Baxter - BR161 B28 1680

1 18z Church-Iafory of Bfhops and but Man as united to the Godhead ; That Chrift was forfaken, faafféred, hungered, fllet, was ignorant of that, day andhour,&c. as man,and not as God : That it was not God that was ignorant, ( he meant not as God, or not the Deity ) but theform .of aServant, which knew no more than the Deity revealed : And fo of many other properties or ails of theHumanity, he faith, It was not Deus Verbum that wept, that learnt obedience, &c. meaning only not qud Dear, or not Deities, for wart of care in fpeaking. And Ep, ad 7oh. Antioch.. (Bin. p. 559. ) it's appa- rent that he alfo. mifùnderflood Cyril, and thought beheld that by Unity of Na- tures, the Deity was properly become very flea A fevere Epfi. adîfean. An- tioch. agáinftCyril after hisdeath is there charged on him, in which he with great flltnefi rejoiceth in his death, [Miferum ilium nec ad fimilitudinem aliorum di- mi it rioftrarum, animarum gubernater diutisrr eorutn potiri, lux videntur efe de- leelabilia ; fed crefcentem quotidie viri malignitatemfricns & corpori Eccleftee no- cement, Talipefiem grandam amputavit & abftulit opprobrium dfilsst Ifael : Le- t abit fuperftites elite difcef io : Contreavit vere) forfitan mortuos, & timor eft ne pregravatt ejus converfatione, iterum ad nos remittant,vel dios difugiat qui cum - abducunt, flout elle tyrannus Cyri Ciliciam : Procurandum eft igitur,&oportet tuam San'ctitatem maxime bane fufciperefeftinantiam,&jubere collegio mortar ajjsertan- tium lapidem aisquem maximum &graviffimum Sepulchre imponere, ne iterum hue perventret inflabilem volamtatem iterum demonftraret Infernis nova dogmata adferat: lbi dirt' nottuque fcut violtferràocinetur: Non enim timemars ne & illos divideretfilet mifir invites: Nudata illius fads alligant linguam,obflruunt os,fræ- meutfenfum.Ideopiango miferum & Fiore : Nec enimpuram mihi delettationem feat mortis ejees denunciatio,fed dolore permixtam : Deter & jucundor ejsfmodi peflilentid commune Eccleftæ vidons liberatum : Contriftor vero & piero cogitans quod nec requiem malorum miferabilis (ufceperit, fed majora & pejora . pertentans defunittts eftjfomniavit enim, ut dicemt,; regiam urban perturbare, & tuam Sanctitatemaccufare, utpote ea colentem :: Sedvidit Detee & non deffiexit : Immifit fimum in os ejus, & fi'uenum in labia ejees, &c. Binnittr thinketh fome bad man fathered this fallly on Theodoret, I would hope fo too : But it's flrange that the Council fathered it on him, and none did vindi- cate him. And the next Charge ( Bin. p. S59.) rebuketh hisCharity, viz. his Speech at Antioch in the pretence of Donnas, [ Neme neminem jam cogit blaf- phemare---non jam eft contentio: Orion ô IEgyptus fub uno jugo eft : Mortua eft invidia ; - cum eo obruta eFt contentie : requiefcant Theopathitæ.] Is not this of the fame kind ?. And this is not denied tobe his. Whofoever it was, it was fad that Bifhops fhould have fuch minds, and ufe fuch words of one another, efpecially if it be as I confidently believe, viz.that not diffinguifhingthe concrete from the abftrabt, and `Zi Desse, from uaDeus, they both meant the fame thing, and differed butabout the aptitude of words,for want of explication and diflin&ion, § a 8. In brief,After the readingof many Papers, and Ibas Epiflles, the tria Capitula were condemned, viz. Theodore Mepfueft. and the writings of .Theodo- ret againfl Cyril, and Ibas Epiftle. And fo the Emperor found the Council as obedient as he defired. § 19.