:Dire{lions for Obedience to (}(ulers. mufi be prayrd a!ld waited for, and not fnatcht by violence, as a hungry dog will fnatch the meat out of his m1fiers hands, and bite his fingers J Doyol1 bdicve that aD jhaU worJt t()tretber for good tothtm that Lovc Godl Ram.~. 28. And do you bdieve that . the godly arc more tlJ:s~t Conquerour 1, Jvbm t{,cy are~I!ed all d.ty, and cou~ttcd as fhcep tmto the jl.1ughtcr l v. 32, 33, 34, 35• And do you bdit:ve that it i5 caufe of excttdi~tg joy, when f iJr 1he {sJt..e (If rightcoufmfs y•u are h:~ted. ar.d perfc~ cutcd> and all manner of evil i; faljly JPok,pt of you l Matth. S· 10 , 1 1, 12· If you do not, you be· licvc not Chril\ : lf you do, will you {lrive by finful means "'gainll your own f.Rod. and happind"sand jnJ'• \Vill youdefire·to conquer when you. 11iay be ~~re rhan Conque~ours ? Certainly the ufc of linful means, doth come from fecrcc unbdtcf and d1ffiden'e ? Learn tO Trufi God, and you will 17 ea1i!y be fubjLct to your Govcrno~1rs. . ~· 3 4 . Direct. I J, Look_ n_Qt for toogreat nutter/ in the lv?rld : 1a/z.e i~ !:ut for tlut:.W,/dcrncf} Dz.retr. I I• wh!ch il the way to thepromifl'd l.md of rejf: And then you Will not count tt firange, to meet wirh hard ul~g.c and futferings from almoll all. 1 Pet. 4• 12, I3· Beloved, tbinlz. it not jlr.rnge concerning tht ficrJ' IYJ•al, rX>hich UtQtry )'Ott? a1 if fomejirange tJJi~g bappencd toynu : but rtjfl}ct in_ that )tare : part 3 1zcrs of the firffetings of Chrift. Areyou content Wl\h·Godan~ Heaven for your poruon? It nor, Pb,;l. J· 1 ~8, how arc you Chrifiims : lf you arc, you have finJ.ll rcmpcauon to rcbell or ufe unlawful rn~ns 1 1 ' u.. tOr earthly priviledges. ' Paul faich, be tool{. pleafure in perfecutionJ, 2 Cor. 12· 10. Learn you to do fa ;!lld you will ea.fily bear them. '~· 35 . Dirdr. 12· Abbor tb~ popular JPirit of mvy, which m~lzetb the poor for the mofl part think.. odi· Dire[!. 12 , w{ly oj' tbeRichand tht~r {upcrumrs ; hccaufc tbey have rbat whuh thry .had rather have tbemftlves. I uni1mf.Hiji1Jr, ·have long obfcrvcd ir, that t,h~ poo~ l'a.bouring people, a:e ~cry apt to fpcak of the ~ich, as fobcr p. l.tJo. Drcas men fpeak of drunkuds ; As 1f thetr very eftares and dtgmt}' and greatntfs were a viCe. And it is lcnpc~:l}~rem Very much to fhtrer their own Confcimcc, ar.d delude thcmfclves with ungrounded hopes of Hu.~ Orbs E~HSe~ vcn. When they have not the fpirit of Regeneration and holinefs, to witncfs their title 'ro eternal ~~~ ~hnc~~olif", they think thdr Poverty will fcrvc the turn: And they will ordinarily fay, that they hope God pium : Jni(:m will not punifi1 them ln another world, becaufe they have h1d rheir pur in this: But rhc:y wlll eafilv e/Te.f~mmo believe rhu a:lmofi all ,Rid~ and Great men go to ~;11? And wl~cn ~h~y read LuJte t6. of the Ricft ~;;!~~~~' d~e:~ r!:an ~nd Laz.arm, they thmk rh_cy arc t~e Laz!lru.r es, an,.d read Has tf .God would fave men mecrly nus, 111~p~r·a· fOr being poor. and damn men for bttng Great and Rtch : wh::n yet they wm1ld thcmfelvcs be as ret indig1lich and Grrat, if chey knew how to attain it. They thlnk that they are the maimaincrs of the nus ' nullum~ Common-wealth, ~nd the l<.~ch are the C.terpiU.Jri of i~, tha~ live upon r~eir labours, like drones in ~~.,c{~i~u~ the hive, or mice and vcnmne ~hat ea~ the hmu.y, whtch the p.:>or labour~ng Bees have long been ga· :1liqu;boni thering. For they are UJ1a.cquamtcd wtth the Labours an.d cares of thttr Governours, and fenfibrc: gum condi1.. only of thcir own. This cnvyous fpitit exceedingly difpofeth the poorto difconrcnts, and cumults tur. and rebellions : huticisnotof God, Jam. 3•15, 16, 17. 