2 I o Church-110ory of Difhops and "remember that it is not done by their own Right, but by the Grant of the "Apollolick Seat : Invain therefore do the innovating Hereticks glory in this "Argument, who endeavor tofubjeEt the Church to Kings.] So far Binnius °C7* after Bûronius. § r a. From this Story and thefe words, let the Reader think how to an- fwer thefe Queftions. eefl. r. Hadnot Kings need to take heed of making any one man too great, if greatnefs and exercife of Government, give him fo much right to theKingdom ? a. Had not Kings need to look to their manners, for their Crowns fake, as well as their Souls; if Luft, Senfuality andDulnefs-forfeit their King- doms? -u. 3. Did not Wars and weakning of the Empire make a great change with Popes, when they that were fet up and banifhed at the Emperor's plea- fure, can now fiat depofé the Emperor in the Weft, for being againft-Images and Perfecuting, and then can rranflate the Crown of France ? u,. 4. Was not an ambitious Pope a fit Tool for Pepin and his Con fe"d'erates to Work-by, to put a pious globs on their Confpiracy ? not the Pope rife thus by ferving the turns of Confpirators, . and of Princes in their quarrels with one another ? . g. 6. Are Sub3ofs Judges when a King's Sins make him unworthy of the Crown ? e. 7. Yea,is the Pope Judge, and hath he power to depofeKings , if he judge them fuch Sinners, and unfit for Government ? 8. Is it a good Reafon that aKing is juftlydepofed,becaufe GoodMen andHoly Bithops are the Defirers and Promoters of it ? emu. 9. Would not this Reafon have ferved Maximess againft Gratina ?' Was it not Cromwel's Plea? If he had but had the Pope and People on his . fide, you fee how it would have gone. -u. r o. Is it the mark of an Innovating Hèretick, to fay that the Church ftöuld be fubjeíl toKings:; when Paul and. Peter Paid it of all Chriftians fo Ion ago ?' Iu. a .t. Is it a Note that Proteftants love Rebellion , becaufe they are againft Popes depofing Kings? Or is there anyheed to be takenofthe words of impudent Revilers, that dare fpeak before God and Man at this rate ? Is depofing Kings the Papilla freedom from Rebellion, and is our oppofing it a charaóler of Rebels ? mss. ra. Is it any wonder that Bifhop Burchardm defired it, and that Blhop Bonsface executed the Pope's command,who had been tranfiated from England by him to fuch dignity, and had fworn Obedience and Service to him ? J. Z!. s 3. Is it anywonder that the Pope made thefe BithopsSaints? fir. 14. I hope they were really godly Men : But is it any wonder that force good Men at fuch a time as that, did thinkit:had been for the intereft of