Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

8 Memoranda for [i1Jil Gowmours. luk. 18 n, fo may I fay to Rulers, 7'ak.! heed toyortr (elvu and untn Gov.-rnmrnt, and CQHtimu berci; 1 ; fur in JJ. 'ID~ut. 17 • :~: ing ti:M,y•u will [..~e ;'our [clvo and tbofc yozt gavtm. They that .;re good are likell to do goori : btu Prvv. 19 . 14 • tbcrvuk,_cdwilJdJ wzcJt.!dlJ•, D.m. 12· 10 . P,ov. n. :.9. The chief means for Rukrs to become thus Holy and exemplary is, J, Tohearken to the do&rine Prov. 16. '3· and counfcl of the Vlord of theLord, and to meditate in it day and night, Jofh~I·3·4· Deut. 17 , 1 8 p,C~·3'· J• <~· 19, 20. Aad to have faithful, holy and,1ying Teachers, 2 Chron. zo. 20. z. To beware 0 f J. ltvn.J~·~. the con1pmy and counfels of the wicked. Prov. 25. 4, 5• 1'aJte away tbe wicksd from before tin & 25. t6. ~in4, a;rd /;M _7'brQne (h.;U_ be ~tiabtijhcd in Rif!._bteoufncp. 3· To_watch ~oll carefully agJ.inll the Ez.~k. zs. 2, {peen \ temptations of the1r grear places, dp.~cJally agamfi fc:nfualay and Pndc, and preferrino their ~ ' 1 7· own Honour, and lnterell and \V1ll, before rhc H()nour and Intercfi and Will of Jefus Cluill. 0£cclef. luk. 11 .' 1 ~'0: 10. 16, '7· IVot to:Jxc 0 La_nd, !"Phm tlry Kint, i.r a Child, and .t~JY Prince: tal i11 the m~rning: Blrffed luk. 1 6.!19, art t?ou 0 L;nd, nJ,JW tl~~ Kwg u _tbe ?"u of f.!ablu, and tl~y P~mcn eat zn dttt / ea fin, for jlrengtb, .md 20, 1~- mt {r1r dr:MI{snmjj. It u an abomzna!tmt t11 Kwgs to commzt rvzcJzedne[I :for the_Thro;u U l}l:ibJjjhcd le ~s :~f.1d o!1- by Rig~tco:ljmjl, Prov. 16. I2· 4· To remember alwayes the End of Holincfs. H ow CUre a way f~nr;T:on of iris to Glory hLrfafrer, and to leave a fweet and glorious name and memorial upon earth . when :.~. ;. !·7~·- wickedne[s is the ctrtain way to !hame on earth, and mi{i;ry for evrr. , &~~ . . ...... . toque ~1fu ob(erv:~tum_ ~ft, e.1' I~dorum moo::es plu_rc! :tc gra\'TOres f~pe~{hrtoniS. dJ.lbohcx fpwcs renu1~> in q_Uib~s Regum ~c Re:p. nf:1~1me \'oten:1a& pt•rTfl.l ex.celluTt. Con·r:t CJUI tl·nutorcm tortun~m ':ltru.que Rc1p. ~ccommodlt:liU forrm funr, tn humulto Ido!olatria p:tr,ior dl ; 0 '(1uc .1Jco ut n,..nnulbs_ln~oru 11_gente~~111111 IJo 1 orum rei1g10ne vaca~e,qu!<bm pro ccno confir!llc-nr. Ex b')n;E fiJei fcripto– ritul fi1per :-li~~ •nnum!:nf, h2:~ prl?clpUl ~apztur Utllztls ; quuJ. non _ab:~ res :equc vel b~nor_um Regu~t an1mos ~d res cu~11 Jaude gereuJas a::crndir, vd To;<Jrum cu,;1d tm:-s Cllhtb:r, ac ~fr:l!rut, dum urrtque cernunt horum lne~•s fu:.m v1tam omnem, mox m roriu~ orbi,)imo fa:cu\o1um omni•.1m the:num p~odu~~n(!a'~"• ~:r qc11c ,u d m abd1ro n_unc vel patrant, ,-cl adf"cJto_furo pra: exu_m, vd m~tu dillimui:J.ri Cl'gunr, vrrillS qc:am i~nor:tri, pau opo!l cbn(l!r~~lm 111 lucem fub oculi~ o:mnum trad~c~~dum : <JUUm )~m .m_em_IJJtJter 2c fpe l1b('ra rof!eriras, nee ullo cotrupta !ludio, m.1gno conf~n(ll rcflc flCt:s:~pp!Juder, panque libertate