Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

( aj"es abottt our 'Duty to our !f\3/ers. vJftor~ the: ocher. An heretical Preacher mly be filenced by the King upon pain of banifhment, ~d {ilenced by the Church, upon plin of excommunication. And whlt confufion is then: io this? ll ~.52· Q!_e(l. 4• ~ut bath _not the, ~ower' in Cafl! of Chz_trc_b J?ifoipli~e ~11~ 9?.!.eft. 4 • felfl Anfw. There IS a ~iii?'fi_ratcs DJfc1plme,_and a Pafioral D1fcjplme: Dtfc1~hne by the Sword is lt w.u fum•-. the Magit\ntes work : Dtfc1phne by the JY;rrd, IS the Pa/iorJ work. And there 1s a Coercive Exc:Jm- wh.u fH thJt munic3tion, and a Paftoral ExcommunicatioH: To command upon p1in of corporal punifhmcilr, that Ct~tiJL.tJ .1< a Hcrctick or Impenitent wicked ~an, fhall forb~a.r the Sacre~ ~rdinances and Privikdgcs, a Magi- ~v~:;: ~ui~~ firate may dq : But to command 1t only upon D:vme and Sp1ntual penalties, belongeth to the P J- of all in his ttors of the Church. The Magillrate hath power ovt'r their very Palloral work, though he have not Cbp;~e' m ·power i11 it, fo as to do it himft:lf. Suppoft: but all tht Phyficions of the NJtion to be of Divine ~\eaJmg <_vcn ]ntlitution, wit!~ their Colledges and Hofpitals, and in the Ctrnilnude you will fee all the diffi.:ulties ~no;~~ ~~ ~~ :s JCfulvcd, and the T!CXt ~eHion fullyanfweted.-- ar bge de9· S3· ~efi. 5· Scei1Jg tbe Ki1tg a11d the Paftors of the Ch:trcb , m.zy CommtJrtd and Jwi .... t,e to clued by Ab· {cvcral Ends_ in th: jjmc cattft, [uppoft tktY jhould differ ; wbich of them fho•ld the Cbmch_ ubey l;Sr. Anfw. _Dt~in~utili hcit: r. Bet~e~n a ~tght Judgenu!nt and a w:ong, 2· Between the ma~ter ~~ qut:- ~e.Jl . fiion, wh1ch ts ctrhcr, r. Proper 1111ts pnmary fiate to the Mlg_tfiute, 2. Or proper pomanly tO 5 the Pl!lor, 3· Or common to both ( though in f<Vctll forts of judgement ). And fo I anfwer the qucfiion thus. r.lf it be a matter wherein God himfelf hath fir!\ determined, and his 0/licers do but judge in fubordination to his L1w, and declare his \.Yill, then we mull obey him th:l[ fpeaketh accordin):; to Bif11o? Bi'ft>z the word of God, if we can truly difcern it; and not him that we know goeth conttary to God. P· 3'3· [We As if the Magiilrate 010uld forbid communion·with Arrians as ~eretic~s, and the Paft:ors comm:md ~~~~ ,n\~i~ ,us to hold communion with them as no HLreticks, here the M.ag1finte IS to be obeyed ( b.clUfe God hn.1rd rhcir js to be obeyed) beforethePafiors, though it be in a matter of Faith and Wodhip. If you fay, lives, tbaq Thus you ma~e all the people ]uJges. I anfwer you) and fo you mujf make rhem fuch Priv:~te Judgu, ~:~~r~~;~:~ to difcern thetr own duty, ~nd fo mufi evety man; or ~lfe you mull rule _rhcm as Beafis or mad not, or di– men, and prove that there IS no Heaven or Hell for any m the world but Kmgs and Paf\ors; or at llribut~ the Ieafi that the people fhall be fiJveti or diJmned, for nothing but obeying or not obt!ying their Govcr- lords Myfie– nours: And if you could prove that, you are never the neuer reconciling the contradictory corn- ~he;t r~tp~~~m mands of thofc:: Governours. not, bur~ive , wilful and open fignification c:f impi~ty, &c] Brda H:ft. Eultf lib.~· &aJ. f • relleth us, thac Mditllf Bifhop of i.mlo~ ( witb. Juftu&) w2s banifhed by the he1rs of Kmg s~bmth, becaufe be would not gwe them the Sacrament of the L.