104 church-Hftory of Bifhops and tit's Bookand Anathematize me : The Egyptians applaud Euflarhius, Paying , Euflathius reporteth Cyril's words, in which were, We Hain not underfland two natures , but one incarnate nature of God the word. And Euflathius added, He that faith there is but one nature : fo as to deny Chrifis flefhwhich is confabflantial withus, let him be Anathema : Andhe that faith there are two natures to the Diviftonof the Son of Gad, let him be Ana- thema. (one would have thought this Mould have ended their quarrel.) And Eufiathius added of Flaviamu himfelf, that he received thefe naked words, and gave them theEmperour; Let it be orderedthat his own hand be Paved. The Judges faid, Why then didyedepofe him? Euflathius anfwered, Erravi, ferret 4. 21. Let it behere noted, that there Eutychian words of Cyril arehere . openly proved, paff denial : yet fhamelefly doth Binniteu lay, that this is Erjlathii allegatio peffima er haretica: What, to repeat a mans- Words? !k Secondly, Isitnothere plain thatthey were all of a mind, and did not, or through fa&ion would not know it? when Euflathiva by a clear di- flin&ion had proved it , and none of them did or could contradift him. S. za. Diofcorus Paid that Flavianus in the words following con- tradi&ed himfèlf, and was depofed for holding two natures after the union; adding, 1 have the teflimony ofthe holyFathers, Athanafius, Gre. gory, Cyril, in many places, thatwe muff not fay, that aftertheunion there are two natures, but one incarnate nature of God, the word, I am ejeüed with the Fathers ; I defend the Fathers fayings ; I tranfgrefs not in any thing; I have theirTeflimonies, not(imply ortranfitorily, but in Bee1es. S. 23. c/Ethéricus, Bifhop of Smyrna, being queftioned about his fub- fcription, faid, he did as he was bid. In the fecond A&ion Diofcorus de- livering his opinion faith, Ex duabusft;fcipio, dear nonfufcipio. That Chrift is [of two natures] but not thathe [isor bath two natures.] Eufebius Doryl. tells himof his wrong to Flavianus and him ; Diofcorus confeffeth, Paying, Then offer fatisfatiion to God andyou, meaning repentance. But Eufebim faith, that hemull fatisfie the Law; And fo the Verbal quarrel turneth to Perfonal revenge. Bafll Seleuc. (though before accufed of Herefie) well reconcileth the Controverfie at lait, if they would have heard him, laying, Cognofcinus duas Naturas, non dividimus ; neque divifas, negtyeconfufas dicimas. Eutyches words atConflantinople being recited, he faith, that he follow- eth Cyril, Athanafius and the Fathers. After Diofcorus and others had denyed what each other Paid in the EthefineCouncil, the laying of all the Biíhops were read, each one abfolving Eutyches, in words and reafons at large. After which the Bifhops cry again, Omnes erravimus; omnes veni- anamereamar. In the third A. &ion many things were read that concerned their pro- ceedings, and among thc: reit a Law of Theodefins jun. for the confirm- ing of the fecond Ephefne Council, and the condemnation of Nefíoriws, and