Baxter - BR161 B28 1680

I o.6 Chsarcb-Hiftory of 1r3ifhops and zed by the Chriffians Images, he thought it was awarning to him to reorm them ; and he publifhed his Edi& accordingly againff the Religious adora- Stion and life of the Images of Angels, Martyrs,or Saints. Gregory, Bithop of Rome, refitted him, and made Men-believe that this was to fight againft Chriff,and impioully to defpife the Saints. The Emperor commanded his Obedience on pain of Depofition. He would neither obey nor fuller. he Emperor fent Men toapprehend him, (forne fay to kill him , ) but he a ta- ped them. The Lombards were ftirred up to make War againff the Ein- ó peror asan Enemy of Chriff : [ The Pope ( faith Binnius , p, 577. out of Zonaras ) entered into a League with Charles Martell King of France , that, if there were need, he Mould defend the Church of Rome againfi. the Emperor ( their - -proper Sovereign) which League beingprudently made, the Emperor abftained7for fear of Charles, who bygreat- Villorieswas become fa.. mous:--But when the Emperor Would not obey the Pope's pions warnings , but ufed Tyranny in the Eaff againii the Orthodox, then the Pope anathematized him as a known declaredHeretick, and exhorted all his Subje$s in Italy to depart from his obedience.] Note how Rebellion is the work and ftrength of the Roman Papacy: But ,do not our Papiffs now difown all this, and profefs themfelves to be the Loyalleft Subje&s ? Anfw. If theydo, let them join Reftitution withConfefiìon. If the Fa- ther feize on another mansInheritance, and the Son keep it, and difclaim his Fathers a&, this is buta dead Confeffïon. But hear the next words in Rtnssins, and judge whatllo&rine yet they hold, [ uofat-to Santliffimus Pcntifex clariffimurnpofieras fuis religuit ex- emplum ; ne in Ecclefta Chrigi regere permittantur h eretici Principes , fifre- quenter moniti errori pertinaciter adh erefcant.] That is,BY WHICH FACT ( depofing the Emperor in Italy , and abfolving all his Subje&s from their Obedience) THE MOST HOLY POPE LEFT HIS POSTERITY A MOST CLEAR (or Famous) EXAMPLE, THAT HERETICAL PRINCES MAY NOT BE PERMITTED TO RULE , IF BEING 'OFT WARNED THEY PERTINACIOUSLY ADHERE TO ER- ROR. ] Note this ye Princes and Rulero that hear of Papal Loyalty. s. It is not lawful for them, if theycan help it, to permit any of you to reign over Chriffians, if they do butjudge youHeretical. To tolerate you is again}} their Confciences, if to depofe you benot above their ftrength. z. By this Rule you fee, that they were virtual Rebels tomoff or many Emperors, when they duel; not a&ually rebel. i . When Conftantine the -Great banifhed Athanafius, it's like they would have taken him for an Here- tick. z. Conftantius and Valens being Arrians, the Pope did virtually rebel againlf them, and depofè them (if then they were of the fame mind asnow.) 3. Theodofius junior, Zeno, Anaftafles, and other Emperors they virtually de- pofed as.Eutychians. 4. yuftinian the fief they virtually depofed as aPhan- tafiaftick.