e5 Church-TRory of Bifhops and Conventicles. At Alexandria he imprifoned Peter that fucceeded Athan fins, and banithed his Presbyters and fet up Lucite an Arian Bifhop. He deperfecuted the Monksof the Wildernefs of Egypt (Nitric and Scitis) and ftroyed their Houles : Banilhed MacariueofEgypt, andMacarius ofAlex- andria, their Leaders. He perfecuted Bafil at Cefarea : He went in perfon at Antioch, todiffurb and fcatter the Conventiclesof the Orthodox ; And; when he had banifhedone of their Bithops (Meletiva, enduring ` Paulinos) the Presbyters kept the Meeting: when hedrove them away, a Deacon, kept it up : At lait Mani/tiros, a Philofopher, made an Oration before him, biddinghim not marvel that the Chriftianshad fuch differences, for they were nothingtothofe of the Philofophers, whowere ofthree hundred diffèrent Opinions ; and that God would be honoured even under divert- ty ofOpinions : This fomewhataffwagedhim ;. and fhortly after in the sorb, year of his age, he was (lain. 4. 3. Gratien (and Valentinianjunior) coming to the Empire, Liberty of Con fcience and Reftoration was given to all Sets, except the Ennomi- tins, Photinians,, and Manichees (Socrat. 1. 5. e. z) He took Theedofus into the Empire with him : And fo the OrthodoxParty got up again : and the ,4rioins after this went every where down , lave among the Goths. S. 4. LXXI. Theodofiüs called a General Council at Con flantinople, where thechief things done,,. were, L. the fetting up ofGregory, Naxian.. acne as Bifhop, 2. The condemningof the Macedonians, 3.. The givingof the fecond Patriarchate to Conflantinople, becaufe it was the Imperial Seat;, putting under him the DiocelTes of Pontes, lieraclea and Afia: 4. The puttingdown ofNazianzene again,and puttingNeëlariva inhis Head. 5. The fetlingElaviantssat Antioch. 0. 5. Some would perfwadeus that it was two Councils andnot one that did thefe things.: But the queftion is but de nanoine. In the beginning they di fpatch'd part of their work; and before they departedMeletiouthe fhop ofAntioch dying, the Bithops returned, to Council, -and moreEgypti- an Bitbops came and did the reft. 5, 6. The Cafeof Gregory.. Nat. was thus.: ACouncil at Antioch in the reign of Ari..nifine,, fent him , with three more able fpeakers to go- vifit the Churches, and drawthem fromArianifine. He came toConflanti nople, and an Arian being in polTffion, begot into a little empty Church,.. and there folong. Preached, till he had recovered muchof the City from Arianifine. HereuponPeter, Bifhop:of Alexandria, fignified by Letters, that he would have him be Bifhop of Conflantinopie (againft the ArianBifhop : )_ The Orthodox Party .chofe him : One Maximus, that of a Philofopher. turnedChriftian, and infinuated intoGregories familiarity; bymoney firft,.. and threats after, gets Peter of Alexander., and the Egyptian Bithops, to . make himBifhop of Conflant. fuppofing Gregory not yet lawfully fettled : Meletites Antioch : being at confl. OrdainethGregoryBilhop. The Council, when Convened, Confirmhim, and caft out &faximsea (that never had pot=: fetfion:) Theodofito owneth Gregory,, and putteth out the Arian Bifhop, and- peal; ,.