9· 36. Direct•.I3· Keep not comptuty with en"'liQUI murmurer! at Government: for tbeir J:Pow/1 fret Direl1. r3. li~e a ca.nk.,rr, and tluir Ji,t i1 of an inj'eliing kj~rd. What a multitude were drawn into the Rebellion :t-{umb. 16. of Corah, who no doubt were provoked by the leadcis difcontc:nted words : It feemeth they were for Popularity, Numb. 16. 3, 13, 14· Ye tak._c too much upon you, fcei;tgaU tbe Congregation are boly, every ont of th.cm, and the I:ord U amon.g tbcm : wherefore the;: lift you up yo:1r [elves above the Congrc .. gationof Jhe Lord- Is U a[mall thmg that tboHhajl brought lM up ortt of a land that jlowcth trith mil"- andho~ey, to l:j.tl rtJ iu rile l?ildrrmfi; txctpt tbou mak.,e tby [elf altogether a. Prince over tu l -TVilt tb6u put o:~t rht t)•eJ of tbefe mtil ? \Vhat confidence, :md what fair pretenf<s are here? fo vrobable and plaufible w the people that it is no wonder that multitudes were carrycd to nbcllion by it > Though God difowned them by a dreadful judgement, and 01ewcd whom he had chokn to be the Go\•ernoms of his people. y. 37• Direct. 14· Keep humblr, and take heed of Pride : The humble is ready to obey and yield . and nor only to be fubjdt to M.1gijlr.ttes, but toall men, even voluntarily to be fub.ieC! to them tha~ BzreO. 1:4"' cannor conOrain them. 1 Per. 5• 5· Be all of ;•ouJitbjcll oJte to anotbcr. It is no hard matter for a twig to bow, and for a humble (Oul to yield and obty another, in any thing thlt is lawful. But the Proud take fubjtd'ion for vaffalage, and obedience for fla.very, and fay, Who is Lord over us: Our tongues a.re our own; what Lord flull control! us? will we be made flavcs -to fuch and fuch 1 Pfa!. n. 6, 1· Ooly from Pride co~eth co1:tenti01!, Prov. 13. 10. By cauftng impatience, it .ca.ufcrh difobediencc and ~~;: :6 3.tS. fedition. 9· 38.' Di~cCt. 1 S· ~1tddle not u~callPd w_i~h tbe matttr1 flj fu~eriouri, and ta/z.e 1:0t U/XJH you to cen~ V";rctl. 15 , Jure thttr afrzom, whom ) 'OU have nett!Jtr abtlzty fiwifi or '•uthoruy to cenfurc. How oommemly will every tradcfman and labourer at his work, be cc:nfu.ring the Counfels a1td Government of the King~ and (peaking of things, which they never had means futlicicntly to underfland. Unlcfs you had been upon the place, an~ heard all the debates and confultations, and unl!ertlood all the circumfiances and tr:lforw; of the bufincfs., how can you imagine thac at fa great a difiance you are competent judges" l"~r God, and judge not that you be not judged.lf bufic·bod'io and mcdlcrs wid1 other mens Ma,. 7 ,t> :,3, manus among equal! are condLmned, 2 'Ihef. 3· 11. I 7'im. 5· I3· I Pet. 4· 15· m~ch more when thty meddle, and that cenfoiioutly wi.th t~e matters of t~eir.Gov:rnou.rs. 1! you would pleafe God, knowand keep your places, as Sould1crs m an Army, whtch ts thetr COITily order and their firength. '· §:39· Direfr.z6.·co11jitler thegreal tempt.:tiontof the Rich and gre~Jt; andpi1y them that }land Dirtlt. 1 p, Jn jo drmg.eroHJ a jlrati.m, inft~ad .ofmurmuring at !hemorenvJ•iitg their greatne(i. Yoljl lirtleknow wl~at }'OU lhould be your fdvcs, 1t you were in the:1r pl_ace~> and rhe world and the fte{h had fo gr<'at a ftroke at you, a:; they haveat them. He that c'an fw1m m a calmer water, may be carryed down