Baxter - BR161 B28 1680

74 Church-Hifiory of Bifhops and greata number the Danatsfls were, and onwhat pretence (asover-voting them) they called others HereticksandSchifmaticks. 2. How fmall fhopricks then were, the number tells us. §. 30: LXXXVIII. A Synod was held at Taurinum in Savoy, where a differencewas decided between the Bithops of Arles and Vienne, ftriving which fhould begreateft : And he was judged to be thegreateft, whofe feat was proved to be theMetropolitan: Anda cafeof Communicating with one Folix a Partner of lthacius and the bloody Bithops was, debated. s. 31. LXXXIX. Another Carthage Council called the fecond,. which Binnius faith, was the laft, is placed next ; which decreed feveral Church Orders, force of which Phew, that a Bithops Diocefs had then but unum ahare; Aswhen reconciliation ofPenitents, (as wellas Chrifine, andCon. fecrating Virgins) was tobe done by the Bilhop only, except in great ne- ceffity. And when Chriftians were multiplyed, they that defireda Bifhop ina place, that had none before, might have one.. And the prohibition erigendi aliudaltare, &c. was.repeated. §. 3z. XC. AnotherCarthage Council called the third, hathmany good Orders : One is. Can. 26. "That the Bithop ofthe. firlt Seat, (hall not be "called the Chief Prielt (or Bifhop) or any fuch thing, but only the Bi-. "fhop of the fzrft Seat. To avoid all ambitious defigns of fuperiority.: Whence Binnius elfewhere noteth, that Carthage, had not an Archbifhop. Nodoubt they had a fenfe ofthe finandmifery, that came by the Patriar- shall and other, ambitious ftrifes. 4. 33. XCI. Another Carthage Council bath the like Canons, adding to this aforefaid, as Cratian citeth it, Ctlniverfalis auum nec etiam Romanas Pontifex appelletur.] T6 which Binnius bath no better an anfwer than, a, That it is only fwelling titles, and not the fuperiour power that is for bidden: 2. That the Africans had nopower to make Laws for Rome; But, .. Sure the Name is Lawful, ifthe Power be Lawful. 2. Theythat could make noLaws for Rome, might declare their Judgment of Gods Laws, and that Rome might make no. Laws for them. This Council allo forbiddeth goingbeyond Sea with Appeals. f. 54 XCII. The . next Carthage, Council, hath 10.4 Canons for Difci.. p'.ine : molt very good.. Divers Canons lay fo much on the Bilhop, as plainly II-Lew.each Bithop had butOne. Altar. Can. 14. " That the Bithops "Cottage be not far from the Church : Can. 15. That the Bifhop havebut "vile. or cheaphoufhold fluff,- and apoor table and diet ; and feek.his au- ' thonity or dignity-by his faith and defert of life, 16. The Bithop mull " not read the Gentiles Books ;.. 1.9. Nor contend for tranlrtory. things, `4 though provoked. o. Nor takeon him the careof Family (or common) "bufinefs, but only bevacant to the Word and Prayer. 23. The Bifhop " (hall hear no Caute but in the pretence of his Presbyters', elfe it (hall be "void that is fentencedwithout them, unlefs confirmed by their pretence. ",28. The unjuft condemnation of Bithops is void. -30. And judgments ár a&a¡aft the ábfent 35, Thá Bifhop to tit higher than the ,Presbyters at " Claudia