Mr. Hooker's EccleC Polir. for popr1larity confuted. 11 where difprovcd fully ). _Laws arc the E.ffeCiJ and /igns of the Rulers TYill: and i11}lmmentJ of G 1 vcrnment. Legitlation is the tirtl part of Government : And if rhe n.·bole Budy are n.ttttt.1VJ• GJvcr– no~trs, the Paru imprrans and pari fubdita are confounded. Ifthe moll: Abfolurt: Monarch can make . no LJws, then d~bcying them were no fault. It is en?ugh that their Pnwer be derived from' God ~~~;? ;: 11 ;or– immrdi.;tc/)•, thoifgh the per[ons be cbofen by mm. The~r Authority is not derived from tbe p~oplcs tJU. 'fo··t".p.jSr cl!nfent, but from God, hy their con[ent, as a bare co~tdition fine qua non. \rVhat if a Community hy Acutu5 homG all t.O their elected King, [We tak,s not our fclvu to have an;• Governing porrcr to give or u{e, bttt :ve ~1.m d_illit~gutt only choofe yo• or your•fa"',ily to that Office which God bath iA)fitutcd~. wbo i;z, zb.Jt btjfit:ttion gi:mh ~~:~:r.r;~;~~~~ you the power u,pon our choJce J: ~1n any ~a~ prove, th1r fuch a Kmg. no power, ?ut is a u~un regi– Tyrant ? becau(e the people d1tc\:mn the G1vmgof the Power: When mdec.d they do the1r duty. mini\: ~'omu. Runcmbo that in all this we (peak not of the Government of this or that puticular Kingdom; de homm1hus but cf Kin~don:s and ochcr Commonwealths i~:d€finitely. ~!!ec~~~e~e~lpc: efl :luthuriras. An Rcx Gr fupr:t L~gcs , Vld. Stb, Fox, lib. 2. dt Jnjlit. Re~. Objdf. 2· But, faith he, Lib. 8. p. 192• [ Vllto me it {tcmrth alntojl out of doze;t tnttd contr:>vrrfie, Objt!1. 2 • th.rt roery independent multitude btjCJre any certain form of regiment tjbb/iftJtd, hf-'th under God Supret$m Authority, fuU Duminion over it [tlf,-- J Anfn·. If by Domi;,ion were meant Proprirty, ~very Individual hath it: But for Giverning Power, Anfrr. it fcerncth 2s dear to me, that your independent multitude harh no Civit\P.ower of Government at all; but only a Power to choofi themG11vernour1: While they ha\'e no Governourl, they have no Go11erning Power, for that makttb a G?vernour. . jl. It· Oojcll:.3. Ibid. [A~..,, w:JO i1 Lard •f himfrlf, may be made anathm foev.,t, &c. J ObjeU. 3 • An[w. 1o H~ may hue. ou~ h1mltlt to. L:Jhour. for another; bcc.1uft: l~e hath ~o hr . the power of .llrif'.'V. himfelf, and hts Labour ts hts own, whtch he may fell for wages : But m a famd)', that the MJiler be the GoVcrno:tr to f~e Gvds Laws obeyed by his G:rnnts, is of Divine appoinrmmt, and thi!l Governing power the f~rvant giveth not to his M1~C~ bur on!y m_l~erh himfdf r~e.obtect of it. 2· The power thlt nature g1vtrh a man over himfclf, 1s tot:: [pccu ddhnct from Ctvd Goverqmcnt; (as Dr. Hammond hath well fh.ewed againtl I. G. ) An lndiv1dU.1l p~rfon futh nor th.1t power of his own . life as the King huh. H:: rnJy not put himfelf to d.:ath, for that which the King mJy him to gj:~· ~h1~ death for. 3· H this were true, thar·every individual, by [tif-rtfign<ltion rnigbJ give a Kinghis po.,ver whc, 1 E .pb~tover him; yet a poffe ad c.f!e non v.J/et confoquentia: And chH ir is 1tot Co is proved, in thar God the t!s rhc l'hi o-– Vniverfal Sovtr3ign hath prtvenud them, by determining himfdf, of his own Officers, and giving [~phc~ fio~ld them their power in the fame Charcer by which he enable~h the people. to choofc r~em. Therefore ~~lni~~~1d~!