Religious part and Miniflers fo accufed : Either it istrue, or falfe ; if falfe, fhame be to the reporters; if true, what doth it concern us here, or any that are innocent, any further than to abhor it, and latnent it, and to be thankful to God that it is another fort of men that arecalled Puritans in England; and that in all my acquaintance with them thefe 56 years (which `bath been withverymany in many Countries) 'remember not that ever Iheard af one Puritan, man or woman, fave one , accufed orfit/peered offornication; and that one yet living, though openly penitent , hath lived difowned and filmed to this day; but I haveheard of multitudes that revile them, that make a jell and common pra&ice of it : Try whether you can make the Inhabitants of this City believe, that the Nonconformitlsor Puritans are fornicators, drunkards, or perjured, and that their accufers and haters are iiinocent-men that hate them for fuch Crimes ! But its poflible that you maymare-menof other Countries or Ages believe it, and believe that we wear Horns, andhave Cloven Feet, andwhat you will but I fear not all your art or advantages on thofe that are acquainted with both fides : But the miter)/ is, that faction ingagethmen to affociate only with their party where they hear reproaches of the unknown dilfenters, from whom they fo efirange themfelves, that the Neighbours near ttem are as much un- known to them, fave by lying fame, as if they lived anhundred miles from them. I remember Mr. Creffey once wrote to me, that be turned from the Ptotéffant'Religion to the Roman, becaufe there was among us nofpiritual Books of Devotion for Soul Elevations , and afedionate Contemplation : And I told him it was Gods juil Judgment on him, that lived fo dtrange to his Neigh- bours, becaufe they are called Puritans, and to their Writings, which Shops and Libraries abound with had he read Bifhop Halls, Mr. Greenhams, Mr. Ri. Rogers, Mr. Ja. Rogers, Mr. Hilderfhams, Mr. Boitons, Mr. Perkins, Mr. Downbams, Mr. Reyners, Dr. Sibbes, &c. yea or no better than my Own (the Saints Refit the Lifeof Faith, the Divine Life, the Chri(lian Direffory, &c.) or had he read the Lives of Divines called Puritans (or but fuch as two young men (publifhed partly by my Pelf) Jofeph Allen, and John Janeway) tie would never have gone from the Proteltants'to the Papilts, becaufe of our formalityand want of an affeEtionate fpiritual fort of devotion, e- fpecially knowing what excefs of formality is among the Papifts, and how much it is of the Clergies accufation of the Pi ritans, that they are for too little form, and too much pretence of fpiritual devotion. But if any called Religious, or Puritans, or Presbyterians be vicious, I know no men that fo heartily defire their punifhment and ejeétion, as thofe that are called by the fame names: I thank God that thefe twenty years, whileneither Wit Will, nor Powerhash beenwanting againft them, I have fcarce heardof twomen (if one) that have been judged and proved guilty ofany fach immorality, of all the eje fed filenced Minillers in this Land : I would Icould fay fo of their Adverfaries. II. And now I mull (peak ro the Ac.ufers fpeeches of my Pelf; I thank you Sir chat you feigned no worfe aga_infi me ; if I am anHereft.tréha, why would