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their Councils abridged. 209 the King, while theKing grew into contempt. (And if Kings.cannot keep up their Power and Honour by the meer dignity of their. place , without perfonal worth and performance;why íhould Popes,Prelates and Priefls,(whofe Power and Honour, as aPhyficians, depend upon their Worth and Work ) expe& to keepup their Power and Honour ',needy by their Offices? ) Pepin won firlt the Nobles of France, and then the. Pope ; For, as Baronius and Binnius ( p. s 97. ) tell us, " [ It feemed to the moft Potent Pepin (Major " Donsis) (*) and to the rat of the chief Men, and to all the People, that *) Na " he that had not the Matter and Force of the Kingdom , fheuld not have wonder. " the name of a King; and on the contrary, he that had the Riches, Power " and Virtue, fhould alfo have the name of King: And bcaufe thefe Princes " and People were Chr/ians,"theyjudged that thefe, their Councils would nei- ther fiand ratified to Pofierity, nor be acceptable enough to God, unlefs they re- " ceived Authority and Force from the common'Father and Pírflor of the " Chri/tianChurch, the 'Vicar of the Lord Chrift , and Succeffor of St. Peter. "Therefore they fendLegates to Rome to Zachary,of whom Bifhop Burchardus ". Herbipol. was the chief, who were to ask the things aforefaid of him. He " confented, and decreed,and wrote back, that Chilperic being thrult into a "Monaftery, ( *) St. Boniface fhould declare and anoint Pepin King in Ger- ( *) *ere "manyand.France : Boniface, Bifhop of Mentz, obeyed -Pope Zachary , and notMVlonks "by the Authority of the See Apoftolic, depofed Chilperic, ( called alfo Childe- holy men " rsc) and placed Pepin in his fiead. Thus ofeginhart in Pit. Car. Mag. then ? Annal. Franc. an. 7 5-1. Paul. Diac. li. ai. Mariam Scotus li. 3. Regina " li. a. an. 749. Sigebertin Chron. Lambert in Hilt. Germ. Otho Frifing. "li. 5. a i. Ado. eetate 6,fol. z s 3. Aimoinus h. q.. c. 65, &c. Tea (fay they) " theHereticks of our times deny not the Híbry.--But they fharplly impugn two " circumiances: Thefrlt is, that it was agr'eat wrong to Chilperic, that the " Kingdomwas taken from him: The fecund; ghat the faid Tranflation was "made by the con,Pent of the Council, Nobles and Common, without the Authc- "rity of the Apoftolic Seat *. Serarius proveth that the caufe of the Tranfla- * If ou " tim of the Kingdom Was tuft. 's. Becaufe all the belt men did defere and will y " wifh it, and did by their counfel and help co-operate to it. a. Becaufe St. needs " B4hop Burchardus did,asLegate, follicite the Popefor it. 3. Pope Zachary have he " commanded it to be done ; 4. And the molt Holy Boniface at the Pope's fo nbad a " command did execute, it. y. And being approvedby Divine Tefiimony, it work, " is recited in the facred Canons, i S. q.6. c. alius. 6. And by none of the (that you " old Hiftorians not prated, or difallowed : Only our new Hereticks,that love may have " Novelty, Arrogance and Rebellion by their perverfe judgment by Contumelies dowhero "andLyes difallow it. And that it was by the Authority of the Apofiolick like) take " Seat, that the Kingdomwar tranflated from Chilpéric to Pepin, the fore- "faid Hiftorians dofa exprefly fay, that it's a wonder withwhat front the in- "novating Hereticks dare call it inqueftion. Laflly, It is here to be noted,that . " it was by this fame Pope Zachary that the nomination or poftulation ofBithops "for the vacantChurchee in his Kingdom, was granted to King Pepin. There- "fire ifelfewhereyou read that the Kings ofFrance give Bifhops to theChurches, E e " remember