mufi be examples of· Holinefs to the People: and flmn Mcmor. I7• all thofe fins which you would have them lh.un, and be eminent in all rhofe virtues which you wourd commend unro them. This is not only necef[ary to the happinefs of thofe under you, but alfo for um.i11 Sc"o>:, the Caving of your fclvcs. AsP.Jifl faith to 1imotby, 1ak.! heed unto thy{elf, and unto the dofJrinr:, reei~etb. ~ne 1'- continue iiJ them: for in duing tbi-1, thoujhalt both favc thy {elf and them tht~t hear thee, 1 Tim. 4· t6. tr:~;~iT~~~s · · . . . . . • . . . ltorprimfe ·~uQ~ ~~~~~~~ ci~!ei~~~;~~rc tr:~;m~ prwnpes &mlJOres lecundurn leges Vl.\.eUnt, unaqu~qu: Clllt,;.s optime rrge poterit, pag. ~t •. Bbbbbbb ~ fo