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their Councils abridged. 83. (as Harding) that theAfricans continued long, (tome fayalmoft too years) in Schifm : And an Epiltleunder thename ofPope Boniface the fecond to Eulalius faith the fame : Others wifer (as Binnius)fee that to lofeAuguftines authority andhave him and all the AfricanBishops (the belt ofthe World) againft the Papalpower, wouldbe toheavy a burden for them : Therefore they fay, that theAfricans were no Schifmaticks, thatthe Canon not found was inthe Council ofSArdica ; and that That went for the CouncilofNice : That the Africans didnotdeny the Popespower of judging them, but only offending Souldiers and doing it violently by force, and fuch other fhifts, which the exprefs words of the African Council and Letters plainlycon- fute: If any difpute it, I appeal to the very words. Either another Council or a fecond Seflion of the fame is called the fe_ venth at Carthage. g. 62. CIX. All this while theSchifm continued at Rome, and Eulalius partlywould not Communicate with the rett, each fide faying, that theirs was the TrueBifhop, and the other anUfurperand Schifmatick. But Thee- dofius was for C.eleftine. In his time another CarthageCouncil made up their Canons io5.,Amongwhich are : 6. That no Bifhop be called the chiefB4hop. 3 3. To deal gentlier with the Donatifs. 36. Tofend to themfarpeace. 5 3. That Bi- fhops !atelier ordained may not dare to prefer themfelves before thofe that were Ordainedbeforethem. 68. Forpacifying the Churches ofRome and Alexan- dria, &c. 4. 63. It fell out well for Auftin againft the Pelagians, that by the means of Profper and Hilary PopeCaleftine was wholly on Auftins fide, and con- demned the Pelagian. Andamong his own Decrees one wasNullue inoin s detur Epifcopus : Cleri, plebis & ordinisComm. fenfus acdefaderium requiratur. Many Canons of thofe times Thew thatthe Bithops Churches were no big- ger, than that All the Laity couldmeet to choofeor accept the Bifhop, and have perfonal Communion. 4. 64. CX. AnEa/ternCouncil againft the Maffalians. S. 65. CXI. Next cometh the NeflorianWar: Pope Caleftine provoked by Cyril Alex. called a Council at Rome, and condemned Neflorius, unlefs he recanted in ten days. 4. 66. CXII. Cyril calleth his Council at Alexandria, and paffeth the fame fentence, havinggot Caleftine to back him, and fends it with many Anathematifines toNeftorius, calling for his abjuration. The whole caufe is opened at the next Council at Ephefus. Mz CHAP.