Baxter - BR161 B28 1680

84 Church-Hit try ofBijhops and CHAP. V. TheFirft General Council at Ephefus, with the Second, andfame other following. j. r. He Church at Conflantinople growing to be thegreaten, by theprefenceofthe Court (whichwas the fpringor poife of moft ofthe Bifhops courfes, andindeed did rule,) it became theenvy and jealoulie, efpecially ofthe twogreat Patriarchs, Romeand Alexandria. Alexandria being under the fame Emperour hadmore to dowithConft. andmade the greater Stirs ; Forwhen the Empire wasdi- vided, Rome being under an Orthodox Emperour, had little trouble at home, and little opportunity for domination in the Lafl: Yet keeping up the pretenceof the prime Patriarchate, and the Caput Mandi Romani, the Pope watch'd his opportunity to lay in his claim, and tokeep under the stronger fide, andwhile theydid thework in theEafl againft one another, he fent now and then aLetter or a Legate, to tell them that he was fome- body ftill : And indeed the hope of help from theWefiern Emperour by the countenance of the Pope, made the Eaflern Churches 'till vexed with Here. fie and Perfecutionsand Divifions, tofeek oft toRome and be glad of their approbation, to ftrengthen them againft their adverfaries. s. z. When Arfaciu.s was dead, Atticus fucceededhint at Conflantinople, a wife and pious healingman, who greatly thereby advanced that Church andall the Eajlern Churches: He dealt gentlywith the Novatians and lived in peace with them. He encouragedHereticksby kindnefs toreturn to the Communion of the Church. At Synada in Phrygia Paw. was a Church of Macedonians : Theodofius Bithopofthe Orthodox Perfecuted them withgreat feverity And when he found that the Magiftrates of the placehad not power to do as much as he expefted, he gothim toCon/tantinople for greater pr power: while he was there Agapettu theMacedonian Bifhop turned Ortho- sccr0.1.7. dox, and all the Church adhered to him, and fet him in the Bifhops chair. e. 3. WhenTheodolites came home with power toperfecute him, he found him in his place, and the people Phut the doors againft Theodofiva : Whereupon he went back to Con/I. and madehis complaint to Atticus how he was ufed. 4tticaasknew that it fell out for the heft, for the concord of the Church,and he gave Theodofias good words, and perfwaded him only to be pati- ent. 5. ,3. Cyril at that time fucceeded his Unkle Theophilus at Al_exard a, in 'place and inunquiet domination, taking more upon him than 71.- , i- lue had done, even the Government of temporal affairs : He prefer t at á'ß-r ïb.c7. up theNovarian Churches in Alex. rifled them of all their Treafur.., : ,d bcr:<.. ,;d