h1s om:rf:. cxplodt:!, extb!bbttque. Erafm.Prlf{a&.in Smtoa. M'mor. r8. §. r8. Mcmorand. r8. Rulers !hould not be _contented to do good at home, and to be the Joy and blet!ing of thm own fub)ects, but alfo fer thm hearts to the_ promoting of fa11h, and holinefs, and Concord throughout rhe Churches of the World ; And to Improve rhc1r mtcrcfis in Prince5 and Stares by amicable: cornfpondrncies and treaties to thefe ends; that they may be bleilings to the E fb . iit t,·itti utmof\ extent of their caplcilics. As Conftantine interceded with the Pcrfian King to forbear the co-1(1. pe 1 frcu1ing of Chrillians in his Dominion, &c~ .B~t llhall p~efume to fpeak no firther to my Su- ~ pcriours : In the Golden Age thefe Memorandums will be pracbfcd. I will only annex Era[m~~< his Image of a Good Prince, and ofa B1d, r<cited by Alft•dius Enryclup. 1. 23· Polil. c. 3• pag. 173 , 174• 1be Imagt of agood Prince o¥t of Erafmus. "If you will draw the picture of a good Prince, delineate fome Ca:lcfiial wight, liker to God "than to a man ; abfolute 1n all perfections of virtue ; Given for the good of all : yea fent from "Hc:aven for the relief of mortal mens affairs: which being ( ocula,iffimum) mofi difccrning, look~ ".:rh to all! to whom nothing is more regarded, nothing more fweet than the Common~wealth : ' ' who hath more than a fatherly affection unto all : To whom every ones life is clearer than his own: " who night and day is doing and endeavouring nothing dfe, but that it may hle very well with all: " who hath Rewards in rcadincfs for all chat are good : and pardon for the bad, if fo be they will "betake them co a better courfe; That fo freely dcfireth co def"ve well of his Subjects, chat if it « be needful he will not flick to prefcrve their fafety by his own peril ; that takcth his Countrys "Commodity to "be his own gain: that alwayes watcheth that others moy flecp quietly : that leav– ,, eth hiffifdf no quiet vacancy, that his Countrey may live in quiet vacancy or peace: that affiiCteth "himfelf with fuccellivecarcs, that his Subjects may enjoy tranquelliry: To conclude, on whofe Vir– " tue it is that che Publick happinefs doth depend. 1ht Image •f a bad Princr. · Ibid. "If you would fot forth a bad Prince to the eye, you mull paint fome favage horrid beaft, made "up of fuch monftrofities as a Dragon, a Wolf, a Lyon, a Vi~cr, a _Bear, &c. every way arm:d, " with fix hundred eyes : every way toothed ; every way ternble wtth hooked talons, of an m– ,, fatiable paunch ; fed with mens bowelS ; drunk with mans blood ; that wat,heth to prey upon " the lives and fortunes of all the people : <roublefome to all, but fpccially to the good : a fatal evil '~to the World ; which all curfe and hate who wifh well to the Common-wealth: which can nei– ,, rher be endured becmfe of his cruelty, nor yet takeo away without the great calamity of the World, "becaufe wickcdncfs is armed with Guards and Riches. CHAP,