Baxter - BR161 B28 1680

202 C6urch-Hiflory : of Bijhops anci § 6t. Tiberius the id depofed 5uftinian the-2d, and cut oifliisNofe,and banished himr fuftinian was reftored, and expofed Tiberius to fcorn, and killed him , and banished BithopCallinicus to Rome for unfaithfulnefs to his Prince. yohn the 6thwas now Pope. §63. 'John the 7th is made Pope ( another Council at Toletum under King Witiza I pafs by) he was a Greek. CCXXVI. He gather'd a Synod :at Rome,to debate °fuftinian's Order for the receiving the Trail. Concil. And our EnglifhWiilifrd, accufed by hisKing, was here justified, as aSon of that Church : And a synod in England received him, when the King was dead. § 64. Sifsnnius made Pope lived but to days, and Conftantine fücceeded him, whowas, fent for toConftantinople, and honoured by yuftinian. § 6y, About this time (An. 7oS.) Spain was conquered by the Sara- 62 cens; Binniusfaith' Becaufe King Witizaforfook the See of Rome. By which we ítill fie that Roe was forfaken even by the beft Church, fuch as Spain then was,and wasnot the Ruler of theWorld. § 66. Bardanes Philippicus byRebellion depofed `fufiinian,and was made Emperor ; and within twoyears was fo ufed himfelf by Anaftafus, (his eyes put out, and he banished. ) § 67. CCXXVII. The Emperor Philippicus and `fob. Confiant. called General Council at Confiantinople; I may well call it General, when Binnius faith, There were innumerable Bithops, which is not faid of any otherCouncil. They all condemned the 6th General Council, and their Opinion of two ¡'Puis, and two Operations. Where it is manifeft, E. How great a part of the Church 'regarded not the Authority of Rome. 2. Nor thought a General Council infallible, when innumerable Bops are againft both. 3. And how ftrong the Monóthelite Party was. 4. And alas, howbad too many Bishops, that can change asfall as Empe- rors will have them. For faithBinnius (after Baronies) ( Thus at the beck of the Emperor, and at the will of a Monotl?elite Patriarch r the holy fzxth: Synod is condemned, and what they decreedof two Wilts in Chrif, and two Operations, and all retralted by the Decree and :Subfcription of very many.Ori-- ental Bithops-, that were in one moment turned from being Catholiques, to be -. Monothelites. J Is this the conftancyof Bifhops, and the certainty of their 'Tradition? But why have we not the ASts of this great Council, as well as of the reft ? CIIAPö.