Baxter - BR161 B28 1680

196 Church-Hioiy of Bijhops and § za. CCIII. His Laterane Council, An. 642. is very largely recorded, in which the Emperor's Edi&, with Cyrus Alex. Sergius, Pyrrhus & Paulus Confiant. are condemned, and twoOperations and Wdls affected. § zr. CCIV. ('Patting by a Synod at Orleance) An_65 3. another Coun- cil was held at Toletusn againft incontinent and ignorant Prieffs. Kings here tr( preach to the Bithops by their Letters andDecrees. Dukes and Lords here fubfcribed. § zz. Eugenies-is Pope, and dyeth ; Vitalianus fucceedéth him : Canflans the Emperor cometh to Rome, giveth themgifts, and communicateth With them. Its Paid he kili'd his Brother T eodofsts, and after was kill'd himfelf Mezentiusufurpeth;the Empire. Conflantine Pogonatus, Son to Confans,con- quereth him, and reigneth. Pope Vitalianus helpeth him, and therefore ex- ped eth his. help. Rome Rood fo rauch between the Eaflern Empire, and the Wefern Kings ( Goths, Lombards, Franks, &c.) that both fides flattered the Roman Clergy, ( though they oft fuffered from both.) The Empire to keep them from turning to the Goths , & from c. and the Goths tokeep. them turning to the Empire. And they that had molt need of the Popes , moft advanced them ; and they that had leaft need and molt dominion,kept them under. § s3. CCV. Another Council at Tóletum , A. 655. called byK. Re- cefusnthus, ( not the Pope,) made divers - good Canons for Church-orden;- among which the tenth is, that becaufe all the Canons oft made , could not keep Bithops and Priefts from Lechery, they tryed this additional way, to decree that all their Children begottenof their Servants, Maids, Q1n. fhould. be incapable of inheritance; and fhouId live in continual fervitude to the Church. King Recaredus made a Law, that Bifhops and Pr-lefts Concubines Mould bewhipt with anhundredStripes;. and others, that they fhould be fold for Slaves. §. zq.. CCVI_ TheKing of Trance (Clodoveus) called his Bifhops- to- gether,at a Village called. Clypiacum,and made a Sermon to.them, and they applaudedhim. § z5. CCVII. He called another Synod at Cabilone for Church-order, where Can. i o. it was decreed, that all Ordination of Bifhops fbould be null, that was otherwife made than by the ele&ion of the Comorovincials , the Clergy, and . the ,Citizens. (A threefold Lock is not eafrly pickt) Let England underflandthis, to be the oldCanons and Cubit]. § a6. CCVIII. A Coned. Emeritenf,called by King Receffuintbus, made More Orders for regulatingBithops- and Prietts, ¿c. § z 7. CCIX.. ASynod.. at Rome jisftified. a Bithop, of Crete,. wronged by his Archbifhop. § z $. CCX. Another at Toletumunder King Wamban, An. 675.. fought tip reform the Bifhops and.Clergy. § z9:. CCXI. An. 675. the fame King Wamban had a Synodat Braccara, for reforming the Clergy. Can.S. was to correca the Bifhops that had turned Piety