94 Church-Hifory of Bi'hops and ffinEtione:mans eß credimus ftliinaturam, tang:am unies, fed inhumati. Cyril. Epift. adEolog. Fresb. Nos illas (dues natures) adunantes unum f- lium, union Dominion confitemur, deinde &runamper naturam incarnatam, quod de commun bamine dicendom. Dum unitatem cbnfitemur, non diflinguuntor emplies qua font unita : fed anus jam eft Chriftos c una eft ipfaus tanquamincar- natiYerbi satura. Cyril, lib.cont. Neftor. p. 3t. Hic recentiffme impietatis inventorqu.omvis Chriflttm unumfedicere famulet, artamcn ubique saturas eliflinguit. Et p. 45 Quomodo Chriftumunum& individuum dicis effe duplieem nature? Cyril. lib. de reffa fide ad reginos p. 63. Affamitur in union Deitatis Nam- ram units Chriffus yefis per quernmania. Cyril. Dialog. Qnod anus fit Chrifrus. [Vnum porro flints & unam ipfaus Naturameffedicimus, lice: carnets anima intelligentepradatam affurapferit.] Many more fach paffages are inCyril. Here Derodon proveth, I. That Cyril tooknot ¢Bari for Perfona. i. That he took not ,Dcdp.stis for Divif on but Diflinftion: If he did, it was an ill quarrel, when Neflorius affert.. ed notaDivifion, but a Diftintìion. 3. That Cyril ítill reprovethNefla. rims for aílertingonly a union fecundhm perfonam, and not fecundam natal. raro. 4. That Cyril (as Diofeorus) declares what union he meaneth, not by Confufion, Commixtion or Tranfmutation, but by Compofition, (ana fo laid the Eutychien.) The fecond order of Derodons proofs is from all the places where Cyril pleads forone hypoftafas, andhe fheweth that by bypeftafis Cyril meant no. turn or fub(lantiafngularie. The citations are too longto be repeated. 3.His proofs are from all the Texts where he faith theWord,and Huma- nity concurred r!tcÆy. His fourthproof that Cyril was an Eutychian, is from all thofe places where he faith, that the Godhead andManhood are made one nature as the foul andbody ofman are. His fifth order of proofs is from the words where he oft attributeth the fameoperations, and the fameattributes to both nature. Hisfixth proof is from the teftimony oflbw Edef. apedFacund. 1. 6.'e. 3. Gennad. Confl. ibid, 1. i. p. 77, 78. yohan. Antioch. Theodoree, &c. §.ze.For mypart,] againfay, part doubt, that neither Neflarias' nor Cyril were Heretical de re; but that they wereofone mind, andthat one fpake of the concrete, and the other ofthe abffrall;that one fpakeofChriflus qui Dens, and the other of Chriflus quit Deus. But (pardon truth, or be deceived Rill) ignorance, pride, and envy, and fanion, and delire to pleafe the Court, made Cyril and his Party, by quarrellome Heretication, to kindle that lamentable flame in theWorld. But fin ferveth the finners turn but for the prefent, andbecometh afterward his fhame. All the Bilhops would not followCyril. At this day the falfly Hereticated Ne¡torians (faith Breerwood Enquir. p. 139.) inhabites a great part of the Eafl, for befides the Coup.. tries of Babylon, Affyria, ¡wefopotamia,Parthia, and Media, they'are fpread far and wide, both Northerly to Cataya, and Southerly to India : Marcus Paulus