their Councils abridged. 205 "Ex Rotulo Claufax. de Anno Regni Regir Ricardi fecundi rg membr. "sSdors. Emorand. quodprimo die Septembris Anno Regni Regie Ricardi fe- se cundi pool Conqueftumdecimo neno Willielmtor Dynel & Nicholatss G°Taillour, Michaelirs Poucher, e7, Ilielmm Steynóur, de Nottingham in Con- " cellar. ipfüte Regis. perfonaliter confided Sacramenta dïvifim profiterunt lab " ea qui fequitur tenore. [II Ilìam Dynel beforyhow worchipfull Fader and "Lorde Archbyfhop of Thorke and yhowwr Clergie, with my flee will and full " avyfdefwere to Gode and to all hie feyntes uppon this holy_Gofpelle that fro " this day forthwarde I fhall Worfl ip Ymages with preying andoffering unto " hem in the worfchip of the feintes thae they be made after and alfo I "(hallnever more del pyfe pygremage neRatesof holy Chyrche in nodegree. And " atfo Ifhall be buxom to the lames of holy Chirche and toyhow as myn Arch- "byfhop and to myn other ordinares and Curates and kepe yo loaves uppon my "power and meynten hem. And alfo I fhall meynten ne techen ne' defenden "-erreurs concluftons & techynges of the Lollards ne fwycb conclufions and "techings that men clepyth Lollardes doétryn Ne Ifhall her bikes ne fwwycb "bikes ne hem or any fuffieEt or defamed of Lollardery refceyne or company "with all wyttyngly or defende in yo matters and if I know ony.fwych Ifleaíl " withall the haft that Imay doghowe or el!your ner Officers to wyten and " of her bikes. 4nd allfo Ifhall excite andftirr all tho to good dohtryn that " Ihave hinder'dwith myn dotirynup my power. Andalto Ifhall fionde to " yhourdeclaration wych es herefy or errour and do therafter and alfa what " penannce yhe wel fer that I haue don {or tneyntenyng of this fall dohlryn ce menyne andI fhallfulfill it and I fubmit me therto up my power. And "alfa Ifhall make no other glofe of this myn oth bot as the wordes fonde.. "And if it be fo that I come agayn or do agayn this oth or anyparty thereof `t I bilde me bere camparle eean heretyke and to be punyfbed by the luau as an "hereyk and to forfeit all my goodes to the Kynges will wyth euten any or& "proctife of lave. And therto I require the Notario to make of all this the "which it my will an:infirument agens me ut ex habundanti idem Willielmoss "Dyneleodem die voluit recognovit quod omnia bona & catallafua mobillia: "nobir fins forisfaîta in cafe quo ipfe juramentum prædiEtum feu aliqua in " eodem juramento contenta de cetero contravenerit ul e mode.. Here you fee whether Papilla worfhip Images) and whether they take it not for Herefie ( which is death) not to worfhip them, and whether they leave it to mens liberty or not.. § S: Leo Ifaurus being Emperor, he took the worfhipping of Images to be Idolatry; and his Empire being invaded by the Saracens, who were Randall- zed