10 a Church-Híftory of Bífhops and Diofcorus faid, There are four Books of it, that all contain this Definition. ,Doyou accule all the Synodical Books ? I have one, and he bath one, and be bath one; Let them be brought forth. Diogenes Bifhop of Cyrilum faid, They deceitfully cleave to the Council cf Nice : The QQeftion is ofadditions made againft Herefies. The Bithops of Egypt faid, None of its receive additions or diminutions : Hold .what is done at Nice : This, is the Emperour's Com- mand! The Eaftern Bithops clamoured [yufi fo faid Eutyches.] The Egyp. tien Bithops Rill cryed up the Nicene Faith alone without addition. Diofcorus accufed the Biflaops for going from their words, and faid [If Eutyches hold not the Doúrine of the Church, he is worthy of punment and fire, (ex ore tuo) My regard is to the Catholick and Apoftolick Faith, and not the Faith of any man : I look_ to God himfelf, and not to theperfora of ary man, nor care Ifor aey man, but for myfoul and the true and fncere Faith.] The Egyptian Bithops cryed out [Let no man feparate him that is indivifible. No man talleth one Son two.] TheEaftern Bithops cryed, [Anathema to him that diaideth Bafil Selesecia faid, Anathema to him that divideth two na- tures after the union.; and Anathema to him that knoweth not theproperty of the natures. The Egyptian Bifhops cryed out, [As he was born he fufered: There is one Lord, and one Faith.: None talleth one Lord two. This was Neftorius voice. The Eaftern Bifhops cryed, Anathema to Neftorius and Eutyches. The Egyptian Bifhops cryed, Divide not the Lord of Glory, that is indivifrble. Raft Bifhop e f Sileuc. reported ,how rightly he had fpoken at Epheftu, and how the Egyptians and Monks with noire oppofed, and cryed [Cut faim in two that faith Two Natures, be is a Neftorian.] TheLay Judges asked him., If be fp4e fo well, why did he.condemn Flavianus ? He faid, Be. caufe he was neeefftated to obey the reft, being's .;.o Bithops. Diofcorus laid, Out of thy own mouth art those condemned, that for the fhame of men haft pre- varicated and defpifed thefaith. Bafilius Selene. faid, If 1 had been called to Martyrdom before the judges I had endured it ; but be that is judgedof a Fa- ther ufethjuft means : Let the Son dye that fpeaketh.even things juft to a Fa. they. But the Eaftern Bifhops better cryed out, [Wt have all finned, we all beg pardon.] And Thalaffus, Eufebius, and Eufiatbius, (leading Bithops) cryed the fame, [We have all finned, we all crave pardon.] After- this the Alts of Ephef. andConfit. were read. 4. sg. By what I have recited out of Binniau, and - others, there two lamentable things are undeniable : I. That this doleful Contention, Anathematizing, and ruining each other, was about the fente of ambiguous words, and that they were of one mind in the matter, and knew it not: The Egyptians(Eutyehians) took two Natures and two Sons to be of the fame fenfè, which the others did not. Andthey thought that the reft had afferted a Divifron.of the Na- tures, when they meant buta Diftirriiàn : tond the reft thought that the E.y,.tians had denyed a Diftinftior, who denyed but a Partitionor Divifion. Ii And