their Councils abridged. zoo tafiafick. 5. Philippicus, and many more Emperors are called by them Mo- nothelites. 6. Leo and Conftantine, and others, are called Iconoclaft e. 7. Ma- nyChriftian Princes and States, now arecalled by them Proteftant or Luthe- ran Hereticks. All thefe, they fay, are fuck as may not be permitted , and therefore they have interpretatively and virtually, rebelled , and depofed them. 3. You fee how great amatter this Excommunication is,and how impoB ble it is, by it for Kings and States to continuelong in any right to their Do- minions : For all men err ; and while there are fò many Patriarchs,Prelates, if not Prieffs that have the power of Excommunicating, all men may expec`,t it : For he that is orthodox in the judgment of one Patriarch, will be a Heretick in the judgment of another : while Rome, Conft. Alexand. Antioch, ferufal. arefo feldom of one mind. If with the repenting Lol1ou d( afore laid ) you will fwear to hold that for Error whichthe Archbifhop of 22rk faith is fuch, perhaps the Archbifhop of Canterbury may be of the contrary mind : Thofe called Arrianj, Neftoriano, Eutychians, Menothelites, Iconoclafts, &c. have in their turns had muff of the known Chriftian World. And he that isExcommunicateby one, muff be receivedbynone. But if it be the Popes prerogative, that though more mayExcommu nicate Kings and Emperours, none but he can depofe them, and difoblige all their Subje&s, it's pity out thofe Princes that are in love withfuck a Papacy Ihould knowby experience what they love : For he that will take Satan for his Ruler, muff bear the inconveniences of his Government. S. You fee here how the Empire was weakned, and fo.expofed to the Turk ; even by,the Rebellion. of Rome cutting off the Welters; Empire from it. 6. And you feewhat true Subjefts theywere to the Ar:riae, Gothifh Kings, at Rome, Spain, &c. who wouldhave depofed them if they could. Wham wonder if the Goths kept down the Pope. § 6. In thefe times the Pope met with anEnglifh Bifhop Wilfrid, who ex traordinarily flattered and adored him, and he accordingly made himBiop of Mentz, and his great agent ( even about this forefaid Englifh Council which was to fet up Church-Images :) and recommended him to many Chriftian Princes: And whywas all this ? and what was his rare meta ? He took.this Oath to the Pope( Bin. p.. r<:y 8 ), (<' ' In the name of the Lord 7e- ' fits Chrift our Saviour, in the Reign of Leo. the great Emperour &c. I Boni- ' ` face,Bifhop by the Grace of God,doPromife to thee, Peter, Princeof the Alga* ' `ftles,and to thyVicar PopeGregory andbis SucceJrs, by the Father,Sonand " Holy Ghoft, the infeparable Trinity, and this-molt Holy Body of thine, that ' ` Iwillexhibite allfaith andpurity of holy Cátholick faith, and: in unity of " the famefaith, God operating, will per/ift, in which all the falvation of "Cbriftians is proved undoubtedly to conf:ft; and will no way content;, whoever perfwadeth me,againft the unity ofthe common and univerfalchurch, " but, as Ifaid, will exhibite myfaith and purityand concourfe to thee- and to !..`the Profits of thy, Church,, to. whom by the Lord the Power of binding and' " loojîup '.