10 .. [afer 'about our •'Duty to our !Jlulm. ccrneth you more to care for your dury to your Governours, than for thtirJtO you: and not fo much to regud what you rtctivt, as wbatyou da; nor how you are ufcd by others, as how you behave ycur ft!vcs 10 them. . Bo much more afraid ldl you fhoqld be guilty of murmuring, difhonouring, difobcymg, A.attenng, not praymg for your Govunours, than le{\: JOU fuffc:r any thmg unjufily from them. 1 Pq. 4· 13, 14, 15,16 17· Letn~neof you"{uffer M amuderer, or as a thief, or as an evil df)tr, or as a bufic-bod~ i JJ 9tlur mtJU mattfrJ ; yet if any man [itjJEr as a Chriftian, let him not be ajhameJ htlel bi•n gl ·rifte G"d on thi< ~eb•lf. -If ye be reptoacheJ f" the name of ~hrijl,ye are hapty.~ Lm fo tha< all yqur Adv<~faii(s may be forced to fay as 11 was f..d of Danul, Dan. 6. 5• We jhaU not finr.Ltny.occoji~,t og.JiJJjt thif D.mid, exctpt we find it againjf him concerning the Law ()f hH God. Let n.onc be able JUIIly. to punifh you as drunkards, or thievts, or Ha.ndcrcrs, or fornicat~rs, or perju– ttd, or deceivers, or rcbd:iOliS or fCditious, and then never fear any {Uffcring for the fake of Chrill or R'l\htccu{,af;: Yea though you fulfer as Chrifl hirnfelf did, under a falfe accufation of difloyalty, fear 1lOt the full~ring nor .the infamy, as long as you are free from the Guilt. &e that all be well at home ~nd thar you b1.: not faulry again!\ qud or your Governouu, and then you may boldly commit you; fdvcs ro God, I Ret. 2. 23, 24. DircU· 22· . ~· 46. D net. 22. The mm ReligioU< ••y art, t~' moteobedimt jhouklthty he iu aD tbingt lawful. Exctl vtbtrJ in L'ryalty 1H well ar in Piet,. Religion is fo far from being a JUfi pretence of rebellion, that it i~ the only ttf~Gtudl bond of tinc<.re fubjcdion and obedience. Direti. 23· ~· 47· Direct. 23. Thtrtf"' btlicve not them th,t n>ould txempt tht Cltrgy from fubjdlion to the Civil.porrm: As none 010uld know the Law of God, fo well as they, fo none fhould be more obedi– ent to Kings a,nd St1tcs, when the Law of God fo evidently commandcth ir. Of this read Bil[on of Chrijlian fobjellioff, (who befidcs many others faith enough of this ). The Arguments of the Fa– pills lrom the fuppofcd incap>city of Princes, would exempt Phyficions and other Arts and· Sciences horn und~ nheic Government, as wtllas the Clergy. · Dire[i. 24• , ~~ 48. o ;reiJ:. 24. Abafenot M•gijlrJW fo far, M to thin!{. their office and powtr exttnderb not, I• matteTJ of Religion and the worjhip of God: were they only for the low and contemptible matters of t.his world, ehci, office would be contemptible and low. To help you out in this, I filall anfwcr fume of ~be commonefl doubts. ~·~· 1, . 9.· 49· ,Q!<Il·.'l• lJ the Civil M•gijlrate ]«dge i_n Controvtrjitt of faitb or Worjhip _I Anfw. lt hath \\ l\0 1tull be many a t1m~ gncved me to hear fo eafie a ~efi1on fitqucntly propounded 1nd ptt1fully anfwcred. Tudge in . by fuch as the publick good required, to have had more undcrllanding in fuch thin!';'. In aword, pot~ of~~t~ Judgement if Pwblick,. or Private: T.he Private judgement, which is nothing bur a Rational difcerning an Wor lp · of truth and JHJy, in order to our. own Choice and .practice, bclongtth to every Rational perfon. The Of thtfe PublicJt Jttdgemt11t is c:.vcr in Order totxecution: . Now the e>ctcution is of two forts; •J,Bytht Swurd. thin~. f« my 2. By God1 word applyedto the cafi and perfon: One is upon the Body or Ejlare: The other is upon rr,•poftt!o~s tht CJJnfcience of theperfon or of the CbHrcb, to bring him toR.tpentance, or to·bin~ him to avoid Corn• ~!