i o Church-Hiftory ofBifbops and thers reign : Never was it truer than in the Cafe of General Councils, that the Multitude of Phyficians, exafperateth the Difeafe, and killeth the.Pa- tient. The word [sEbioae-] the [one nature after union] the words [one will and one opperation] had never done half fo much mifchiefin the Church, if the erroneous had been confuted by neglect, and Councils hadnot ex- afperated, enraged, and engaged them, and fet all the World on taking one fide or another. One skilfull healing man that could have explicated ambiguous terms, and perfwaded men toLove and Peace, till they had underftood themfelves and one another, had more befriended Truth, Pie- ty, and the Church, than all the Hereticating Councils did. §. 15. If what Socrates writeth of Theodofius junior be true, (as we know no reafon todoubt) God owned his Moderation by Miracles, not- withítanding his favouring the Eutychians, more than hedid any ways of violence. Socrates faith, 1. 7. c. 41, 42. that Theodofius was the mildeft man in theWorld, for which caufe Godfubdued hisenemies tohim without ¡laugh- ter and bloodfhed; as his Victoryover Yohnand the Barbarians thew : Of which he faith, Firft, Their Captain Rugas was kill'd with a thunder-bolt; Secondly, A Plague killed the greateft part of his Soldiers; Thirdly, Fire from Heaven confumed many that remained. And Proclus the Bifhop being a man of great Peace and Moderation, hurting and perfecuting none, was confirmed by thefe providences in his lenity, beingof the Em- perours mind, and perfwading the Emperour to fetch home the bones of Chryfoflome with honour, wholly ended the Nonconformity and Separati- on of theYoanites. §. 16. Before Theodofius dyed, Leo Bifhop of Rome Cet Placidia and Eudoxia, to writeto him againft Diofcorus, and for the caufe of Flavia- nus: Yea, and a/alentinian himfelf. Theodofius wrote to Valentinian (and the like to the Women,) " That they departed not from theFaith and "Tradition of their Fathers, that at the Council of Ephefus fecond "things were carried with much liberty and truth, and the unworthy "were removed and the worthy put into their places, and it was the y6 troublers of the Church that were depofed, and Flaoianes was the " Prince of the Contentions , and that now they lived in Concord and a' Peace. §. 17. The Council at Cakedon was called, an. 451. Diofcorus is accu- fed for his Ephefine GeneralCouncil, and for his violence, and defence of E Entiche,, and the death of Flavianus. He alledgeth the mperoursOrder to him [r4uthoritatem &Primatum tua prabemus beatitudini, (If the Popes Univerfal Rule be effential to the Church, then the pious and excellent EmperourTheodofuu, and the General Council that confented, were none of them Chriftians that knew it, but went againft it.) Eos qui per addita- mentttm aliquod, aut imminetionem eonati font dicere, Prater qua fant expeftta de fide Catholica á fanais Patribus qui in Nicaa, & poft modem qui in Ephe- ià conçregati flint, nullam omnino fuiuciam in fanao Synodo habere patimur, fed & fob vefro iudicio effe volumes.] Here Binnius accufeth the good Em- perour