194 Church-Hiiory of Bops and ,vithall that Faith might befafe without there words, he was willing to recon- cile both Opinions,and withall to take out of the way the matter of Scandal and Contention. Writing therefore to Sergius, be adviféd him to abfiain from the word [ One Operation] left theyfhouldfente with Eutyches to afert but One Nature in Chro; andyet to forbear the word LTwo Operations] left with Neftorius, they feemed to affért Two Perforas. (A Slander contrary to his words. ) I again fay, If all the HereticatingBifhopsand Councils had follow- ed this difcretion and moderation, Owhat had the Church efcaped ! Yet they are fain to ftretch their wits to excufe his words elfewhere, [Uncle ¿' UnamVoluntatem fatemur Domini nojiri 3efu Chr /i. ] But it's certain that in fome fenfe it is One, and in another fenfe Two. § 4,. TheEmperor Heraclius intereffed himfelf in the Controverfe, mies faithby the fraud of Anaftafiuo Patriarch of the `facobites, he was de- ceived, Animo defendendi Concilium Calcedonenfe. The 7acobites were Eu- tchians, the greateft enemies of the CalcedonCouncil; and it's ftrange then. how they deceived him, todefend it by deftroying it. But, faith he, [ While he, betides his place andoffice, by the perfuafion of the Devil, was wholly taken up in defending queftions of Faith by hit own judg- ment, &c. ] Here youmay fee what the Papifts Clergy would makeof Kings and all Lay-men : If they be wholly taken up in dfending queloons of Faith by their ownjudgment,they pronounce them to be perfuaded to itby the Devil. Error is from the Devil; but follicitous fearching after thedefence of Truth, is likerto be of God. But they muff not do it by their own judgment : By whole then ? By the Bifhops no doubt; What Bithops ? General Councils. And had not the Emperors long enough followed Councils, and banifhedEtch as-they condemned, till,while they almoft all condemned one another ,*the world was fcandalizedat the odious Divifions and Cruelties of the Church? But muff they follow Bifhops without uing their own judgments about the Cafe ? What, as their meer Executioners ? Muft thePrinces of the world a& as Brutes, or Idiots, or Li&ors ? Was this the old Dodhine, Let everySoul be fubjeti to the higher Power, &c? § 5. CXCVIII. King Sifenandus ( the fecond that had all Spain) called a Council at Toletum of all hisKingdom, An. 63.3. of yo Bifhops , who made many good Canons for Faith, Order, and Reformation ; the Taft is a large defence of the King againft Rebellion : But they order that when . a King is dead, the Prime Men of the whole. Nation, with the Priefts,by common confent,chufe another, that retaining the Concord of Unity there fhould be no ftrife through Force or Ambition. And they decree the Excommunicating of wicked Kings that live ingreat fin ; which I doubt .whether the fifth Commandment forbid thorn not to have done, it being a-purpoled difhonour. S 6..-CXCIX. Another at TZteim was called 636, by King Chintillane, which went the lame way ; Kings were Rulers bere, and not Popes. § 7. CC. Another atToletum, An. 638. by the fame King to the fame gurpolcs,_ § $ì