Baxter - BR161 B28 1680

120 Church-Iliftory of Bifhops and Canondenyed the Communion to Adulterers that unlawfully pat away their Wives, and took others. (Oaria Laws.) f. 52. CXXXIII. Ann. 459. A Council at Conflantinople, forbad Si- mony. S. 53 CXXXIV. Ann. 467. A Council at Rome, of4 Bithops ; decreed thatmen that had two Wives, or the Husbandsof Whores fhould not be ordained : That they that could not Read, and they that were maimed or difmembred, or the Penitent, lhould not beMade Minifters, &c. S. 54. CXXXV. Ann. 482, Ten Bifhops at Towrs, made fuch honett Canons, as if they yet reteined fomewhat ofS. Martins Piety. They ear- neftlydifwade the Clergie from their Fornication : Theygoa middle way between them that forbad Priefts to get Children, and thofe that turn them loofe, and decree that married Priefts that continue toget Children (hall be advancedno higher : Theyforbid the Clergie to he drunk : And to take in ¡¡range women : They forbid them to forfake their Minifterial Fun&ion : (but what if Prelates fiance them) They keep thofe from the Communion that lye with Nuns (devoted to Virginity) till they Re- pent : They keep Murderers from the Communion, till they penitently confers. (This is not hanging them in Chains: But who ¡hall anfwer for that Blood, and for the next that this man killeth? ) others fuch hone¡¡ Canons thofe vertuous Bifhops made (oft madebefore) §. 55. CXXXVI. They fay Fcelix called a Council at Rome to admonifh, andExcommunicate Peter Gnaph. AntiochAbout the time time that he Ex- communicatedAcacias Confl. andAcacias damned him again. §. 56. In this Itorm againft Acarius,the Pope engagedother Bifhops, one was. uinrianaas, who fent Peter a dozen Curfes for his Cure : Of which one reached Cyril being againft thole that fay [Votum Naturam] Another was [Siquis Deum-hoomnem, & non maxis Deum& homineumdicit, damnetur]that is, 7 f anyone fay God-man, and not rather Godand Alan, let himbe damned. How carelels are Papifts, and Proteftants, that to commonly venture on the Word c= uvd`eÿ e- to their damnation : If our Neighbours, that com- monie there thirty years lai are the word [God damn me had but put Thee] initead of[ Ale] Ifhouid haveftrpe&ed that the Councilsand Biíhopshad made their Religion. § 57. CñXXVI . They lay that Ann. 48; f'cacius (as bed as the Papa, made him ) call'd a Council at Constantinople, to Condemn Per.r Cnapheus: s XyXV,II. Ful caller 7 B;l:o7s to R -;ne, o:; th's occaion; He