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198 Church-Hifary of Lops and § 36. CCXVI. An. 68 r. King Ervigi-rr held another Council at Tole- rum, for the Royal Power, and reforming the Clergy. ThePope had fo little todo, and the Kings fo much in all thefe Spanifh Councils, that it's flange Spain is now become fo fervile to the Pope. Bin- mitts is forced to confefs here (To. 3. p. r r o.) that [The fludy and labor of chafingfit men to be made Bifhops, was in the power or hands of the Gothifh Kings, which by the indulgence of the Roman Popes is in the Spanifh Kings .even to our times]'which he proveth. (O indulgent Popes, who let go what they cannot keep ! ) An. 68%. Some Synods in France did, we know not what. § 37. Leo ad is madePope by the Emperor ; and becaufe he confirmed :the Aas of this Council, which damns Honorius as an Heretick, the Papiiss '.know not which way to turn themfelves. Baronies would have Leo's Epiftle forged. Binnisss will have either the Aóts corrupted by Theodore Confl. be- fore they were fent toLeo, or that neceflìty compelled him to this hard con dition by the iniquity of the times,and that Herefie elfe would have revived, be. fo that by their reckoning, they that relie all on Tradition and Fathers, leave not Fathers, Councils or Traditions certain for one Age. § 3 8. CCXVII. An. 683. K. Ervigiet,- had another Synod of 48 Bifhops at Toletum , for refloring time guilty of Treafons , fecuring the King, &c. § 39. Congamine Pogon. reflored to Rome the power of making Popes without the Emperor , which the Gothifh Kings and other Emperors had long denied them. - §4o. Benedill ad is made Pope Anew Controverfie in his time is rai- fed. The Spanifh Bifhops write an Epiftle , in -which they affert Three Sub- fiances in Chriff, his Divinity, his Soul and his Body, and fay withall that a Ban' Fag' trill begat a Will, that is, the Divine Will begat the Humane. The numbers of One, Two, and Three, had fo confounded Men in thofe times , that the words frightned the Pope, andhe expoftulated and warned them to take heed in what fenfe they ufed them; which bath made it a queftion whether this Pope were not erroneous himfelf. § 45.. CCXVIII. Another Council at Toletum againft the Monothe- lites. §4a. Pope yohn 5th was the firft Confecrated without the Emperorfince the liberty granted. Theodoric King of France called a Council, An. 685. in which he depo- fed-feveral Bifhops. § 43. Conftantine Pog. dying, uftinian ad his Son is Emperor. Blunius faith, he wasnot found i `f n the Faith (a hard thing then !) And that he re- pented' of the liberty granted in chillingPopes, and fo ordered that the Ex- arch of Ravenna approve them, by which Bribery was ufed with the Ex- - archs. And while theSoldiers and Clergy could not agree, they were fain to confesse to à third, Conon, to be Pope. § 44. Comm being dead, Theodore and Pafchal ftrove for the Popedoni, and