their auncils abridged. ¶33 Prelate'had no more accuratenefs of Speech than to confound fabflance, nature, and ftsbfilence, and put them one for another what could be expefted from themultitude ofpoor unlearned Prelates, thattook hisname for their guide, and cryed out in Council, Great is Cyril ; We believe as Cyril : And what then ? Could theconfulionsof the World be caufed by (betweenNef erieons, Eutychians, Severians, Monothelites and Catholickl) fuch a !trite about words as Cyril had occafioned ? 9. Note that Hypatisas and the Orthodox here maintain, that Flavianue himfelf fubfcribedasmuchfor oneNature as Diofcorus could have defired And that the Controverfie lay ina fyllable, Whether Chrift wereone Ber- ton? Ex duabus naturis, or, In duabus, the Eutychians faid Ex, and thereft Paid In: and Flavian yieldedto Ex, and the Synod of Calcedon accept- ed both : Neque illi iflos reprehendunt, neq; ifii illos tanquam maims hone. ris arbitrativocesutrafg,e, gmando & unam naturamDeiverbi incarnatam, nodo refluir beatas Flavianus inconfefosie quampropriamanu fubfcripfit,dicere, &c. WhereFlavians wordsare recited to Theodofius, Et unamDei verbi naturam incarnatam tarnen dicere nonwegamus, quia ex utrifque anus idemque Dominus 7efmsChrifisosell. And wouldnot this muchufed to all other, have healed all the Churches ? to. Note that 1-lypeotiroc and theOrthodox makenot Cyril infallible,'but fay, that"his'Synodical Epifiles they receive, not as his, butthe Synods : But for the reft, Neque darnnamms ems, negsse fufcipimus. r T. That theControverte was Logical (p.413,) how Vnition maketh or denominatethone. 12. Note thatthey exprefly fay, Vbi'Vnitio dicitasr, non'Vaius fsgnifica. tar rei conventos (fo all fay) fed duarum v 1 plarium& diverfarum fecondum naturam : Si erga dicimus Vaitionern, procul dubio confitemur, quod cares animate & verbi: fed & hi qüidosas natural dicans, idem fentiunt. And if this be true, were they not all ofa mind and knew it not ? 13. Note that the Euuychians took Theodorets Anathema, Nefiorio - Eutycheti, with a Valete added for a flur, and a deceit: and Hyparias was fain to intimate a blameon the Council, that had not the patience once to hear fuch a man as Theodorite to open his judgment, but cryed out only, Curfe them, curfe them, and he interprets Theodorets Valete, as faying, Now takemy Bifhoprick f you pleafe. sç. In a word, had this Light and Love been ufed bythe Bifhops, which this Conference expreireth, it had prevented much Confufion inthe Chur- ches, fcorn againft the Bifhops, hardening of the Infidels, and deftructi- on ofChriftian Love and Peace. And though the Eaflern Bifhops yielded not, many of their followers did. g, ioo. ÇLXIII. They fay an African Councillent to yufiinism te, pro.. cure the reftoration of their Liberties, which the Vandali Arians had ta- ken away (yufünian having recovered Africa.) ¢. 10 I. Pope Agapetas was forced by King 'Theodatms to go on anEm. baffle cVi