Baxter - BR161 B28 1680

i: i 4 Church-Iiiflory of Bifhóps and Council : And thus Curling was the Religion of the Age. §. 42. But now Zeno the Emperour dyeth, and Anajlatius Dicorsw chofen Emperour. Ncephorso, lib. t6. c. 25, faith, that hebeing a man of peace, and defiring the ceafing of Contentions, followed Zeno's He. noticon, and left all to their liberty to think of the Council as they plea_. fed. Hereupon the Bifhops fell into three Parties; force fervent for e.. very word of the Council ; forne curling it ; and force for the Henotico, or filent peace. The Eaft was one way: the Weft another: and Lybiaä another,. Yea the Eaftern Bithops among themfelves, the Weiternamong themfelves, and the Lybian, among themfelves, renounced Communion . with one another. Nicephar. e.25. Tantaconfufa mentiumq; enligo- (faith the Hiftorian) orbe,n univerfum. ince(fie, (it is not mycenfure) fo great con_ fufion and blindnefs of mind befell the whole world : This was the EffeIt even of Liberty. S. 4;. The Emperour refolving to-keep peace did purpofe to fall on the molt unpeaceable whoever, even on both fides. At Co/anti/lophe put out. Et phemius : (as force thought upon aperfonal diflike or quarrel:) For before his inthronizing they fay he had given under his hand to Eu- phemitts a promife that he would (land for the Council ; and when he had poffeflion he demanded up his Writing : Euphemins denyed it him, and was cart out : Macedonius fucceeded: him, and got the Writing : The Emperour demanded it alto of him ; he alto denyed it : The Emperour would have al fó put him. out : The people rófe up in Sedition, and cry- cc', It is a time, of Martyrdom, let us all ftick, to the Bifhop: And they re- viled,the Emperour, calling him a Manichee, and unworthy of the Em- pire. The Emperour was forced hereby to fubmit to Macedonius, left he fhould have loft all : The Bifhop fharply rebuked him as the Churches Enemy. But there things made the Emperour more against the Council, partlyas more againft him and when he favi time, he remembred. Mace- domus, and çaft hint out: yea he put Timothy in his place, and burnt the Councils Mts. Timothy pulled. down the Images of Mcedoniur. The Patriarchs of Alexandria, Antioch.: and _Yerafglem, were all raft out. $; 44. Teter Cnapheusr Antioch had made one Zenaiar a Perfian Servant e.nd, unbaptized, Bishop of Hitrapols Tills man was agsinft Images and againft the Council- He brought a Troopof Monks to Antioch to force Fiavianns the Bifhop to curie the Council ; Flaviantts refufeth: The pro- pleRuck to the13ifhop, and di:fputed the cafe with filch'unanfwerable ar- guments, that fo great a number of the Monks were Hain, as that they . threw their Bodies into the River Orontes, to fave the labour of bury- ing them. Niceph. 16. e. 27. But this endeth not the difpute; another Troop of Monks of Ctelo-fyria, that were of Flavianus and the Councils fide, hearing of the tumult, and the danger of the Bifhop, flock to An- tioch, and made another (laughter, as great (faith Nicephorus) as the former.. §: 45. The