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their Councils abridged. ?93 CHAP. VIII. Councils held about the Monothelites, with others. 4 1.13 Eing come to the Reignof Pope Honorius at Rome, who was con. demned by 2. or 3 GeneralCouncils for Mcnothelite Heretick, (as Vigilius was by his ownBifhops for an Eutychian ) and having {hewed you what work both the heretical and hereticatingBifhops and Council made in the world about (not only óçcoio,a- , but), one Nature,and the condemning ofdeadmen;I {hall next {hew you what work theymade alfo about the words, [One 0perátion,andOne Will,] or [ Two Operations, and Two Wills.] Reader, \Vouldff thou think that there were venomenough in one of there words, to poyfon almoll all the Bifhops in the world with the Plagues of Herefie s or Heretication and Contention ? § z. The old Controverfie {fill keeping the Churches all in pieces , tome being for twoNatures after Union, and for the Calceden Council, and others againff it, and but for one Nature after Union : Cyrus, Bifhop of Alexandria, was told, that it would unite them all, if they would confers One Ope- ration, and One Will inChriFt, or at,leafl lay by the talk of One and Two,and ufe the words, [ Deivirilss Operatio. ] The Operation (and Will) of God- man. CXCVII. He, therefore called a Synod at Alexandria , in which this was decreed ( called Satisfattlion.) For they Paid that Dei virils fignified twoNatures, and fo they thought they had at laff hit. the way of concord, whi h neither the General Council of Ephef s. Ephefz. Confiant. 2. Calcedon. ConfIant. 3. had found out : but all fet the Bifhops but more by the ears. Cyrus fent his Decrees w Sergius Bifhop of Canfiantinople, Sophronius Bifhop of 7erufalem perfuaded the filencing of the names of [ One] or [Two ] Operations or Wills. Sergius Pent the Cafe to Honorius to Rome Honorius rationally perfiiaded them to ufe neither the one word, nor the other, (One or Two) forefeeing that a new quarrel was arifing in there words,and ( little knowing how for this he was byGeneral Councils to be Hereticated, whenhe was dead) perfuaded them to a filent Peace. It is but few. Popes thatwere fo wife and peaceable; and this one muff be a Heretick for it, or General Councils be fallible, and muchwade. § 3 . Becaufe ( knowing the effe& of the old unhealed Caue) I forefee that filch men will go near to Hereticate me alfo when Lam dead, for con- demning Hereticating Incendiaries in the Neftorian, Eutychian, and Monothe- lite quarrels ; Iwill recite the words of Binnius himfelf, who faith the fame that Íhave Paid from the beginning, ( though. I juftifie him not from felf- contradi&ion.) Tom/. p.992. [ Honorius, fearing (which after carnets pafr, and which be knew had fallen cut in former Ages abeut the word Homooufion "II' and many ethers) left thatContention fhòulrlgrow to (emegreat Sehfm, and Peeing C e withall"