z 8 8 Church-HPoiy of Bifhops and Slaughters, Murders, Adulteries, and other wickednefs. And Victor Bithop of Tricaf..keeping his-Birth-day, they fent a Troop with Swords andArrows , who cut his Cloaths, beat his Servants, and carried away all hisProvifion, leaving him with reproach : The King Gunthram hearing of it , called this Synod, which found them guilty, and depofed them : They tell the King that theyare unjuflly call out,and get his leave to goto the Pope, f ohn' 3d. ThePope writeth to the King to have them,as wronged men, reftored, ( this was the Papal Juftice and Reformation : ) TheKingchideth, but reltoreth them ; but they grew never the better afterward, but asking pardonof Bithop Victor, he forgave them, and or that was afterward excommunicate. § 39. CLXXXIII. Ass. 572. a Council was calledunder King Arïomire at Braccara of s 2 Bithops :They are moftly forbidding Bithops to take money for their Ordinations, Confecrations, and other A&ions. " And the firft Canon re- quireth them to walk to all their Parithes, and fee that the Clerks did things rightly that Catechumens learnt the Creed, and to preach to the People to for-, bear Murder; Adultery, Perjury, Falfe-witnefs, and other mortal Sins; to do as . they wouldbe doneby, and tobelieve the Refurre&ion, Judgment and Recom' pence according toWorks.. 4 40.. CLXXXIV. An. 572. aConcilium Lucenfe did receive from Martin Bifhop of Braccara 84 old Canons, of which the 67th was againft reading Apocrypha, or any thing but the Canon of the Old and New Teflament in Church. §.4..s. After f uftinian's death, his Sifters Son ," f u, flinus was Emperor, a fenfual andcovetous man, who murdered prefently a Kinfman of his own name, upon füfpicion that he was too great; yet hedrew up a good Profeffion of Faith, ex- horting all the Bifhops to agree in it But Cbofroes, Kingof Perfia, invaded his Empire, becaufe the Greater Armenia (which was then under the Perfaans, as the Leifer was under the Romans) to avoid the Perfaans perfecutions,had revolt- ed to the Empire, and deftroyed their Rulers: The Perfaans conquered fo much cif the Eaflernpart of the Empire, and ,74ine'sSoldiers made fö little refftance as drove him out of his wits ; and his Wife, by intreaty,got the Perfnansfomake a Truce. Tiberius was then made. Cafar ,. and afterward Emperor upon.7uftine's death; and Minion his Captain repelled the Perfaans, and recovered much of what they had conquered. 42. An. 576. Divers Kings of France by War among themfelves deftroy- ed Churches, and.confoundedall;. and :aCouncil at Paris was called, but-in vain, to have perfuaded them to.Peace. 4 43, After BenediPus, Pelagius 2d was Bithop at Rome ; Tiberius an excel-- lent Emperorquickly dyed, andby his choice Mauritius fucceeded him. Pelagius ( by Gregory his Deacon) wrote againft the Bifhops that would not condemn the tria Capitula: And when all hiswritingsprevailed not,he got Smáiragdus the Exorchate to force them by theSword :, ( The great remedy which Rome bath trufted to. ) 4 44.- CLXXXV. Mercaseus Son and Heir to Chilperic King of France, marryinghis Uncles Widow, offended his Father,and fled to St.Martin's'Church' s