204 Cburch-Hiftory4f Bilhops and end was added, That the Virgin Mary's Image mull be fit up in the place.) The Pope fent to KingKenred and King Offa by Biíhòp Brithwald, to grant what the Vifion intended; whoobediently make over a great part of the Countrey to that1Vlónaflery,as you may fee defcribed in Spelmau, Cone. p. z09, z t o. in Charta Kenredi & Oft Regum. And p. 2 i t. in Charta Egwini, who faith himfelf, that [God beingpropitious to him, he had in a little time got for the faid Church anhundred and twenty Farms given , as is written and confirmed in the Charter of that Church. Many Villages are there named, and force great cnes,inthefatteft and richefc part ofthe Coun- ty of Worcefier. Was not this a profitable Dream or Vifion? And fhould wenothave many Dreamers and Swearers, if, they could get, as much by it as Egwin did ? And herewith Images are fet up. § 3. But Baroniiii and Binnius queflion whether Naucler , and, Bale fay true, that this Council firff brought Image-worfhip into England, becaufe it Pag.z r7, came in before with. Auftin the Monk. To which Spelman.* well anfwer- tig. . vide eth, That the ufe of the Crofs in banners and otherwife-was here before,and cacera. fume Images for Inflru&ion and Commemoration, asBeda's own words in- timate ; but not any worfhip of Images, or worfhiping,before and towards them.. And Sir H. Spelnsán faith, (proving thatImage-worfhip was not then in ufe among the Saxons.) that evenpraying to the Saints themfelves was not then in ufe, mentiòning an old.Pfalter of, his written about the time of the 2d Nicene Council, in which there were an hundred feventy and one Pray- ers inferted between the Sellions of the a a 9th,Pfaln?, and inthem all not one name ofany Saint, or the VirginMary, much lets any Prayer diredfed to them. §_ 4. If one, talk now with our Englifh Papifls, they are lò loth to own their 'own Do6rine and Pradiice, that theywill tell you they hold not the worfhiping of the Image, but of the Perkin fignified by it. But to tell them how commonly their Writers defend worfhipping Images , (if Colere and Cutts!: lignifie Worship) and what Aquinas faith of giving the worfhip of Latria to the Image of Chrifi, and to the Croft, though undeniable, yet will not be taken for fufñcient proof. I fhall therefore give you here She -fènfè of the Papal Church in England, in the form of Abjuration which they prefcribed to thofe that they then called Lolards, as it is found in the Tcwer Records; and youmufl.take it in the old Engli(h in which it is writ, ten, becaufe I do but tranfcribe.it, and mú$ not, alter it, the fenfe of it being plain and obvious.