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IX, When an ignorant proud man thinketh that he mull be believed meerly for the reverenceand authorityof his place. X. When the reporter Iiveth in a time and place where carnal interefi bath got the major Vote for faltheod, and it paffeth commonly for truth, efpecially where Tyranny, Civil or Ecclefaftical, filenceth, the truth in Prefs, Pulpit, and Difcourfe, that it dare notbe Spoken ; by which the Pa- pills have not only madetheir own writings and reports incredible, bat by their Indices Expurgatorios, and bate corrupting of ancient Writers; have weakned our certainty of much of the old History and Fathers. XI: when the reporter is a weak and filly man, that bath not wit to lift out the truth. XII.. Whenhe ispafiionatelyrafh, and of hafly judgment, and bath not patience to flay and fufpend his judgment till he hear all.. xIII. When it is aNovice or raw Student, that bath not had time, helps and experience to know what he pretends to know, and yet contradir$eth wifer menof more advantage and experience.- XIV. When prefent experience tellethus, that the party that hewriteth against as unlearned or wicked, are men of Eminent Learning , and the fearof God and that the party that he magnilieth as fetch, are contrary by suchmarks incredible Iiiflory may be difcerned. Q. But how can we knowmens wifdome, andpiety, andbonefty, and impar- tiality, when we neverknew themen ? Anf. Though hypocritesmay muchcoun- terfeit truth and goodnefs, its hard fo to do it, but the contrary which ruleth in themwill break out, as a /link will get throughnarrow paffages : and though truth andhonefly may be much clouded, they have, like light; afelf- revealing power. To give you Tome infiances ; as among PhyfitiansHypocrates, and Galeni and Cellist of olds and of late Montanus, Crato Fernelius, Platens:, Hilda- ttus, and filchothers, do fpeak with that Pelf- evidencing homily, and many Paracelftans -with that palpable vanity, that one of them will constrain be- lief, and theother unbelief, even in them that never heardwhat they were So among Hiflorians , Eufbius, though counted an Arrian, and Socrates, and Sszomen, though called Novatians, and Theodoret, and Liberator, and forne others, do write fo as toconfirain beliefof things which were within their notice,and with hondiimpartiality : Among the Papifts, what clear foot- iieps of underllanding, honefiy, and impartiality, and fo of truth, is . there in. Thuanut, and touch in Commines, Guicciardine, Father Paulus Servita Hilt. of Trent Council, and divers others Though DoEtor James bid us keep Crab, becaufe the later Councilsarecorrupt, and all of them must be taken withdue Antidotes, yet becaufe moll of thematter is fetcht from pub lick Ads and Records, they are more credible than moll single Hiflory Acofra fpeaketh impartially of the Well Indies, and .Godignus of the Abaf ans,. Match. Paris of England, and the Pope,and fo of fotneothers: Of Pro tefiants,. fortedobut;reciterecordedteflimonies,or publick_acts, and the vcry writings themfelves..of the times they fpeakof, when others do bar tell:,