Baxter - BR161 B28 1680

ßo8 ChurcL'-HtJory of 13ijhops and c. loofin is given., and to thy aforefaid Vicar and his Succeffárs in all things, &c.. Nothing is mere meritorious with a Pope, or any Prelate of that Spirit, than to be lutely devoted to him, and (wear obedience to him : Indeed they-that are fully fallen fromGod c as Satan is ) would be as Gods to the world.themfelves, and have all men dependupon the'm;and obey them: ß 7. What Arguments moved the Emperor to be a inff Images, (fpecial ty the zd Commandment ) and flow Gregory thought thatit was not the Images ofGod and Chriff, and Angels andSaints tha( were forbidden, you may fee in his ÉpifIles too long to he here recited. 8. Here Binntuc inferteth three Roman Councils One curling unlaw- ful Marriages. Another perfuadingg Corbinianus to keep his Bifhoprick, who would fain have laid it down. And a third for Images,againff the Iconoclafts (-the Emperor's Hereue. ). § 9. Gregory 3d fucceedeth Gregory td. He fendeth his Epiffles for Images to the Emperor. The firff Meffenger durff not deliver them. The reft were ftopt at Sicily, andkept Prifoners. The Lombards ineffed Italy and Rome. ThePope importuneth the FrenchKing for help. Alphonfus is made King in Spain againff the Saracens, and firff called himfelf [Catholick King.] TwofiCouncib,Binnius fàith,were held at Rome for Images. The Title of the fecond is, [Pro Imaginum Gultu, for the Worfhip of Images: An. 7 3 t. Image-worfhip was then avowed. But the Eaftern Churches did more obeythe Emperor. § i o. Pope Zachary coming next, in whofe time Italy was diffreffed by Luitprandus Kingof the Lombards, who took four Cities from the Pope, be- caufe he protefed Trafznmundus Duke of Spoleto The Romans helpedTrafi- mund, on condition he would ref ore to themthe four Cities; he performeth not his promife : wherefore Pope Zachary turnedto Luitprand, and to win him, Salutaria illi pr edicavit, faith Anaftafius ; and he promifed him to re- {tore the four.Cities. For the performance whereof, this Pope travelled to him himfeif, ( noted by Ana/lafìus as a great a& of felf-denial,as venturing his life for the Caufè.of God, that he would go to theKing to ask for four Cities ) which he happily obtained. § r t. in this Pope's time the Crown of France was tranflated from the King and his Line, to a Subje&, hit Major Dom / "s. Charles Martell,the great French Conqueror was the Pope's Patronagainff -theEmperor, who was. his Sovereign. Gratian. d, a6. q. r. poil Can. 59 tells it usas a matter ofChu ch-creciit,th-at when he was dead,he was damned' to Hell (much blood, and defending opes that rebel dganetl their Sovereign are a very likely proof.) Carolomannus fucceeded him, who, after two years ,fteign,refhgned his Crown, and chofe a Monaffery. Chi/perk that came after, ,provedvery dull and fenfual, and giving him/elf to his pleafure, Iet the bufinefs of Government lie wolf on the hands of Pepin , who was his Major 13omlrs, who thereby got the power and the rJeát that was proper to the