~it i5 no better reafoning than to fay, [If all ·rhe perfons mL-mdm f~b)6d-ed'themfdvcs ro the Lord r:n ei Adri~Mayor, he would thereby receive his power from them;] when the King prevenred that a} .. nus _c!tra ig– rcady, by giving him the pow~r hi.mfelf in his Charter_; and leavin~ only the choice of the perfOn ;:;;:111~~~~1 & to them ; and that under the duccbon of the Rules wh1ch he huh g•~en them. "' cinn,:n . , . rum propur f:nc8:utem , tunt ettam propter gnvem mcrbum, btbere poffet, ln vitJ. Atirir.Jii, . §·•5· Objcll:. 4· But, faithhe, pag._I93· /. 8..[J.t Kingda':'' of tbi1 qu•lity, (as this we live Objca. 4 • m ) the Htghtft GrwtrJC!JUr bath mdetd umverfal dommton, but ...wztb dtptudency upon tb.Jt whole entire body aver tbe [tvct:Jl part.r fflhtrtof be bath dominion : [o th.H il ftandeth for awsxiome in this eafe, 1he King i1 ma-jor (ingulis, univc1fis minor. J . , Anfw. If you had inclu~cd Himftlj, h~ cr.rtilin that he cannot be Gr~attr than r.h~ w~ole, bccaufe he Anfiv. cannot be greater than hm•felf. But fecmg you fpc:ak of the whole m conrnd!lhnCbon from him I anfwcr, That indeed in ienert cauf.e fiuAli1 the Sovcraign is VniverfiJ Minor, rhoH is, The whol~ Kingdt.•m is naturally more worth than One, and their felicity a .grcut~r .good: _or c:lfe the bonum pttbli~ cum, or folJH pop11li could not be: the End of Government : But th1s JS nothmg ro our cafe: For we are fpeakingofGoverning power as .a me:~ns to this end : And fa in gnzcre eau[.< c.fficirntiJ the Sovcraign ( yu, and his lowclt Offic:er) hath miJre Authority or ]Ill Rtgmdi than all the people as fuc:h; (for thty all as fuch have none at all ) ; Ev~n as the Church is of mare than the Pa.ftur, and yet the Pajfor alone hath more Authority to aominifier the S.acnmcnts and to Govern the people-, thJn . all thc,flock hath: For they have none either tou[t or give (-what ever fome fay to the contrary, )' but A.gam!l th~ only choofc him to whom -~odwill give it. f.~~P~~.c:~~ 111 0 gf Po;>,cr, bv conj~yning all their own in one, in Church or State, fee Mr. D. Cawtlr)'s Review of J•lr. HQ(Jt!rs Survey;?· 1 5 4 , &c. jl. 16. Object. 5· Saith the Reverend Author lib. 8. P· 194· [ Neithtt can any man with reafon think, Objc[/. 5• b:tt that tbefirji injlitution nf Kingt, (a fofficitnt coHfidtr4tion wherifort tbeir_power jhould aJwayt.I depend on that from which it did altr~ayes JWw) by original influence ofpower from the Body int!i the Kin,g, ; 1 the c.mfo . ofKings dependency in power upon the body: By dtpendtncy we mean fubordi.nation and jubjcllion. J <:u Anjiv.. 1. But it thait inH'iturion i1t genert was of Gud, and that givt: ~~COl ·their powe-r,, jind it ne- An[R'' ver fimcd from tbc Body at aP, th<n all you• !Upcrfhucru.e falleth with )'ou• gwund·wp~k. >· And here. you fecm plainly t~ confound. a\l Kingdoms by tur.ning t.he· pars imferans i~to thC p'arl'fobdjta 1 & VICe verfa; If the Kmg be fubjc[/> how are they hiS fubjtBs r I Will net"mferr what this will ,, lead