Ohjtll. 6. So tiil 8 IJ. 211 &p 218 &p.tlOo An[w. rJI.!des for an UprigiJt (ollwrfation. lead them to do, when tl:ey are taught that Kings arc in fubordination ;~nd [~tbjtllioH to them. Sad (Xpcrienc~t harh 01ewed us what this very principle would effect. 9· 17• Object. 6. Ibid. [A maniftj! to~n ofwbicb deprndtlltJ may bt thif; aJ tbtrt i< no mort ctr· lain argument, tbat Lands are held •mder 6HJ &J Lords, tha~t if wefle JbilJ [11ch lands in defc{J ofheirs fJll unto them by E{chttJt : In lik.,t m11nnrr it dotb foUorv rightly that {tting Dominion whm there U none ta iHherit it, rcturHtth unto the body, therrfure they which before rvtrt inheritors af it, did hoJd ; 1 in drprnd11ncc on the body: Sn that by comp11ring the Body with the Hr11d as touching, power, it{etmtth alJraycs to rcfidt in both: fundamentaL) a1rd radic.ally in one, in the tltbtr derivatively: in one the Habit i» tbe other tbe A{J efPo'Jl'tr. J ' , Anfw· Power no more f;,Jieth to the m~tltitudt by Efchtat, than the Power of the Pallor falls to the Cbur~h, or the Power of thePh){rcion to the HifPital, or the Power of the ScboolmtJfter ro the Scbular.t: that 1s, not at •ll : When all the Hrir.t arc dead, they arc an ungoverned Community, that have power lO chonfe aGovernour, but no Power to Govern, neither (as you dil\inguifh it ) in H.,bit nor in tJl1· original'y nor dcriv:aiuel.J'· As it is with aCorporation when the M.tyOI is dead, the power failed: not to the people. Therefore there is no good ground given for· your following gudlion, [May a body politick lhaH at aV timtJ rvithdrtJn> in wbolt or iH part Jbe infirtence of damini011 J'tlbich p~tffttb from it, ifinconv 111 ;. men do .e,row thcrtb)' ? J Though you an{~ver th!squdtion [oberly your felf, its t:afie to fee how .the multitude miy be tempted to anfwer it on your grounds, efpecially if they think your inconvenience turn into a ncccffity, and what ufe they will make of your next words, [ It muft be prefomed that SH– pream Governour.t will uot in fuch cafu oppnfi themfclvu, anti. be fli.ff in dtttJining that, tbe ufl where(){ is rrith public~ detriment. J A Hrange prdUmprion. O!j<l:l. 7• 9· 18. Objtct. 7• [Tbt Axioms of our Regal Government art tbt{e, Lex facit Regem: The Kings gr .Jilt of a~y fuvour madt contrary to Law is void ; Rex nihil potcft nifi quod jure potefi. J A_,,[w. Anfw• If Lex be taken improperly for the conjlituting cmtrtJCl between Prince and people, and L•b. 8: P· r95. if your [dCit have rcfp<ct only to the {ptcitJ and ptrfon, and not the f~hj!~n" of.th~ Power it [il[, 1_nu mScho- rhm I contrad]d: you nor. Bur 1f Le~ be taken ~roperly, for AHthontattvtJ canjlttutto debiti 1 or the Nb~ i~:~:~:m fignihcation of the' Soveuigns will to oblige the Subject , then LtK non facif Regem, [cd .Rex IJo[f ; .n. mi~ Ltgem. n·m llhi lo::-- gem p;:~!!C direre, ~ (jt!l mu~:t~:l voluntJte n~qu:lt rtceJere: Sammum tiu~ erre lmptrium qui ordinaria jure deroeare T::llle-2t~ E qu.bm cv1m imr Ju~ fun_unx poteUam non limitati per legem politivam. Hinc &: Au&uiliAus: dLXic. lmperatorem non efie !ubjeBum kgibus ftm---G,o:uu it I"'f·P·1+9, J~o. Objrll. 8. §. 