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their Councils abridged. 19 Piety into Pride and Vanity; going to the Solemnities of the Martyrs; with Reliques hanged about their necks,carried inChairs byDeacons in white,&c. Owhat hath the Prideof Prelatesdone in the world ! § 3o. Pope Adeodatus, and after himDonut reigned at Rome, andthe Pa- triarchs of Conftantinople and Antioch were Monothelites,and Conftantine need- ing the Weft, having loft the EaFt, took part with Rome. After Donoso came Agathy, in whole time the Bifhop of Ravenna, after long rejeEling the Bithop of Rome as heretical, returned to communion with him. Conftantine fent to Rome, to require the Bithop to keep Mionary Legates at Conftantinople, and intreated them to lay byPhilofophical Contro 'verlies, and preach the pure Scripture, that 'theChurches at laft might have Peace. ( But alas how longwas that counfel vain ! ) § 31. CCXII. Beda faith, an Englifh Council met, An. 679 under The- odorsas, to own the Catholick Faith, Bed. 1. 4. c. i 3. . § 3 a. CCXIII. The fame year 679. ACouncil at Milan told the Empe- ror their opinion for TwoWalls andOperations: § 33. CCXIV. A Synod at Rome prepared matter for the General Coun- cil againft theMonothelites. This tended to pleafe the,feparating Bifhops'of - Italy that divided from the Pope, for teeming to defert the CalcedonCoun- cil by condemning the triaCapitula. § 34. CCXV. Nowcometh the 3d Council of Conftantine, called the 6th General Council, in which 2,89 Bit-hops condemned the Monothelites, that were for One Well and Operation. Conftantine Pog. being againfl them, 1lacariars Patriarch of Antioch was the chief of them , who would have contented toname neither One nor Two,"but when they had done all, profel fed that he would be caft into the Sea, before, he would fay there were in Chrift twoWalls andOperations ; thinking that he held to Cyril, and the firft Eyphefan Council againfl Netlorisrs. George Bithop of Conftantinople deferted him, and he was "depofed and banifhed (to Rome ; no hard Banifhment but for ill company. ) § 35. A long flir there was among them, perufing former Writings; Macarius andhisParty producing many, which others faid were fallìfied (fò little certainty is there oft of Copies.) The Epiflles of Sergisas Conti. COY Honor. Rom. are read, which I fhould think peaceable and honeft ; but the General Council damned and curled them both. as Hereticks. The Papif}s fay, General Councils may err in matter of Fait;, How much more then in matter of Faith, which is,more obfèure? and matter of Fait is much of the matter of our Faith. No. Man's name had fo 'hingea Fate againfl Hereticaters, as the great Hereticater Cyril's ; who (in thisCouncil in Cyrus artic, and many others) was fully proved to a%rt Oese Nature of God' incarnate after the Union.] and yet called Orthodox, and thofe that raid as he, and much lets, were damned Hereticks. Some that confeffed two Natùres, yet denying two Wills after the Refur- reEïion, fuppofing the HumaneWill . called Natural had been laid by ,: were here damnedwith the reih. § 3 6.,