their Councils abridged. 95 Paulus tells us of them and no other Chriftians in Tartary, as in Caffar, Sarmacham, Carcham, Chinchintalas, Tauguth, Suchir , Ergimttd, Tenduc, Caraim, Mangi, i -c. fo that beyond Tigris there are fewother Chriftians. The Perfian Emperours forced the Chriftians to Neftorianifine; TheirPa- triarch hath his Seat at Mufal in Mefopotamia or the Monaftery of St.Etres near it, in whichCity the Neflorians have i 5 Temples : They are falfly ac- cured ftill to hold twoPerfons inChrift They fay as Neftorius himfelffaid, Ton may fay that Chriff's Mother is the Parent ofGod, ifyou will expound it well, bat it is improper anddangerous. They take Neflorists, Diodorus Tarfenfis and Theodor/oil/off/JO, for holyMen ; They renounce the Council Ephef. and all that owned it, anddeteft Cyril. They Communicate in both kinds: They ufe not auricular Confeflion: nor Confirmation : nor Crucifixes on their Croifes : Their Priefts have liberty for firft, fecond,orthirdMarriages, &c. Breerwood, ibid, p. 544. 5. a r. I need noother proof for my opinion, that thefe Bifhops fet the World on fireabout a Word, being agreed in fenfe, than the recon- ciliation of the Patriarchs Cyril and,olon when forced, and their Parties, profeffingthat they meant the fame and knew it not. Obj. But they all con. demned Neftorius. Anf. To quiet the World, and to pleafe the Courtiers and violent Bithops. And the Emperour himfelf(faith Socrates, 1.7.c.4e. one that excelled all the Priefts in modefty and meeknefs, and could not away with perfecution,) was the moreagainft Neftorias.becaufe hewas aperfecu- tor himfelf. Read Theodoret's Homily againft Cyril, Bin. p. 007. and Yohan. An- tioch. ibid. But neither the one fide [Neflorius here!iarcha immiiffimus,] nor the other fide [Cyrillus fuperbus blafphcmtcs] fhould lignifie much with men that know what liberty adverfe Bishops ufed. 5. 22. As for them that fay, Neftorius did diffemble when he afferted the `Unityof two Natures inone Perfon: and is not tobe judgedof by his own words, I take them to be the firebrands of theworld, and unworthy the regardof fober men, whopretend to know mens judgments better than themfelves, and allownot mens owndeliberate profellion to be the notice oftheir Faith. 5. 23. When the Empereur taw that there was no reconciling the Bi- fhops, butby force, he authorized Ariflolaus, a Lay-Magiftrate, to call Cyriland 7óh. Antioch. toNicomedia, and keep them both there till they were agreed : whereupon Johncommuned withhis Bihops, and theyyield ed, having no remedy, to the depofition of Neflorius, the Ordination of max/min/anus in his ftead, and communion among themfelves. This is cal- ledanother Council. It would grieve one to read the Emperour Theodofus importuning Simeon Stylites, a poor Anchorite, to try whether by Prayer and Counfel he could bring the Bithops toUnity, and concluding, [This difcord doth fo trouble me, that Ijudge that this only bath been the chiefoccafionof all my calamities.] Bin. p. 5. 24. CXIV An. 43 3. There was a Council called at Rome to clear Pope