19· Object. i• Lib. 8. p. 2to• [ Wbtn •D which tbt "'ifdotn •f aD {orll can J, i1 do1tt for ·tbt dt· vifing uf Laws in tht CIJHrch, it U the gtntttJl coH{tHt of tJV that giveth thttli tbe form anti. vigor of L~ws : wirhawt which thty ~ould bt Ho more to Ul than tht Councils of Phyficions to the fie}(. : WeUmighttbty Jttm as 'lflholefome admonitions and injtrulJions , but Law.t CQ~t/d rht) nevtr be, without ctm{tnt of tbt rPbole ChHrch to bt g11idrd by thtm, whereunto both 1tature tJHd tht 1rt~liice ofthe Church D.[God{tt dowH iu Script~trc, Hfo~tndevery way {o fully con{oNtJnt, that.GDtl himftlf woHid not impo{t, no mt his own Lt~"s •ponhis ptoplt,by the btJnd of Mvtts, witho11t their free tJnd optn conflnt.] .Q AH[w. An[w. l• IVif'do, doth but prrpmL"''"' and Govmting powtr tnallttb them, and givcth them their tOrrn. B_ut the whole B01iy hath no fuch Governi11g poa>er> Therefore they give them not their Hanc video form. 2• The peoplu crmfim toGods LtJW.t gave them not their fo,.m or aHthority: This opinion I t;~.picnli.ffimo- have dfewhere confuted, a~aiofi a mere erroneous Author. Their con{tnt to Gods Laws wts rc– ~um fu_1!Te quired i11decd, as naturally ntCrffary to their obedience, but not as nc:cefiJ.ry to the Being or Oblig 11 Jion iunu,::;~ of the law. Can you think that it had been no fin in them to have difobeyed Gods Laws, unlefs theyhad b~~~1::Um in~ firfi confr:nred to rhem? Thtn all the world might efcapc fin and damuatiOn by denying confcnt to the gt-niis cxcogi· Laws of God. 3· This dod:rine will teach men that ¥we have no Church-Laws: For rhe whole Ch~trcb taram,t:t-c l(i- never 11gnitied their confmt. Millions of the poorer fort have 110 voices in choofingParliament men ;~~ ~~~~~~ or Convocation~: And tA_is ~ill teach t~e mi~ur difTcnting part, to th~nk t~cmfclvts difobliged for rum; r~d · z- want" of confcntmg: a11d w11l gtve every ddfentmg part or perfon a Ncgattve VOJCC to all Church Laws. ternum quid- 4· A fingle Bifhop hath a Governing power over his particular Church> and they arc bound to obey d•m, fl"od him: Hcb. 13. 7· 17· And if the governing power of 01ie Paftor be nllt fufpended for want of the ~~~~~,u~~econfent of any or all 'the people, then mu-;h lefs, the Governing Power of King andParliament. geret, 1mpe~ ' . - . . . undi prohibehdi( 1 ue fapi:nti:t. cicm 't Ltg. " How eonlid~nble 2 part of E~gl4~d, ts Ll~tJoi« ? Ytt 1n thu Convoc:ttton, "b1ch h:nh made the Ne" Changes in the Licurgy and Book: of 0 1dinJ.tion , Lo11do~ had not one Cler~ of rh.eir choofing : For being to choofe but two, 1hey chofe onlyMr. c4/a"'1 and my feJf; wbo were neithtr of us accepted , or ever thore. Now if your opinion be true,; .!f.!!:a.I. Whethc~ rou make not this ~0}\VOC:ltions pecrees fO be but Counfds ,to u~ : 2. Or at leall: whed~~r the City of Lo~doll, or the I.o11d1Jlf MmJOers be not made free from detnmcnt, :ls not conf~:nren: You WLll free th.(m and 111e, cfp:cJ:zl!y fromDe– lrimenrforourNotConforming torhi~COnvocations ACts as fucb_; upon reafons which 1 do not own my felf, 2S genmJiy by you laid down. Objtll: 9· · ~· 20· Obje<!l. 9· Lib. 8. p. 220. [It i1 ~ tbiHg tVtH HndoHhtttlly natHrallbat all fm and indtpmdtnf focitlitl jboHid tbtm[elvtJ m•l\t thtir ow~ L•w1 ; and tbll tbit p01rrr jhoHIIJ belong to tbt who/t, no11o any etrtain P•rl of a tolitick,; bod;~) An[tf',