>rds Supper, wh1ch rhcy would needs have before they were 2. But if the matter be not fore-determined by God, but left to Mar,_"then r. If it be the Magi· flrates Proper work, wemufi obey the MJgiO:ra'te only. 2· If it be about the P•tlors proper worlz, the Paftor is to be. obeyed; though the MagiHratc gainfay it, fo be it he proct:ed ace Jrding to the General Rules of his inflrud'ions, and the matter be of wdght. As if the Magifirate and the PJflors of the Church, do command different tranflations br expoficions of the Bible to b:: uf~.:d, or one for· biddeth and another cornmandcth the fame individual p~rfon to be baptized or receive theSlcn-' ment of the Lords Supper, or to be e11eem~d a member of the Church, if the p.:-ople know nor which of them judgeth right, it feemcth to me, they !hould firfi obey their P11.H01"s, btClufc it is only jn matters intimately pertaining to their office. I £f>eak only of formal ebedimce, and that of the peo– ple only, for materially Prudence may require us rather to do as the Mdgifirate commandeth (quad, no 1 z quia) to avoid a greater evil. And its alWayes fuppofed that we patiently bear the Magifiu.tcs pe· nalties, when we obey not his Commands. 3· But in points common to them both, the cafe is more difficult : But here you mufi further diOinguilb, r. Between points cqual!J cummolt, and points umqu~lly common. 2· Between determinations ofGood, or Bad, or Indifferent confequt;nce as to the main End, and Interefi of God and fouls. r. In points equaUy eommon to both, the Magifirate is to be obeyed 2gainll the Paflors : Becaufe he is more properly :1 Commanding Governour, and they are but the Guides or Governours of Volunteers: And becaufe in fuch cafes the Pafiors thernfelves fhould obey the Magifirate; and thererore the people £hould fi.rfi obey him. 2. Mu-ch more in points unequally common which the Magif\rate is more concerned in than the Pafiors, the Magifirate is undoubrtdly to be tirfi obeyed. Of borh there might infiances be given about the Circumllantials or AdjunCts of Gods Wor!hip. A~ the Pl1-1ct of publick Worfhip, the Scituation, Form, Bc:lls, Fonts, Pulpits, Seats, prect:dency in Sears, Tab\es~ Cups and other Urenfi!s; Church Bounds by Parifhes, Church Ornaments, Gd\ures, Habirs, fome Councils, and their Order, with other fuch like, in all which t:£teriJ p.uibl!5 Bi;'h. .f.J.ite-nos for my part I ~ould rather obey the Laws of the King than the Cmons of the Bifhops, if they fhould i 1 nrt. To;t. difagree. 3· Bur in ca{t1 common to both, in which lhe Paftoo Office is more nearly and fnUy concc:m- I'· 38;. Cohi– ed than the M-~g~fr.Jtes, the CJ[e is m o1 c difficult: As at what hour 1he Church Oull affemblc: What be~t Regem part uf Scripture Oull be re-id; Wh.1r Ttxr th'- Minilicr Oull preach on: How long Prayer, or Ser· ~;~~oi~d1'g~~s (lt 1 idq;p:tl:uu con(kr, accedat ram~n ;,d Sac~1m~nt um : Coh~be11 & 1\kdicus fi :~d no:.:iam "quid vel infa~ubrc manum admoveu: Collibe:lt & inter. cquitandum .1di~Jt ··lw.n p r lo• un. prrntp!U~l, vel fa~ebr?fum, l·ui fubfit pericu'um : Et1am~.- ~iedJco? Et1 :ln 11::- E,1ui.o~li fuo fub;ctl:us Rex? Sed de M:f .~; ~,J:r'!.n /np1Wii; fed ea, ad rem noxt<~:m procul :trcen:bm : t!ul in'e Ch:Jn .lm fempc~ Ponfias dl: q:axj– mfl. Her~ you fee what Ch;;rcb U. n.:rwm:nt is, :and ho..., Kmss are under it) and how nor) ir.1 B.lhop ARd,r.vs feP.f:. Ddddddd mon,