zoò Church-Hiory of 1r3ilhops and andwicked Men, when they meet again but to make Church-Canons for Reformation ? If this donot tell you how truly Binniuw faith, in their own judgment [ that Councils havejuft fomuch authority as the Popegiveth there] what can tell it you ? 4 49. Yea,Biñnius makes this Council to be Momithelites : And were the fame Men Orthodox in the 5th or 6thCouncil ten years before,and Hereticks in this? Isthis the conllancy of the Church and Bifhops Faith ? § 5o. The s 3th Canon is one that difpleafeth them ; in which the pra- or &ice of theChurch of Rouse in feparating Prices from their Wives , is ex- prefly renounced ; and it is decreed that noPrice be required to feparate from his Wife, (fo be it they abftain at Fails and neceflary Seafons) nor any Prieff.endured to put away his Wife, on pretence of piety; elfe he muff be depofed. § 5 T. Another, is the r6th Canon, that maketh 'Deacons like Overfeers of the Poor. § 5z. The azd is ahard Canon that Bifhops and Prices, ordainedwith money, and not by examination and eleêtion, be depofed , and they that of- 'dained them. § 53. The 36th Canon difpleafeth them alto, which confers the Church of Conftantinoole's Priviledges as equal withRome. ' § 54. The 38thCanon containeth one great caufe of the old Confufi- ons, viz. That whatever alteration the Imperial Power makes on any City, the Eeclefiallical Order elfo follow it. Did God make this Law? Are not as many Souls in aTown that's noCity as capable of being a Church as Citi- zens ? It is in the Princes power to'make and unmake Cities : May he ac- cordingly makeor unmakeChurches? What if a King will have but one City in his Kingdom, muff there be no moreChurches or Bifhops ? What if there be no Cities (as, in many American and Arabian Countries) muff: there be no Churches ? What if the King will disfranchize mole of the Cities, and another will make every Market Town a City; muff Churches be altered àccordingly ? If fo, O that our 'King would make us fomany Cities,as the work and the fouls of Men need true Bifhops, that one might not have a thoufand Parifhes without any fùbordinate Bifhop ! But if this hold, the Emperor might have taken down Rome, and let up Confiantinotle, or any other at pleafure. 55. Can. 5o. Forbad Clergy and Laity to play at Dice, on pain of Deporaion, orSegregation, And Can.-51. forbids going toShews, Jeffers, Stage-Plays;Huntings. The S5thCanon commands the Churchof Rome to amend their Cullom?, andnot to fall on Sabbath"-day. Can. 6z. Forbids Womens Publick Dancings, and Mens and Womens to- gether, and their putting on Mafìluers or Players Apparel, or Perfons, &c. Can. 63. Commaudeth the burning of fafeHiftaries of the Martyrs, as tendingto bringing Religion into reproach. Can.