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their Councils abridged. § 8. The Emperor Heraclius publithed anEdi& for the Monothelite Opi- nion, called his Echtefis; and Sergius - Confit. joined in it. § 9. Sergius dyeth,and Pyrrhus aMonothelite fucceedeth him. § ,r o. Severinus is chofenPope, but being not Confirmed ( as ,was ufual ) by the Emperor's confent, he is plundered ofhis wealth. § I I. The Saracen Arabians conquer Perfàa, and the Eaftern parts of the Empire. § I a. Sergius before his death called a Council at Conftantinople , which cotlfirmed the Emperor'sFaith, and the Monothelite Opinion. § 13. .An. 640. yohn 4th was made Pope, who condemned the Empe- ror's Echtefii; and, It's faid, the Emperor difowned it, and faid that Sergius made it, anddefired it might bepublifhed in his name. § 14. Heraclius dyeth,Confiantine'fucceedeth him,and dyeth in 4 months, Heracleo fucceedeth : After fix months theSenate depofehim, andcut off his Note, and cut out hisMother'sTongue, on fufpicion that they poyfoned Con- ftantine, wholeSon Conftans is next let up. § 15. Pyrrhus,thought guilty of Conflantiné's death, flieth into Africa, and. Paulus a Monothelite bath his place. Pyrrhus feemeth converted byMaxi- mus in Africa, cometh to Rome, and is owned by the Pope againft Paulus, -Paulus' perfuadeth the Emperor to publifha Typus, requiring all theBilhops to lay by the Controverfie and Name of One and of Two Wills and Operations of Chrtit. But this whichwas approved in Pope Honorius, is cryed down as Heretical in theEmperor. Pyrrhus returneth to his.Opinion, and Paul dying, he is again put in his placeatCcnftantinople. Binnius no better anfwereth the Obje&ion, [that the Emperor's EcliEt faid but what Pope Honorius faid, ] than by laying, that the time made the dif- ference. It was good in Honorius's time, and bad after to be quietly filent in filch a Cafe. § 16. They fay there was à Council in Numidia,another at Byzacene, at Carthage another of 68 Bithops, about. the Monothelites. § 17. CCI. Another Council was at Toletum under King Chindafcrin- dus. § 18. CCII. The Pope, with one of his littleCouncils at Rome, (for the forefaid ItalianBithops yet difowned him, and obey the Patriarch of Aqui- leia) prefumed to condemn Paulus Confit. â Pyrrhus, and the Emperor's Edi&, (Typus :) Wherefore his Agents at Conftantinople were call out, beaten, their Altar overthrown, &c. § 19. Martinis made Bifhop at Rome : He comdemneth the Emperor's Ecli& of. Silence (as to Two Wills and Operations, or One:) The Emperor fendeth for him, he is brought Prifoner to Coeftantinople, laid in Irons under lev eral Accufations ; banifhed and dyed. Here the Pope pretendeth that Truth muifl not be filenced : The Emperor faith,Peace muff not be brokenfor needlefs words : .Z;rer. Whether he be a Martyr that fuflers for oppugning itchPeace ? Cc z §Zo.