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-----=-------- their Councils abridged. 73 rome is the defcriber of it, who writing againft the Author, fovinian a Milan Monk, no doubt according tohis fharpnefs, makes the wont of it : At the worn it containeth all thefe : a. That Virgins, Widows and Marryed Wotnen, being all baptized (or walked) in Chrift, and not d.ffering in any o- ther wor!s, are ofequal merits. a. Thatthofe thatplend fidewith a fullfaith areborn again in baptifine, cannot befubvertcdby the Devil. 3. There is no differenceof merit between abflainingfrommeat, and receiving it with thanks- giving. 4. That there's one Reward in Heaven for all that keep their baptif- malvow. Siricius catching yovinian hid at Rome, fends him to Milan, where a CouncilHereticateth him. S. 24. LXXXII. It's ftrange that Binnius vouchfafeth next to add out of Socrates, 1. 5. c. zo. (when he Hereticateth himalfo) a Council of the Novatians ; Socrates and Sozomen are calledNovatians, by the Papifts , be- caufe they rail not at them fo valiantly as the Hereticators do; And it may be theywill call me one, if I fay that I better like this Councils Canon, than burningmen for fuch a Heretic. They decree that asfrom the Apo- files the different time of keeping Eafler was not taken for fufficient caufe for Chriftians to renounce Communion with eachother, fo it Ihould be efteemed 1tí11, and it fhould be fo far left indifferent, that they live in love and Communion that are herein of different minds. And I would fay, as lowd as I can fpeak, If all theproud, contentious, ambitious, hereticating part of the Bifl ops had been of this Chriflian mind, O what fin, what fcandal and fhame, what cruelties, confufions and miferies had the Chrifiian world efcaped! But yet menwill fcorn to be fo far Novatians , in defpight of Scripture, reafon, humanity and experience, whatever fin or mifery follow: (As I faid before) in England the Convocation and Parliaments overfight hath determined of a falfe rule to know Eafler-day, and filenceth Miniftersfor not Affenting, Confenting to it, and approving the rife of it, even the Ufe which confifteth in keeping Eafler at a wrong time, which makes us Hereticks. 5. z5. LXXXIII. An. i93. A great Council was called at Hippo, where Auftin, yet aPresbyter was there. Goodmen will do well: Here was no- thing but piousand honeft, for reformation of Difcipline and Manners; And molt of theAfrican Councils were the beft in all the world. Their Bifhopricks were but like our Parilhes, and they ftrove not who fhould be greateft, or domineer. §, 26. LXXXIV. Next aCouncil at Confiant. decideth a Crontroverfie between two men {hiving for a Bifhoprick, Bin. p. 539. 4. 27. LXXXV. ConcilinmAdrumetinum did we knownot what. §. 28. LXXXVI. An. 394. A Council of Donatifis was held at Ca verme, about a fchifm between two men fet up for Bifhops againft each other. 5. z9. LXXXVII. At Bagai another Council was called by the Dona.. tiffs, for the fame Caufe, where Primianus Carthag. having 310. Bifhops, condemned Maximianns his Competitor, abfent. Note here, a. How L great