their Councils abridged. 21I of Religion, to have all Power in theClergies hands, efpecially being them- felves Bithops that were to have fo great a flare? How few Bithops are afraid of too much power, or ever do refufe it r- u. I 5. If the Kingof France had hisKingdom by the Pope's gift,what wonder if he had the power of nominating Bithops altoby his gift ? Rü. 16. Whether he that bath power to give , bath not power to take away, and be notJudge when the Caufe is jul}? .42u. 17. With what face do Papiffsat once make thefe claims,and yet pro- fefs Loyalty to Kings ? 4q. i 8. Whether it concern not Kings to underl}and on what terms they hand with the Popeand his Clergy , that muff not be fubjedt to them , but have power to depofe them ? u, r 9. If there be anyPartyamong them that hath more Loyal Prin- ciples, is it a fign of the concord of their Church, that agreeth not in mat- ter of fo great moment ? Or aproof that the Pope is the infallibleJudge of Controverlies, that will not determine fo great aPoint on which the Peace of Kingdoms doth depend ? § t 3. About the fame time they perfuaded Rachis King of the Longo- bards, Succeffor to Luitprand,for the love of Religion to laydownhis Crown, and go into a Monaftery ; fo that Monafteries are places for the worfl and the heft ; fome too bad to reign, andTome too good, left they fhould over- mafter the Clergy. § 14. It may be you will think that this Pope Zachary, and his fworn Vaffal St. Boniface, were fome very profound Divines that could by their wifdom Ind piety thus mailer Kingdoms. Doubtlefs they were zealous Ad- verfaries to Herefies (except their own) and Succeffors of the Hereticating and DamningFathers. For Èpift. o. ( Bin. p. ao6, 207, a.o8.) Zachary writeth to Boniface, to expel Virgilius from the Church and Prietthood , for holding Antipodes, viz. that Sun- Thine, and Moon-light, and Men are under the Earth, as well as here which wecall over it. The words are , [De per- versa autem etJ' íniqua dotirina,qua centra Dominum6- Animam foam locutor eft, ficlarificatum fuerit ita eum-confiteri, quod alisa munders & alai hommes fob terrafiat, feu Sol & Luna; hunt habito Concilio abEcclefia pelle Sacerdotii honore privatum. ] That is , " But as to the perverfe and. unjuft Dottrine " which he bathJpoken againft the Lord and his own Soul, if it be made clear " that he fo confeffeth, that under the Earth there is another world and other " Men, and Sun andMoon; call a Council,and depriving him of the honour " of Priefthood, drive him out of the Church. ] That by [ another world] is meant Antipodes, or the other fide of the Earth inhabited , is doubt- lefss. § tg. !' u. r. Did God make Popes to be the Governors of the Antipo- des, for Co many hundred years, before they knew that there was any Antipo- des ? And when they excommunicated and filenced thofe that affirmed it ? E e .ts