~~; 31 ~be; 11)).Jnio~ W~(~ the Ch~rth, ~nd the ch_urch to a.void ~ommunion .with him: And thus Publick Judge4 . J.br.iArates mc:nt, ts CJl1JJ c;..r ~cclefiQjt,:.:J/: Cocrctve and vtoleHt m the execuuon; ?r only upon Con{tnttrs and vo.. anr.l Pa!lors lunteuJ. In the fir!t the Magijlratt is the only 1udge, and the P.aft;rs m the fecond. About faith or V'"" to rp"fhip, if the ~eOion be who fh•U bt prote{Jc/" Orthodox, and who jhaU be punijhed hy 1he Sword Dr.L d. Df(J;J/, M Heretical, IdvilllYIJIH, or irrtligiolll, here the Magillrate is the only Judge. If the Q£.dtion be rJ"ho Q:j• f. fl?a1J be admitte{i to Churcb Communion at Or1hodox, or tjclled and excomm~tnicatt as Heretical or pro- ~;r:!e:m~~g phane ;. here the: Pailors are the proper Judges. This is the truth, and this is enough to end all the the Roman-" volummous wranglings upon the QudHon, Who jhaU ht Judge I and to anfwcr the cavils of the waSdlbarr~J Fapills againfi rhc Powtr of Princes in matters of Religion. It is pity that fuch grofs and fn mmrnfilly fophifms, in a cafe that a Child may anfwcr, 0Jould debafe Chrillian Princes, and take away ~:;~,:;:.~b~,;,, thdr chief Power, and give it to a proud and wrangling Clergy, to perfccute and divide the Church R()m.!?!.!!,eQ.6;. wHh. ~,rjl. 2· ~· 50· Ql<ll. 2. May our Oath ofSupren<acy be Ja,.fuVy talr.fn, whtrein the King i< pronoun"dfupriam (Jf che Oath Goz1ernour in aU caufis Ecclefiajlical ill TTtU ill Civil i An[w. There is no reafon of fCruple to him that of Supmnry. underllandeth, I· That the tirle [ Caofrt Eccltjiaftic.IJ is taken from the ancient ufurpation of the P9pe and his Prelates, whobrought.much of the Magiltrates work into their Courr~, under the name of [ Cartji1 Ecclejiajlica/. J 2. That our Canons and many Declarations of our Princes, have ex• pour.ded it fully, by difclaiming all proper Palloral power. 3• That by [ GovtTnour J is meant only Se~ Bi!fon of one that Govtrneth coercivtly, or by the [wfJ'fd: fo-that it is no more than ro {wear, that In all caujl1 f~bJclr.p. ~38, Ecclefiajlical, fo far as e~crcive Government H required, it bel~ngttb not lo Pope or Prelates ttnder him, ~~f; b:G~~cs but to,the Kinga!fd bi-1 Officers or ~o~rtl alone: Oc_ that the King i~ .chief i~ Governing by the Sword in \'ernoursin caufesEcclefia{hcal as well as C1vll. So that 1f you put [jjnrJIHal] mfiead of Ecclefaftical, the: thi1'ts and word is taken mattrial!Jand not form.J'Cy: not that the King is cbjtf in the fpiritual Go11crnment by the ca.u.e~ Ecde· Keyuof Excommunication and Ab{olution, but that he is chief in the: coercive Government about fpi– ~:~i~Lh:ac ritual matters, as before cxplaintd. ~:~~t·;:a infer ; trg~ B, lhop~ be no Govfrnours in tbofe t~irgt, meaning No diftenfm, guiders nor direCtors of chof: tbing$ 1 your Con·. clufton is l•rger, & ;. lop. 156.. ~·fl·3· ~· 51. Quell. 3• It nolihi< •~ confound th• Cbutcb and Swe, •nd to givtthe Paftm Powtr to the'M•– g~irate? Anfw. Not at all : It is but to fay, that there may be need of rhe ufe both of the Word and Sword aj!,ain£1 the fame perfons, for the fame olfcnoc, and the Magifirate only mull ufe one, and the Paflors