their Councils abridged. 125 don, and Flaviansu Antioch, and ohan. Pattenf. were banifhed for re- futing. This was about the time when the forefaid Fight was between the Monks and the Antiochians, when the Carkaffes of the Eutychian Monks were catt into the River. S. 7o. About this time was the fall and rife of the Papacy. The fall, in that the Eaflern Empire made little ufe of Popes, but did their Church work without them. Their rife, in that the Wefiern Empire and Africa being divided between many late conquering Kings, they all labour to'fettle themfelves in a peaceable poffefon by pleating the Clergy, who, as, they found, had no fmall intereft in the People. S. 71. CXLVII. Hincmattu in the life of Remigius, tells us of a strange thing done at a Council at Rheines; that one Arian Bifhop chal- lenged all the refit to difpute, and when Rhemigieu came in would not rife to him, but upon the fhaddow of Remigiwa paffing by him, he was struck dumb, and falling at Rhemigiva feet, by figns asks pardon, and was fuddenly cured ofhis dumbnefs and Herefie, confefing the Deityof Chrift. s. 72. CXLVIII. Becaufe Yohan. Nicopolit. did but call force of his Bithops to flatter the Pope, and to curie all Herelies and Acacius, this is put in among the Councils: But the Coned. Tarracenfe, Anno 516. feetns more regardable ( under Theodorick) where the Clergy are re- ftrained front buying cheaper and felling dearer than others, (this it feems grew to be a part of their priviledges:) and from judging caufes on the Lords day: And it is ordered that the Bifhop fend a Presbyter one week,, and a Deacon another, to the Country Congregations, and to vita them himfelf once a year, becaufe by the old cuftome he is to have a third part of all the Church profits. oar. Whether a Bifhops Diocefs then was any bigger than one of our Corporations with the Neighbour Villages ? And if one of our Bifhops that have above a thoufand Parilhes, or many hundred, fhould have the third part of all (or as other Canons fay the fourth,) Would not our Bithops beyet richer men than they are? Efpecially if they that confine Bithops to Cities, could get a Prince to call no Corporation a' City but one or two in a Kingdom, and be as the Abuna is in Ethiopia, that hash the thirds of all theEcclefiaftical benefits in the Empire. This- Council had ten Bithops. S. 75. CXLIX. The Cóncillium 'Gerundenfr is next, Anno 517. ,under heodorick; It confifted of feven Bifhops, .(Bifhopricks began to grow fo big, that they couldnot fo fuddenly meet by the fcores and hundreds .as. when every Church was one. Altar and one Bifhop, as Ig- natius art