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x32. Chur-ch-Hifory of Bifhops and that Ambiguous words, and Clergy Yurifdtaion, have been the taufen of a1. molt all the Divifions, and Ruinesofthe Church for r 30o years 1 S. 99.7uflinlattookabetter Courfe toConvince, andReconcilediffen- ters, thanviolence. There is inBinnisis, p. 409. c,c. The recital of a difpu- tation, or'Friendly. anference betweenthe .EtotychiánBifhops,,and.tlypati- oar, with othersofthe Orthodox : The molt clear, rational, and moderate ofany thing, that I find beforethat time explaining their Controverfie: And which fullyproveth.what I have all along faidas my Opinion, that in- deed the worldwas confounded by unskilful men about.bardAmbiguous words and by a Lordly, felt fh, impofing Spirit, in toomany ofthe Captainsof thofe Militant Churches : Andthat clear diftinguifhing explication of Terms, with humble Love, would have prevented molt ofthofedivirons.. In that Conference, thefe things are fpecially notable. i. That the Orien- tal Bilhops calledEutycbians, condemned Eutyches, and yet honoured Di- efcorus, who defended him ; fo that it was =a quarrel more about Men,, Names,-and Words, thanDóftrine. 2-ThatHypatitis, and theOrthodox (rhoughthey were not willing tofnfpea Corruption in CyriPsEpiftles,yet) could notdenybut Cyril ufed Eutynhes words,that is afferted, one Nature caf God incarnate, after the Union. 3. That yet theyproved that Cyril alfo held twoNatures : (but fay the Eneychians,,heonly held two before the U- nion condeered intelleftually)fo thateitherCyrilwasanEutychian ,orelfe his unskillful fpeaking,as both parties did, fetthe .world together by the Ears. 4. Thatunrighteous partiality greatly prevailed with the Orthodox Bi- 'hops,.and Councils ofthefetimes ; when they could (as Hypatius'here did) put aCharitable Conftruftion upon the fame words ofCyril, for which they condemned fo many others, whoas his obedient followers, held what they didofCyril's. Vnam naturamDei incarnati : They 'fay,Weneither Condetnnit,, nor yoflifìe it. If they had ufed that moderation with all others, all hadbeen in greater peace. ;5. Thatthey fay fomuchofthe falfifyingof AthanafausE- piftle to Epifletus,of Appollinaries Epiftle fathered on ?ulius, of the fallhood ofthe Dyanyfius Areopag. arc. As he tells us, thatwe trauft not beover credu- lous in truftmg to writings afcribed to the Ancients. 6. That Hullos ex anti- quis recordatus efi ea ; was thought agood argument against the Authority. ofDyoniflusAreopagita. 7. They inftance in the difference between the Greeks and Latins about the words Hypofiafas, and Perfona, which fet the Latins oncondemning the Greeksas Arriases, and theGreeksit on condemn. the Latins as Sabellian', till Athanafous that under-floodboth Tongues, per- fwaded them, that their meaning was the fame(Andnecefiity urgedAthana- flus toreconcile them) whichGreg. Naxianzene andother peaceablemen af- terwardpromoted; And yet Hierome was judged a Heretick.,after, for dif liking the word Hypofafis.) And yet mutt Hard Ambiguous words confound anddivide the Churches ltiilt 8. They confefs that Cyril, [idem disebat effe fubfantiam,. gooddnaturam vel fublifientiam] & idea in duodecim Capitulis fait pro .deeabus fubflantiis vel naturis duo' fubfflcntieupóftoit. Reader, If this great Learned Voluminous. Pre.